- SASO CITC RI014:2021 TETRAPOL 基站和輔助設備規範,
- SASO CITC RI013:2021 TETRAPOL 手機和輔助設備規範,
- SASO CITC LI001:2021 連接到有線網路的設備規範,
- SASO CITC RI122:2021 衛星地球站和系統,
- SASO CITC RI117:2021 在免許可頻段運行的資料通訊設備規範,
- SASO CITC RI121:2021 無線電廣播設備規範。
- SASO-IEC-60647-1:2021 低壓開關設備和控制設備 – 第 1 部分:一般規則,
- SASO-GSO-IEC-60669-1:2021 家用和類似固定電氣裝置的開關 – 第 1 部分:一般要求,
- SASO-CITC-IT004:2021 光纖設備規範,
- SASO-CITC-GEN001:2021 一般要求,
- SASO-CITC-RI085:2021 超寬頻設備規範,
- SASO-CITC-RI054:2021 短距離設備 (SRD) 規範。
- SASO CITC RI014:2021 Specifications for TETRAPOL Base Stations and Ancillary Equipment,
- SASO CITC RI013:2021 Specification for TETRAPOL Handsets and Ancillary Equipment,
- SASO CITC LI001:2021 Specification for Equipment connecting to Wired Network,
- SASO CITC RI122:2021 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems,
- SASO CITC RI117:2021 Specification for Data Communication Equipment operating in License-Exempt Frequency Bands,
- SASO CITC RI121:2021 Specification for Radio Broadcasting Equipment.
- SASO-IEC-60647-1:2021 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: General rules,
- SASO-GSO-IEC-60669-1:2021 Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations – Part 1: General requirements,
- SASO-CITC-IT004:2021 Specification for Fibre Optics Equipment,
- SASO-CITC-GEN001:2021 General Requirements,
- SASO-CITC-RI085:2021 Specification for Ultra Wideband Equipment,
- SASO-CITC-RI054:2021 Specification for Short Range Devices (SRD).
- SI 62552 Part 1 Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: General requirements
- SI 62552 Part 2 Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: Performance requirements
- SI 62552 Part 3 Household refrigerating appliances – Characteristics and test methods: Energy consumption and volume
- Brand name
- Type, class, or model
- Power
- Quantity
- HS 8418.10.11
- HS 8418.10.19
- HS 8418.21.10
- HS 8418.21.90
- HS 8418.29.00
- Appendix 3 – Electrical Equipment required to meet the energy consumption limit (standby of off-mode)
- Appendix 4 – Electrical appliances that must be accompanied by an energy rating label as listed below:
- Air-conditioners
- Refrigerators
- Washing machines
- Laundry dryers
- Dishwashers
- Baking ovens
- Bulbs
- TVs
- Computer screens.

資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Brazil 巴西
Act 10002 – 第 3151 號法案: 與接入終端站 (ETA = 具有 WWAN 功能的設備) 的技術要求相關
Act 10003 – 第 3152 號法案: 與行動電話技術要求相關
對於這些法案,ANATEL 更新了一些標準參考,並為支持 5G NR 頻率範圍 2 (FR2,獨立和非獨立帶間和帶內非連續) 和 NB-IoT NB2 的產品添加了新的測試要求。
On Nov 29th, ANATEL published two new Acts as described below:
Act 10002 – Updates the Act 3151 related to the technical requirements for Access Terminal Station (ETA = devices with WWAN function)
Act 10003 – Updates the Act 3152 related to the technical requirements for Mobile Phone
The main changes are:
1) Inclusion of technical requirements for 5G NR Frequency Range 2 (FR2) – Standalone & Non-Standalone inter-band & Intra-band non contiguos
2) Inclusion of technical requirements for NB-IoT NB2
3) Update of the reference standards:
ETSI TS 136 521-1 V14.4.0 (2017-11) |
ETSI TS 136 521-1 V16.8.1 (2021-06) |
ETSI TS 136 521-1 V14.4.0 (2017-11) |
ETSI TS 136 521-1 V16.8.1 (2021-06) |
3GPP TS 38.521-1 V16.3.0 (2020-03) |
ETSI TS 138 521-1 V16.6.0 (2021-02) |
3GPP TS 38.521-3 V16.3.0 (2020-03) |
ETSI TS 138 521-3 V16.6.0 (2021-01) |
3GPP TS 38.521-3 V16.3.0 (2020-03) |
ETSI TS 138 521-3 V16.6.0 (2021 |
Due to the standards update as shown above, now there are new combinations of 4G and 5G dual connectivity (EN-DC combinations). Due to it, ANATEL defined 6 months counting from Nov 29th for all manufacturers to present the testing report for the new EN-DC combinations from devices approved before this act.
Below is the Act 3151 official link (includes the Act 10002 updates):
And the Act 3152 official link (includes the Act 10003 updates):
Brazil 巴西
ANATEL has published the Official letter nº 233/2021. Due to the remaining impact of COVID-19, ANATEL decided to extend the simplified renewal process once more and now all certificates with expiration date between March 6, 2020 and July 31, 2022 are exempt of doing renewal testing and providing new external/internal photos as long as the device had not suffered any modification.
This exemption is not valid for products that failed during the tests in the last conformity assessment.
China 中國
《汽車雷達無線電管理暫行規定》工信部無 (2021) 181號
一是規定了汽車雷達使用頻率 (76-79GHz頻段)、主要使用場景,明確了發射功率及功率譜密度限值、通用雜散發射限值、特殊頻段保護限值、接收機阻塞特性等射頻技術要求,並強調除國家無線電管理機構另有規定外,76-79GHz頻段不能用於其他類型陸基雷達,也不能用於在航空器 (含無人機、氣球、飛艇等) 上裝載使用的雷達。
三是明確了汽車雷達使用和干擾協調要求,即不得對同頻段或相鄰頻段內依法開展的固定、移動、衛星固定、業餘、射電天文等無線電業務或無線電臺 (站) 產生有害干擾,並在附件2中規定了不同射電天文臺台址及與汽車雷達之間的干擾保護距離。
Since March 1st of 2022, SRRC approval will be opened to Vehicle Radar. Working frequency is 76-79GHz; 24GHz is not allowed for such product any more.
More details can be found here:
Malaysia 馬來西亞
2021年11月25日,SIRIM QAS International發佈公告編號 SQASI/CMCS/1/21/0020,重申產品行銷名稱是馬來西亞通訊和多媒體委員會 (MCMC) 要求在型式批准申請中聲明的必要資訊之一。所有型式認證申請人應確保在提交申請時聲明產品行銷名稱資訊,並在上市產品上提供。
On November 25, 2021, SIRIM QAS International issued Announcement Ref. No. SQASI/CMCS/1/21/0020.The announcement reiterates that the product marketing name is one of the requisite information to be declared in the Type Approval application, as requested by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). This information will be used to facilitate the consumer and regulator’s enforcement team in verifying the product certification status via CYL mobile application.
As such, all Type Approval applicants shall ensure the product marketing name information is declared upon application submission and is available on the marketed product. Nonetheless, if the product is marketed without a specific marketing name, applicant shall input the marketing name information field in e-ComM with the specific model name.
The marketing name information shall be traceable from one or more of the following objective evidence:
1.Product Specification
2.User Manual
3.Product Brochure
4.Product Marking
5.Product Packaging
Certificate Holders who had their product certified without marketing name information may request that the information be added to the approved Certificate of Conformity (CoC). The addition of a marketing name to an approved CoC will incur a fee for evidence verification.
In case that a product is marketed under more than one (1) marketing name, applicant shall submit the Multiple Marketing Name Declaration Form. Please note that a product that carries multiple marketing names shall meet the specific variation criteria as defined by SIRIM QAS International in the declaration letter. Otherwise, applicant shall apply for separate Type Approval application.
Malaysia 馬來西亞
2021年11月26日,馬來西亞SIRIM QAS International宣佈馬來西亞通訊和多媒體委員會(MCMC) 目前正在審查 6 GHz 頻段 (5925-7125 MHz) 用於 Wi-Fi 的潛在用途。 因此,截至目前,不允許對 Wi-Fi 的 6 GHz 頻段進行認證。
On November 26, 2021, the Malaysian authority SIRIM QAS International announced that:
“The potential use of the 6 GHz frequency band (5925-7125 MHz) for Wi-Fi is currently being reviewed by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (“MCMC”). Therefore, as of now, certification of 6 GHz frequency band for Wi-Fi is not permitted.
Type Approval applicant shall ensure the 6 GHz frequency is disabled from Devices that support the said frequency prior to application submission. For verification of 6 GHz frequency inaccessibility, such Devices are subjected to Verification Testing at SIRIM RF&EMCT laboratory.”
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
沙烏地阿拉伯標準、計量和品質組織 (SASO) 發佈了與各個行業相關的已採用標準清單。
在官方公報上公佈 6 個月後,以下新標準的應用是強制性的:
還有一些自願性標準。 完整名單可在官方公報中查看。
The Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) has issued a list of adopted standards related to various sectors.
The application of the following new standards, among others, is mandatory 6 months after publication in the official gazette:
And also there are some voluntary standards. The complete list can be viewed in the official gazette.
Tanzania 坦尚尼亞
坦尚尼亞物聯網設備的最低技術規範,即規範版本 V 1.0,定義了物聯網 (IoT) 設備的最低技術要求,自發佈之日2021 年 11 月 19 日起生效。
Tanzania Minimum Technical Specifications for Internet of Thing Devices, Specification Version V 1.0, November 2021
This Specification defines the minimum technical requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) devices that use Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technologies to operate in one of the authorised frequency bands or frequencies stated in this specification.
The IoT devices covered in this Specification are User Equipment (UE) and Base Station (BS) which employ the Narrowband-IoT (NBIoT) and/or Category M1 technologies defined in 3GPP Release 13 onwards. Technical requirements related to IoT devices which uses other technologies are not included in the present document.
TCRA may from time to time, review, and update or modify this document to ensure its continued service and to meet the international and/or national performance requirements as necessary.
This Documents effective from the date it has been published namely on 19 November 2021.
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
沙特標準與計量組織 (SASO) 宣佈,原定於 2022 年 1 月 5 日實施的沙特有害物質限制技術法規 (RoHS) 的將推遲6 個月實施,並依據產品類別分階段強制執行。
管控產品類型 |
強制執行日期 |
家用電器 |
小型家用電器 |
2022年7月4日 |
大型家用電器 |
2022年10月2日 |
資訊技術及電信設備 |
2022年12月31日 |
照明設備 |
2023年3月31日 |
電動工具 |
2023年6月29日 |
玩具、娛樂和運動設備 |
2023年9月27日 |
監視和控制設備 |
2023年12月26日 |
Saudi Standards and Metrology Organization (SASO) has announced that the implementation of the Saudi Technical Regulations for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) which was supposed to be on January 5, 2022, will be postponed for a period of 6 months in stages as shown below:
Product Type |
Mandatory Date |
Home appliances |
Small Appliances |
04/07/2022 |
Large Appliances |
02/10/2022 |
Telecommunication and Information Technology Equipment |
31/12/2022 |
Lighting Equipment |
31/03/2023 |
Electrical and electronic equipment and tools |
29/06/2023 |
Toys and Entertainment tools and appliances and Sports equipment |
27/09/2023 |
Tools for monitoring and control |
26/12/2023 |
家用電器 House Appliances
Brazil 巴西
2021 年第 465 號協議批准了關於在巴西銷售的吊扇的合格評定要求的法規。 所採用的法規適用於住宅用吊扇,並規定了最低能效和安全要求。本協議 於 2021 年 12 月 1 日生效。現有的 2008 年第 113 號協議將從 2023 年 12 月 31 日起失效。
Portaria No. 465 of 2021 approves the Regulation on conformity assessment requirements for ceiling fans marketed within Brazil.
The adopted Regulation applies to ceiling fans for residential use and establishes minimum energy efficiency and safety requirements. It also establishes a compulsory energy labelling scheme in the form of the National Energy Conservation Label (ENCE).
After the supplier’s declaration, ceiling fans, manufactured, imported, distributed and marketed in national territory must be registered with Inmetro, in accordance with Portaria No. 258, 2020. Obtaining registration is a condition for authorising the use of the Label on products.
Imported products are subject to non-automatic import licensing regime, therefore importers must obtain permit from Inmetro.
This Portaria enters into force on 1 December 2021. The existing Portaria No. 113 of 2008 will cease to have effect from 31 December 2023.
India 印度
《製冷設備(質量控制)修正令,2021 》強制實施日期自2022年1月1日延至2023年1月1日。
BIS released “the Refrigerating Appliances (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2021” to extend the implement date from 2022/01/01 to 2023/01/01.
India 印度
BIS released “Air Conditioner and its related Parts, Hermetic Compressors and Temperature Sensing Controls (Quality Control) Amendment Order, 2021” to extend the implement date from 2022/01/01 to 2023/01/01.
Israel 以色列
以色列經濟和工業部長于 2021 年 11 月 4 日宣佈,自 2022 年 3 月 2 日起強制實施以下標準:
SI 62552 第 1 部分家用製冷器具 – 特性和測試方法:一般要求
SI 62552 第 2 部分家用製冷器具 – 特性和測試方法:性能要求
SI 62552 第 3 部分家用製冷器具 – 特性和測試方法:能耗和體積
這些標準將取代 2014 年 3 月修訂的 SI 62552 第 1 部分和第 2 部分。 舊標準和新修訂標準均適用至2023年2月24日。在此期間,產品可按舊標準或新修訂標準進行測試。
This Notice, issued by the Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry on 4 November 2021, announces the mandatory application from 2 March 2022 of the following:
These standards will replace SI 62552 Parts 1 and 2, as last revised in March 2014.
Both the old standard and this new revised standard are applicable until 24 February 2023. During this time, products may be tested according to the old or the new revised standards.
Taiwan 台灣
2021年11月17日,標準檢驗局公布修正「應施檢驗微波爐商品之相關檢驗規定」並自即日起生效。 為落實能源效率,將CNS 60705與CNS 62301納入檢驗標準,自2023年1月1日起強制。
BSMI published a notice on newly updated Legal Inspection Requirements for Microwave ovens on 17 November, 2021.
These inspection requirements apply to the Microwave ovens limited to be tested for rated voltages below 250V.
The new version incorporates CNS 60705 and CNS 62301 into the inspection standard. The measured values such as energy efficiency and standby power tested in accordance with the standard must comply with the “Energy Efficiency Criteria and Labeling Method for Energy Label Qualified Microwave Ovens”.
In accordance with Article 8, the products should contain the product inspection label, identification number, RoHS label and other labels required.
This notice entered into force: 17 November 2021
The Date of implement : 1 January, 2023
燈具 / LED Luminaiaries/LED
Israel 以色列
2021 年 11 月 4 日,以色列經濟和工業部批准國家強制性標準 SI 20 第 2.17 部分 – 燈具:特殊要求 – 舞台燈光、電視和電影工作室 (室外和室內) 燈具的新版本,將於2022 年 3 月 15 日生效。
On 4 November 2021, the Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry approved a Notice of National Mandatory Standard on Luminaires for Stage Lighting, Television and Film Studios.
This Notice provides for a new version of the national mandatory standard SI 20 Part 2.17 – Luminaires: Particular requirements – Luminaires for Stage Lighting, Television and Film Studios (outdoor and indoor).
The previous version of September 1998 will be replaced by the new version which will come into force 90 days from the date of its publication, namely on 15 March 2022.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
India 印度
1) 輪胎, 鋰離子牽引電池和系統納入BEE自願性認證
2) 自願性認證的UHD 電視的標籤期限延長
1) On December 14, 2021, BEE include Tyres (schedule 30) and Li-ion traction batteries and Systems (schedule 29) in voluntary scheme.
2) BEE has extend the validity of the of existing star rating table for UHD TV under voluntary regime. The updated validity period for UHD TV will be from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2022.
All the permittees registered with BEE have to follow Model Continuation process in order to continue their sales of UHD TV in India.
Indonesia 印尼
2021 年 9 月 20 日,印尼能源和礦產資源部發佈關於電鍋最低能效標準和能效標籤的決定,適用於電鍋HS 代碼 8516.60.10。電鍋被定義為容量不大於 3 升且電壓不大於 250 伏交流電的用於煮飯的容器或器具。使用壓力工作原理的電鍋不在範圍內。本決定將於2022年9月20日生效。
On 20 September 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources published a Decision on Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Energy Efficiency Labels for Rice Cookers.
The Decision applies to rice cookers (HS code 8516.60.10), which are defined as containers or appliances for cooking rice with a capacity not greater than 3 litres and a voltage not greater than 250 V AC. Rice cookers which use the pressure working principle are excluded from scope.
The Decision sets out the minimum energy performance standard and the criteria for rating the energy performance on the energy efficiency label. It also establishes the labelling requirements (such as size, colour of the label etc.) and the testing requirements.
Manufacturers and importers are required to submit a report to the Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) every three months, containing the following information:
This Decision will enter into force on 20 September 2022.
Indonesia 印尼
2021 年 9 月 20 日,印尼能源和礦產資源部發佈關於電風扇最低能效標準和能效標籤的第 114 號決定。 該決定規定了強制產品的範圍、豁免產品、測試方法、MEPS和能效標籤等。 範圍內的產品是HS編碼為8414.51.00的風扇,其葉片為直徑150毫米 (6英寸) 至600毫米 (24英寸) 。 排氣扇、吊扇和換氣扇不在範圍內。該決定將於2022年9月20日生效。
On 20 September 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued Decision No. 114 on Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Energy Efficiency Labels for Fans.
The Decision establishes the products in scope, exemptions, test methods, MEPS and energy efficiency label, etc. Products in scope are fans with HS code 8414.51.00 that have blades of 150 mm (6 inches) to 600 mm (24 inches) in diameter. Exhaust fans, ceiling fans and ventilation fans are excluded from scope.
Manufacturers and importers of applicable products must comply with the provided MEPS and labelling requirements.
The Decision will enter into force on 20 September 2022.
Indonesia 印尼
2021 年 9 月 20 日,印尼能源和礦產資源部發佈關於冰箱最低能效標準和能效標籤的決定。 該決定規定了適用產品的範圍、豁免、測試方法、MEPS和能效標識等。 本文件的適用產品是容量不超過300升、電壓不超過250伏的冰箱。該決定於2022年9月20日生效。
On 20 September 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued a Decision on Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Energy Efficiency Labels for Refrigerators.
The Decision provides the scope of applied products, exemptions, test methods, MEPS and energy-efficiency label, etc. Applicable products of this document are refrigerators with a capacity up to 300 liters, a voltage of 250 V or less, and equipment corresponding to the following HS codes:
Domestic Manufacturers and importers of applicable products must comply with the MEPS and labelling requirements.
The Decision enters into force on 20 September 2022.
Indonesia 印尼
2021 年 8 月 16 日,印尼能源和礦產資源部發佈關於空調最低能效標準和能效標籤的第 103 號決定。 該決定對產品的範圍、豁免、測試方法、MEPS和能效標識等進行規定。適用產品範圍為HS編碼8415.10.10或其修訂的空調: 最大製冷量為27,000 BTU/h的變頻或定頻單分體壁掛式空調。該決定於2021年8月16日生效。
On 16 August 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources issued Decision No. 103 on Minimum Energy Performance Standards and Energy Efficiency Labels for Air Conditioners.
The Decision establishes the products in scope, exemptions, test methods, MEPS and energy-efficiency label, etc. Products in scope are air conditioners with HS Code 8415.10.10 or amendments thereto: single-split wall-mounted air conditioners of inverter or non-inverter type with a maximum cooling capacity of 27,000 BTU/h.
Manufacturers and importers of applicable products must comply with the provided MEPS and labelling requirements.
The Decision entered into force on 16 August 2021.
Israel 以色列
以色列能源法修正案 (關於符合歐盟符合性聲明的節能電器的進口)。
2021 年 11 月 以色列能源法修正案的目的是促進更容易和更快地將符合歐盟能效要求的節能設備進口到以色列。 這是對 2020 年能源法修正案的後續修正案,該修正案引入了更簡單的進口制度程序。 該修正案旨在放寬對向以色列進口消費品的要求,以允許快速跟蹤方法,為已滿足歐盟要求的節能設備簽發進口商符合性聲明。
該法律將於 2022 年 9 月 1 日生效。但能源部長有權推遲日期 – 不超過九個月。
Israel: Energy Sources Law, 1989 – Amendment – (on import of energy efficient electrical appliances compliant with EU Declaration of Conformity), Law, November 2021
The purpose of this amendment to the Israeli Energy Law is to facilitate the easier and faster import of energy efficient equipment to Israel that have met EU energy efficiency requirements .
This is a follow-on amendment to the 2020 Amendment of the Energy Law which introduced a simpler import regime procedure.
This amendment aims to ease requirements on importing consumer goods to Israel to allow a fast-track method to issue an importer declaration of conformity for energy efficient equipment that have already met European Union requirements.
This Amendment specifically applies to products in Appendices 3 & 4.
These products are regulated under Energy Sources (Maximum Electric Power in Standby Mode for Home and Office Electrical Appliances), Regulations 2011. The product scope includes the following:
– Household appliances with electronic displays: washing machine, dryer, dishwashers, ovens, microwaves;
– Information technology equipment: computers, computer monitors and printers;
– Audio equipment: radios, amplifiers and wireless telephones;
– Television receivers, digital decoders to receive cable and satellite broadcasts (excluding digital decoders operated by broadcast centers or coded broadcasting)
These products must comply with Standard SI 62301: Household Electrical Appliances – Measurement of Standby Power.
The labelling must be translated to Hebrew.
Article 102 (a) provides that this law will enter into force on 1 September 2022. However please note that in accordance with Article 102 (b) The Minister of Energy is granted the power (with the approval of the Knesset’s Economics Committee) to postpone the date by one period not exceeding nine months.
Taiwan 台灣
2021年11月16日,標準檢驗局公布修正「應施檢驗空氣清淨機電器商品之相關檢驗規定」並自即日起生效。為配合能源效率政策,將CNS 16098:2019納入檢驗標準,依該標準試驗之能源效率( CASR/W/(Dust))及待機功率(W)等實測值須符合「空氣清淨機容許耗用能源基準」規定,自2023年1月1日起強制。
BSMI published a notice on newly updated Legal Inspection Requirements for Air-cleaning Appliances on November 16, 2021.
These inspection requirements apply to the air cleaners with filters, electrostatic dust collection, negative ions, ozone, ultraviolet rays or photocatalysts limited to be tested for rated voltages below 250V, and are not installed in air ducts and used for outdoor air cleaning or medical equipment.
The new version incorporates CNS 16098 into the inspection standard. The measured values such as energy efficiency and standby power tested in accordance with the standard must comply with the “Standard for Allowable Energy Consumption of Air Purifiers”.
In accordance with Article 8, the products should contain the product inspection label, identification number, RoHS label and other labels required.
This notice entered into force: 16 November 2021
The Date of implement: 1 January, 2023
Ukraine 烏克蘭
[法規草案] 2021 年 12 月 10 日,烏克蘭能源部提出了批准《耗能設備能源標籤技術法規》的修訂草案,目前正在收集意見。本技術法規以歐洲議會和理事會於 2017 年 7 月 4 日頒佈的第 2017/1369 號法規 (EC) 為藍本,為能源標籤設定了框架。一旦獲得批准,該命令將於 2023 年 8 月 1 日生效。
On 10 December 2021, the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy proposed a revised draft Order approving Technical Regulation on Energy Labelling of Energy-consuming Devices. This Technical Regulation is modelled on Regulation (EC) No 2017/1369 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2017 setting a framework for energy labelling.
The attached revised Technical Regulation is identical to the initial proposal. However, an extended deadline for comments has been set on 10 January 2022.
Similar to the initial proposal, the Draft Order lays down labelling requirements for energy-related products in accordance with EU law. More specifically, it provides for the labelling of those products and the provision of standard product information regarding energy efficiency, the consumption of energy and of other resources by products during use and supplementary information concerning products, thereby enabling customers to choose more efficient products in order to reduce their energy consumption.
Once approved, the Order will enter into force on 1 August 2023.
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
Peru 秘魯
2021 年 11 月 8 日,秘魯技術標準機構 INACAL 通過第 027-2021-INACAL/DN 號決議批准了一份修訂後的技術標準清單,其中包括旋轉電機、電動洗衣乾衣機、二氧化碳排放監測、人體工學、 和塑膠。根據秘魯法律,該決議於 2021 年 11 月 16 日公佈後的第二天生效。
Peru: Approving Revised Technical Standards on Electric Washer-Dryers, Ergonomics and Others, Resolution No. 027-2021-INACAL/DN
On 8 November 2021, the Peruvian technical standards body INACAL through Resolution No. 027-2021-INACAL/DN approved a list of revised technical standards on, among others, rotating electrical machines, electric washer-dryers, monitoring of CO emissions, ergonomics, and plastics.
The Resolution entered into force the day following publication, 16 November 2021, according to the rule of Peruvian law.
South Korea 韓國
2021年10月26日,韓國技術標準局 (KATS) 宣佈制定電子口罩安全標準。本標準適用於日常生活中使用的內置風扇驅動電子過濾裝置的口罩產品,不適用於由職業健康安全法、藥事法、醫療器械法等其他法律單獨管理的產品。本通知自2021年12月22日起生效。
On 26 October 2021, the South Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) announced the establishment of safety standards for electronic masks. The Standard was established to facilitate the market launch of electronic masks that utilize innovative technologies.
The Standard applies to mask products that are used in daily life and have a built-in electronic filtering device operated by a fan. However, it does not apply to products separately managed by other laws such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Pharmaceutical Affairs Act, and Medical Devices Act.
This Notice enters into force on 22 December 2021.