
2022年10月14日 | 市場准入

德國萊因TÜV認證 TÜV Rheinland Accreditation

澳洲 Australia

德國萊因TÜV澳洲公司發證資質更新標準AS/NZS 62368:2022版,可接受基於第三版IEC 62368的CB報告申請相關產品的符合性證書 (COA)。


Standard AS/NZS 62368:2022, Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment Part 1: Safety requirements (IEC 62368-1:2018(ED. 3.0), MOD), has been added to JAS-ANZ scope of TÜV Rheinland Australia Pty. Ltd.

In addition, TÜV Rheinland Australia also extended JAS-ANZ scope of below standards:


資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom

Chile 智利

2022年9月6日,智利電信監管機構 (SUBTEL) 發佈第2844號決議,以修改2017年第1985號決議中三項關於短距離設備 (SRD) 的頻率分配和功率限值。


  • 第一條第h項: 移除以下用於醫療應用的設備的頻段和場強值“2400 to 2483.5 MHz,50 mV/m at 3 meters”
  • 第一條第i項: 重新定義工作頻段為76~77 GHz車載雷達的最大輸出功率為50 dBm EIRP
  • 第一條第j.1項: 將WiFi 6E的頻率範圍從“5925-7125 MHz”重新定義為“5925-6425 MHz”

Subsecretaría de Telecomunicaciones (SUBTEL) in Chile has published Resolución 2844 Exenta on September 6, 2022, updating Resolución 1985 Exenta, the Fixed Technical Standard for Short Range Devices. While awaiting the decision international harmonization at the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), SUBTEL found it necessary to adjust the frequency bands of Wi-Fi 6 technology in the regulations. Updates to Resolución 1985 Exenta include:

  • Article 1 – Item H – 2.4 GHz has been removed for Medical Appliances, which are now covered by Item J.1 (Max EIRP 1 W)
  • Article 1 – Item I – “Conducted power of 10 mW, and antennas with maximum gain of 40 dB” is replaced by “Max EIRP limit 50 dBm”
  • Article 1 – Item J.1 – Where it previously said “that operates in the frequency band of 5925-7125 MHz” it now says “that operates in the frequency band of 5925-6425 MHz”


China 中國


  • 改革完善電子電器產品強制性認證制度。將安全風險較高的鋰離子電池、電源供應器/充電器納入強制性認證管理,對安全風險較低、技術較為成熟的資料終端、多媒體終端等9種產品不再實行強制性認證管理。
  • 改革完善電信設備進網許可制度。動態調整實行進網許可制度的電信設備目錄。將衛星互聯網設備、功能虛擬化設備納入進網許可管理,對與電信安全關聯較小、技術較為成熟的固定電話終端、傳真機等11種電信設備不再實行進網許可管理。精簡優化進網許可檢測專案,相應降低檢測收費標準。將進網許可的審批承諾時限壓減至15個工作日。將進網試用批文的有效期由1年延長至2年。
  • 優化無線電發射設備型號核准制度。將無線電發射設備型號核准的審批承諾時限壓減至15個工作日。除受限於無線電頻率規劃調整和頻率使用許可期限要求外,將《無線電發射設備型號核准證》有效期限短於2年的延長至2年以上。優化無線電發射設備型號核准代碼編碼模式,工業和資訊化部制定發佈編碼規則,由企業自主按照編碼規則編制核准代碼,便利企業安排生產計畫,但產品取得型號核准前不得銷售或者使用。
  • 推動電子電器產品准入自檢自證。2022年底前確定一批條件完備、具有良好品質管理水準和信用的電信設備、無線電發射設備、資訊技術設備和家用電器生產企業開展自檢自證試點。試點企業申請辦理電信設備進網許可、無線電發射設備型號核准、強制性認證時,除網路安全等特殊檢測專案外,可以採用本企業檢測報告替代協力廠商檢測報告。根據試點效果,逐步推廣電子電器產品准入自檢自證制度。


On September 23, 2022, The General Office of The State Council issued the “Opinions of The General Office of The State Council on Deepen Institutional Reform on Electrical and Electronics Industry” to optimize the access management mechanism for electrical and electronics products.

  • CCC: As a way to improve the compulsory certification mechanism, the list of electrical and electronics for compulsory certification will be subject to dynamic adjustment, and nine types of products, including data terminal equipment with low safety risks and mature technology will be removed from the compulsory certification management. Li-ion batteries and power adapters/chargers with higher safety risks are included in CCC approval.
  • NAL: The network access license mechanism of telecommunication equipment will be improved, satellite internet equipment and function virtualization devices will be included under a dynamic device list, the circular said, and 11 types of telecommunications equipment such as fixed telephone terminals are no longer included. The time frame for network access approval is set to be reduced to 15 working days and the validity period of the approval document will be extended from 1 year to 2 years, according to the circular.
  • SRRC: Optimize the type approval mechanism for radio transmission equipment. The time frame for approving radio transmission equipment models will be reduced to 15 working days and the validity period of the approval document will be extended to more than 2 years. To optimize the coding mode of radio transmission equipment type approval codes, the Ministry of Industry an Information Technology shall formulate and issue coding rules, the enterprises shall independently complie the approval codes according to the coding rules, so as to facilitate enterprises to arrange production plans, but products shall not be sold or used before obtaining type approval.
  • Promote self-inspection and self-certification of electronic and electrical products. Promote self-inspection and self-certification of electronic and electrical products.Electrical and electronics appliances manufacturing enterprises are encouraged to carry out self-inspection and self-certification on their products, the circular said. Before the end of 2022, a group of telecommunications equipment, radio transmission equipment, information technology equipemnt and household appliance manufacturers with complete conditions and good quality management level and credit will be identified to carry out self-inspecion and self-certification pilot projects. When pilot enterprises apply for NAL, SRRC and CCC, in addition to special testing items such as network security, they can use their own testing reports.


Philippines 菲律賓

菲律賓 NTC發佈針對手機短信詐騙的解決方案。方案措施應在備忘錄發佈後 15 日內實施,並構成向 NTC 備案的型式認可/驗收和相關許可證的強制性要求的一部分。

Philippines NTC Had announced on 14th September 2022  on Mobile Phone Solutions Against Text Scams  under memorandum order no. 006-09-2022

This is to an memorandum to protect mobile phone users from text scams.

After discussed with all stake holder, NTC directs the representatives of mobile phones , manufacturers, distributors and dealers to implement the following measures to inform public of these protective mobile features through various means , Such as but not limited to : 

Mobile phone manufacturers , distributors and dealers shall provide directions to their mobile phone users on how to block texts from mobile numbers not in their contact lists and how to create a spam folder in their inboxes, These directions shall be disseminated through the manufacturer’s websites and social media accounts (ie, Facebook and Instagram and etc )

Mobile phone manufacturers , distributors and dealers shall put up posters in their physical stores to educate their mobile phone buyers on how to use, enable or activate the text blocking, spam folder and other similar features in their phones 

Mobile phone manufacturers , distributors and dealers shall include in each new mobile phone package an insert or leaflet containing directions on how to use , enable or activate the text blocking , spam folder and other similar features in their phones 

The above measures shall be implement within 15 days from issuance of the memorandum and shall form part of the mandatory requirements for type approval/acceptance and related permits to file to NTC.


South Korea 韓國

[法規草案] 2022 年 9 月 16 日,韓國科技標準局KATS發佈了《電器和消費品安全管理法實施條例》的修正案草案。草案將安全驗證的電動汽車充電器的適用範圍從“額定輸出200kVA以下的產品”擴大到“500kVA以下的產品”。 草案還將直流42V及以下的電蒸鍋和暖腳器的安全管理等級從“安全驗證目標”放寬為“供應商符合性驗證目標”。為明確變壓器、電動汽車充電器、電源轉換器、資訊通訊辦公設備等安全管控範圍,文件進一步將這些產品範圍內規定的“額定容量”改為“額定輸出”。對此修正案草案感興趣的各方可在2022 年 11 月16 日之前提供意見。

On 16 September 2022, the Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) issued a draft amendment to the Enforcement Regulation of the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act. This draft was issued to change the scope and level of safety management for certain electrical and electronic products.

Specifically, the draft expands the scope of application of electric vehicle chargers subject to safety verification, from “products with rated output of 200kVA or less” to “those with 500kVA or less”.

The draft also relaxes the safety management level of electric steamers and foot warmers with DC 42V or less, from “safety verification targets” to “supplier’s conformity verification targets”.

Lastly, in order to clarify the scope of safety control of transformers, electric vehicle chargers, power converters, and information and communication office equipment, the document further changes a term “rated capacity” specified in the scope of these products to “rated output”.

Interested parties on this draft amendment may submit their comments via e-mail to inseok0822@korea.kr until 16 November 2022.


Taiwan 台灣

BSMI頒佈應施檢驗資訊商品數位攝影機及數位相機之相關檢驗規定,自 2025年1月1日起,表列商品-數位攝影機及數位相機(屬醫療器材或電信終端設備者除外),檢驗方式采型式認可逐批檢驗或驗證登錄雙軌並行。詳情請參考此連結 https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1663056276899.pdf

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI)
changed the conformity assessment procedure of digital cameras due to the high rate of non-compliant market surveillance results. The new conformity assessment procedure will be Registration of Products Certification (Modules II+III) or Type-approved Batch Inspection (TABI). The amendments will take effect from 1 January 2025.
For details, please refer to this link:  https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1662443415219.pdf


Thailand 泰國

泰國工業部於 2022 年 9 月 20 日發佈新的工業標準 TIS 2238-2565“電磁相容性 – 家用電器、電動工具和類似電器的要求,第 1 部分:噪聲排放”。

TIS 2238-2565 的範圍擴展到:

  • 家用電器,如各種清潔用具;
  • 電動工具,例如電動工具和園林和草坪機械;
  • 類似的電器,其中一些例子包括電動醫療設備、電動和電子玩具、個人和美容護理電器、自動售貨機、娛樂設備、電池充電器和外部電源等。


Announcement No. 6706 was adopted on 24 May 2022 by the Thai Ministry of Industry and was published on 20 September 2022. It cancels the industrial standard “Household appliances, power tools and similar appliances: Radio Interference Limits” dated 24 March 2006 and establishes a new industrial standard TIS 2238-2565 “Electromagnetic Compatibility – Requirements for Household Electrical Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Appliances, Part 1: Noise Emissions”. 

The scope of TIS 2238-2565 extends to:

  • household electrical appliances, such as various cleaning appliances;
  • electrical tools, such as motor-operated power tools and garden and lawn machinery;
  • similar appliances, some examples of which include electrical medical equipment, electric and electronic toys, personal and beauty care appliances, vending machines, entertainment equipment, battery chargers and external power supplies, etc.

The Announcement enters into force on 18 January 2023.


UAE 阿拉伯聯合大公國

因應要求,UAE將繼續接受 IEC 62368-1:2014 (第 2 版),直至工業和先進技術部 (MoIAT) 另行通知。

Due to industry request, the use of IEC 62368-1:2014 (2nd Edition) will continue until further notice from the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology (MoIAT).



Vietnam 越南

[法規草案] 越南工業和貿易部與相關機構和單位發佈了關於電子電氣產品中危險化學品允許含量的國家技術法規 (QCVN) 的通知草案,正在徵求公眾意見。該部是第一次在越南制定強制性應用的國家RoHS技術法規。 該草案將控制與歐盟 RoHS 指令相同限制值的 10 種物質。該提案的諮詢計畫於 2022 年 10 月 17 日結束,通函預計自 2026 年 1 月 1 日起生效。

Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade, having coordinated with relevant agencies and units, has released a draft Circular promulgating national technical regulations (QCVN) on the permissible levels of hazardous chemicals in electrical and electronic products for public comment.

Interested parties are advised that in choosing QCVN as the instrument type, the Ministry is for the first time creating a national RoHS technical regulation of mandatory application in Vietnam.

The draft would control the same 10 substances at the same concentrations as recast EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU (as amended by Directive (EU) 2015/863): 

lead (0.1%), 

mercury (0.1%), 

cadmium (0.01%), 

hexavalent chromium (0.1%), 

polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1%)  

polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) (0.1%), 

bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (0.1%),

butyl benzyl phthalate (0.1%),

dibutylphthalate (0.1%) 

diisobutyl phthalate (0.1%).

Consultation on the proposal is scheduled to end on 17 October 2022, with the Circular taking effect from 1 January 2026.


電池 Batteries

India 印度

2020年起草的《Battery Waste Management Rules》 已於2022/08/22公佈後即日起正式生效:生產者應對其投放市場的電池承擔生產者延伸責任 (EPR),以確保履行回收或翻新的義務。 所有電池類產品都涵蓋,除了安全性使用(軍事相關)/太空發展相關。FY 2022-23須於本規範公告3個月內完成遞交EPR計畫; 之後每年6/30前完成上一財政年度計畫。

《Battery Waste Management Rules,2022》come into force on August 22,2022 as the official Gazette pubished. 

It shall apply to Producer, dealer, consumer, entities involved in collection, segregation, transportation, re-furbishment and recycling of Waste Battery.  All types of batteries regardless of chemistry, shape, volume, weight, material composition and use.

These rules do not apply to Battery used in, – (i) equipment connected with the protection of the essential security interests including arms, ammunitions, war material and those intended specifically for military purposes; (ii) equipment designed to be sent into space.”

Producer shall submit an EPR plan to CPCB for FY 2022-23 within three months of the publication of these rules.  And EPR plan should be provided by 30th June of every year for the Battery manufactured in the preceding financial year. It shall contain information on the quantity, weight of Battery along with the dry weight of Battery materials through the centralised portal.

South Korea 韓國

[法規草案] 2022年9月16日韓國科技標準局KATS發佈《電器及家用電器安全管理操作指南》及《電器安全標準》修訂(草案)管理通知,草案內容重點如下:

  1. a) 使用于固定式儲能系統(ESS)的電池按照ESS系統進行安全管理(cell: 安全驗證, battery system: 安全確認)
  2. b) 未來將計畫擴大管控移動式儲能系統中的電池,擴大專案仍在討論中
  3. c) 依據最新IEC 62619國際標準版本修訂KC 62619標準版本 (Ed 1.0 to Ed 2.0)
  4. d) 根據電池容量調整測試專案: 調整小型電池(5kWh以下)的功能安全評估專案(ex: FEMA, etc…)以減輕測試成本負擔

對此修正案草案感興趣的各方可在2022 年 11 月16 日之前提供意見。

On 16 September 2022, the Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) issued a draft amendment to the Operation Guide for Safety Management of Electrical Appliances and Household Appliances and Electrical Appliances safety standard. This draft was issued to change the stanadard version and expansion ESS batteries scope, please following details as below:

  1. a) Batteries use for fixed type ESS (Energy Storage System) still under KC scope

    (Cell: KC safety certification, Battery Pack: Safety confirmation) 

  1. b) The scope of ESS will be expanded to moveable equipment in the future.
  2. c) According latest IEC 62619 standard version for KC 62619 standard revision (Ed 1.0 to Ed 2.0)
  3. d) Some testing items will be reduced (ex:FEMA, etc…) of small batteries(under 5kWh).

Interested parties on this draft amendment may submit their comments via e-mail to chinhc@korea.zh until 16 November 2022.


Taiwan 台灣

BSMI頒佈「電動車輛之鋰電池組實施自願性產品驗證相關規定」,自即日2022年8月16日立即生效。表列產品電動車輛之鋰電池組 (100度電以下),驗證標準: CNS 16160 (110年版),須符合產品試驗加符合型式聲明,產品符合性評鑒程序之模式依據「自願性產品驗證實施辦法」第4條第三項規定實施。


BSMI released the stipulation of “Requirements of Implementing Voluntary Product Certification for Lithium Batteries for Electric Vehicles”
The testing standard is CNS16160 and the conformity assessment procedures isProduct testing with Declaration of Conformity.
The regulation is effective from August 16, 2022.
For details, please refer to this link:



家用電器 House Appliances

Israel 以色列

2022 年 8 月 17 日,以色列經濟和工業部發佈了對《標準法》第三附件的修訂,增加標準 SI 994 第 1 部分空調到符合國際標準進口的產品的標準清單中。

On August 17, 2022, the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry published this amendment to the third annex of the Standards Law by adding a standard SI 994 Part 1 Air Conditioners, to the list of standards according to which products can be imported based on a declaration of conformity to international standards.

Standard SI 994 Part 1 Air Conditioners: Requirements Safety and Operational Requirements, Can be one of those below:

1) type 0 and type 01 devices;

2) Devices that do not stand in the regulations on energy sources (efficiency). Energetic, energetic marking and rating Energetic in air conditioners 2004; 

3) Devices in which the cooling gases are not A1 types according to the ISO 817 standard;

4) Devices that comply with all of these:

(a) devices without a molded plug;

(b) devices in which the fuses do not comply with the Standards SI 60277 SI 60245.


Taiwan 台灣

[法規草案] 2022 年 8 月 12 日,台灣計量檢驗局 (BSMI) 公佈修訂家用電器法定檢驗要求的修正案。 本公告提及三種家用電器:飲料器、飲水機和儲水式電熱水器。評論截止日期為 2022 年 10 月 11 日。

On 12 August 2022, Taiwan’s Bureau of Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) published an amendment to revise legal inspection requirements for household electrical appliances.

Three household electrical appliances are mentioned in this announcement: drink machines, drinking water dispensers and storage type electric water heaters.

A key point of this announcement is that it requires those products with filter materials to comply with the “Technical Specifications for Water Quality Testing of Drinking Water for Filters (purifiers)” for these three household electrical appliances. 

In accordance with Article 13 and 14, the products should contain the product label, instructions, RoHS label and other labels required.

The deadline for comment is 11 October 2022.


Thailand 泰國

[法規草案] 2022 年 8 月 23 日,泰國工業部發佈關於冷熱水飲水機和冷水飲水機強制性安全要求的部級法規草案。 該草案主要要求所有冷熱水分配器和冷水分配器符合工業標準 TIS 2461-25XX 冷熱水分配器和冷水分配器安全要求。各方可在 2022 年 10 月 17 日之前對該草案提供意見。

On 23 August 2022, the Thai Ministry of Industry issued a draft Ministerial Regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Hot and Cool Water Dispensers and Cool Water Dispensers.

The draft primarily requires that all hot and cool water dispensers and cool water dispensers comply with Industrial Standard TIS 2461- 25XX Hot and Cool Water Dispenser and Cool Water Dispenser Safety Requirements.

Draft standard TIS 2461, setting out safety and labelling requirements, as well as test conditions, etc. has also been issued along with this draft Regulation.

Opinions on this draft may be submitted until 17 October 2022.


Thailand 泰國

2022 年 8 月 19 日,泰國工業部發佈了關於按摩器具強制性安全要求的部級法規。 該法規主要要求按摩器具符合泰國工業標準 TIS 60335-Part 2(32): 2564(2021) 家用和類似電器 – 安全 – 第 2-32 部分:按摩器具的特殊要求。 該標準與 IEC 60335-2-32 第 5.0 版相同:2019 家用和類似用途電器 – 安全 – 第 2-32 部分:按摩設備的特殊要求。 本標準不適用於專門用於工業用途的器具。 本條例將於 2023 年 5 月 17 日生效。

On 19 August 2022, the Thai Ministry of Industry issued a Ministerial Regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Massage Appliances.

The Regulation primarily mandates massage appliances to conform with the Thai Industrial Standard TIS 60335-Part 2(32): 2564(2021) Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances. The Standard is identical to IEC 60335-2-32 Edition 5.0: 2019 Household and similar electric appliances – Safety – Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances.  The Standard does not apply to appliances intended exclusively for industrial purposes.

This Regulation will enter into force on 17 May 2023.


燈具 / LED Luminaiaries / LED

Thailand 泰國

2022 年 8 月 19 日,泰國工業部發佈了關於螢光燈輝光啟動器強制性安全要求的部級法規。 該法規主要要求螢光燈的輝光啟動器符合泰國工業標準 TIS 183-2562 螢光燈輝光啟動器,該標準適用於預熱使用的輝光啟動器型螢光燈,並涵蓋上述產品的安全和性能要求等。 本條例將於 2023 年 2 月 16 日生效。

On 19 August 2022, the Thai Ministry of Industry issued a Ministerial Regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Glow Starters for Fluorescent Lamps.

The Regulation primarily mandates glow starters for fluorescent lamps to conform with the Thai Industrial Standard TIS 183-2562 Glow Starters for Fluorescent Lamps, issued under the Announcement No. 6166 on 5 May 2021. The Standard applies to glow-starters used with pre-heat type fluorescent lamps, and covers safety and performance requirements, etc. for the said products.

This Regulation will enter into force on 16 February 2023.


能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

India 印度

[法規草案] 2022年8月1日,印度能源局發佈《超高清 (UHD) 電視法規中的能效細節及其顯示方式局, 2022》草稿,公告發佈日的30日內若無回饋,即生效​。

The DRAFT regulations named “Bureau of Energy Efficiency Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Ultra-High Definition (UHD) Televisions Regulation 2022” is pre-published on 1st August, 2022 in the official gazette of India.

It is requested to provide comments, if any, within a period of 30 days from its publication i.e. till 30th August, 2022.  

The draft regulations shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date of their publication in the Gazette of India.

For details, please find the BEE official website: https://www.beestarlabel.com/Home/ViewallAlert


India 印度

[法規草案] 印度能效局公佈《能源效率局(輕型商用空調標籤顯示的細節和方式)條例​, 2022》草案,預計將由自願性 Schedule 24 Light Commercial Air conditioners 轉至強制性體系。轉換期為正式公告後6個月內。關於標示要求與樣張,請見以下:

DRAFT of《Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Light Commercial Air Conditioners) Regulations, 2022》is pre-published and will transfer from schedule 24 of Voluntary to Mandatory regime.  For particular label requirement and template of label, please find the following. 

Particulars to be displayed on label-
(1) On every light commercial air conditioner, the following

particulars shall be displayed on its label, namely:-

(a) Star level;

(b) Indian Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio;

(c) Label validity period;

(d) Appliance/type of air conditioner;

(e) the name of manufacturer or importer and brand;

(f) Model/year of manufacturing or import;

(g) cooling capacity (hundred per cent.) in Watts;

(h) cooling capacity (fifty per cent.) in Watts;

(i) Electricity Consumption in units per year;

(j) Compressor Type;

(k) logo of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency;

(l) name of appliance;

(m) unique series code;

(2) The design, colour, size and content of label shall be as specified in the Schedule annexed to these


Transition from Voluntary to Mandatory Regime- A label containing all the particulars specified in regulation 3 shall be displayed on every light commercial air conditioner within a period of six months from the date of coming into force of these regulations.

For other details, please find refer to the Gazette: https://bit.ly/3RlJF7t


Japan 日本

2022 年 9 月 1 日,日本經濟產業省 (METI) 根據評估標準的修訂,發佈了《關於能源消耗設備零售商應採取的措施的通知》(2006 年第 258 號) 的修訂: 空調能耗性能標準 (2022年第128號)。 此次修訂旨在修訂空調統一節能標識設計,建立迷你標籤,修訂空調多級評價體系評價方法。 標籤上標注的節能性能等級為1.0~5.0,以0.1為增量,常規為五級。 本次修訂自 2022 年 10 月 1 日起生效,原標籤設計有效期至 2023 年 9 月 30 日。

On 1 September 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued an amendment of the Notice on Measures to be Taken by Retailers of Energy Consuming Equipment (No. 258, 2006), in accordance with the amendment of Evaluation Criteria for Energy Consumption Performance of Air Conditioners (Notice No. 128, 2022).

The amendment aims to revise the design of the unified energy-saving label for air conditioners, establish mini-labels, and revise the evaluation method of the multi-level evaluation system for air conditioners.

The energy-saving performance rating, that are indicated on the label, shall be rated from 1.0 to 5.0 in increments of 0.1,  while it was rated in five-level conventionally.

This amendment shall enter into force on 1 October 2022. The design of previous label can be used until 30 September 2023.


Panama 巴拿馬

2022 年 8 月 30 日由巴拿馬貿易和工業部批准,將採用“ 標準 NOM-015-ENER-2018: 冰箱和冰櫃的能源效率、限值、測試方法和標籤“的測試方法,作為技術標準 DGNTI COPANIT 511-2017 (家用冰箱和冰櫃的能效。限制和測試方法) 的一部分。該決議於 2022 年 8 月 30 日生效。

This Resolution, approved on 30 August 2022 by the Panamanian Ministry of Trade and Industry, adopts, as part of Technical Standard DGNTI COPANIT 511- 2017 (Energy Efficiency of Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers. Limits and Methods of Testing), the test methods contained in the following standard: 

  • Standard NOM-015-ENER-2018: Energy Efficiency of Refrigerators and Freezers. Limits, Test Methods and Labelling. 

For the purposes of this standard, manufacturers shall use the design of the label provided in Technical Regulation DGNTI-COPANIT 105: 2017 Energy Efficiency of Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers. Labelling, regardless of the test method used.

This Resolution came into force on 30 August 2022. It will remain in force until the Republic of Panama adopts the Central American Technical Regulation (RTCA) on Electrical Products – Refrigerators and Freezers. Energy Efficiency Specifications (RTCA 97.01.81:22).



Philippines 菲律賓

[法規草案] 2022 年 8 月,菲律賓能源部發佈通知草案,提議修改菲律賓能源標籤計畫 (PELP) 指南,並涵蓋更多耗能產品。 根據本通告草案,PELP 將涵蓋以下能源消耗產品 (ECP):

  • 空間冷卻設備
  • 製冷器具
  • 多媒體設備
  • 照明產品
  • 洗衣機產品
  • 熨燙設備
  • 烹飪和食品加工設備
  • 熱水器
  • 資訊通訊技術設備
  • 小家電

PELP 涵蓋的能源消耗產品 (ECP),無論是否有規定的產品最低能源性能 (MEPP) 要求,都應貼有能源標籤,該標籤將指定產品型號的能效等級,如 PELP 實施指南所述。 如果頒佈,這些要求將在至少兩種普遍發行的報紙上發表後 15 天生效。

In August 2022, the Philippine Department of Energy issued this Draft Circular proposing to amend some sections of the Philippine Energy Labeling Program (PELP) Guidelines (DC2020-06-0015) and to also cover more energy consuming products under the program. 

Per this Draft Circular, the PELP would cover the following Energy Consuming Products (ECPs):

  • space cooling appliances;
  • refrigerating appliances;
  • multimedia appliances;
  • lighting products;
  • laundry appliances;
  • ironing appliances;
  • cooking and food processing appliances;
  • water heating appliances;
  • ICT Equipment; and
  • small appliances.

The aforementioned additions shall be included within the coverage of the PELP upon the recommendation of the Energy Utilization Management Bureau (EUMB).

PELP-covered ECPs, with or without a prescribed Minimum Energy Performance for Products (MEPP) requirement, shall bear the energy label which would specify the energy efficiency rating of the product model, as prescribed under the PELP Implementing Guidelines.

If enacted, these requirements would take effect 15 days following publication in at least two newspapers that are of general circulation.


South Korea 韓國

2022年8月31日Korea Energy Agency發佈通知各廠商在製作MEPS標籤時注意label上的標準實施日期,各產品標準實施日期以該公告為主https://eep.energy.or.kr/notice/view.aspx?cate=1&no=271


以前 (EE label標準生效日期為2016.10.1)



On 31 August 2022, the Korea Energy Agency published each MEPS mandatory product latest standard implement date, remind manufacturer need to take care each product standard date on the Energy labelling.

The date of each MEPS product standard in this announcement recorded to August 30, 2022.


Taiwan 台灣

​[法規草案] 經濟部台灣能源局發佈《電熱水瓶容許耗用能源基準與能源效率分級標示事項、方法及檢查方式修正草案》,至2022年10月9日正在徵求意見中。詳情請參考此連結https://www.moeaboe.gov.tw/ECW/populace/news/Board.aspx?kind=3&menu_id=57&news_id=27170

​Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Pots – Proposed Amendment – (on Energy Efficiency Standard, Rating, and Labelling) Announcement, 2022

The Taiwan Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs published an announcement on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Pots.  The revised standard establishes testing and calculation requirements as well as a labelling scheme, and requires the Energy Efficiency Rating Label be affixed to the front of the product.

The Central Competent Authority can conduct random inspection annually including inspection of the Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling.

The WTO Notification deadline is 9 October 2022, 60 days from Notification.

For details, please refer to this link:  https://www.moeaboe.gov.tw/ECW/populace/news/Board.aspx?kind=3&menu_id=57&news_id=27170


其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects

Taiwan 台灣


[法規草案] 2022 年 9 月 14 日,台灣經濟部 (MOEA) 標準計量檢驗局 (BSMI) 宣佈公佈有關配電設備檢驗條例的修訂草案,提議修改八種配電設備的檢驗要求。該提案目前正在接受公眾諮詢,直至 2022 年 11 月 14 日。

On 14 September 2022, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan announced the publication of a draft amendment to the Regulation related to the Inspection of Power Distribution Equipment. The draft amendment proposes to revise inspection requirements for eight power distribution equipment.  The updated inspection standards will be implemented by BSMI.

The equipment in scope include among others:

  • Plugs and socket-outlet
  • Adapters
  • Extension leads (limited to test AC rated voltage below 250V)
  • Domestic switches
  • Cable reels
  • No-detachable Power Cord Set
  • Detachable Cord Set (limited to test AC rated voltage below 250V)
  • Power Cord Set (limited to test AC rated voltage below 250V)

The proposal is currently subject to public consultation until 14 November 2022.