
2022年9月2日 | 市場准入

德國萊因TÜV認證 TÜV Rheinland Accreditation

Oman 阿曼

德國萊因TÜV香港公司已被阿曼蘇丹國標準與計量總局 (DGSM) 指定為新阿曼符合性計畫的首個公告機構,TÜV萊因可以向受管制產品的製造商和進口商提供阿曼型式檢驗證書。

DGSM 作為阿曼蘇丹國商業、工業和投資促進部 (MoCIIP) 的下屬機構,正在實施新的阿曼符合性計畫的技術法規,該法規生效日為2022 年 6 月 5 日。受管制的產品需要從 DGSM 指定的公告機構獲得認證。 合格證書有效期為一年,需要每年進行更新。

第 1 階段的受管制產品包括洗碗機、洗衣機和真空吸塵器。製造商必須向公告機構申請阿曼型式檢驗證書。這些產品必須通過安全和EMC測試,製造商需要提交產品技術和風險評估證明檔。

阿曼符合性計畫第 1 階段的受管制產品清單涵蓋以下類別的低壓設備和電器:








IEC 60335-2-5
IEC 60335-1

CISPR 14-1
CISPR 14-2
IEC 61000-3-2
IEC 61000-3-3


(容量大於10 公斤)

IEC 60335-2-7
IEC 60335-1



IEC 60335-2-2
IEC 60335-1


目前TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong 是新阿曼符合性計畫的唯一認證機構。 如果您對這項新計畫有任何疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫諮詢。

TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong has been designated by Oman DGSM as the 1st Notified Body for the new Omani Conformity Scheme.  TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong can provide Omani Type Examination certificates to manufacturers and importers of regulated products.

The regulation for the new Omani Conformity Scheme is effective from June 5, 2022. Regulated products in Stage 1 cover dishwashers, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners. Stage2 and 3 are expected in 2023 and 2024.

The list of regulated products in Stage 1 of the Omani Conformity Scheme covers Low Voltage Equipment and Appliances in the following categories:




Safety Standard

EMC Standard



IEC 60335-2-5
IEC 60335-1

CISPR 14-1
CISPR 14-2
IEC 61000-3-2
IEC 61000-3-3


Washing Machines
(over 10kg, up to 25kg)

IEC 60335-2-7
IEC 60335-1


Vacuum Cleaners

IEC 60335-2-2
IEC 60335-1


The application can be based on CB report or test reports with ILAC accreditation (both safety and EMC reports are required).

Conformity certificates are valid for one year and subject to annual renewal.

Currently TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong is the only certification body for the new Omani Conformity Scheme. Should you have any questions to this new scheme, please feel free to contact us.



資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom

Bahrain 巴林

TRA近期宣佈WiFi 6/6E使用頻段。

On 17th August 2022, Bahrain Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) had announced the adoption of radio spectrum ranges 5470 – 5725 MHz and 5925 – 6425 MHz for Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E applications.



Brazil 巴西

巴西國家電信局 (ANATEL) 於7 月 26 日通過第 265/2022 號官方信函,將簡化的續訂流程延長至 2022 年 10 月 31 日。

On July 26, the National Telecommunications Agency in Brazil (ANATEL) through the Official letter nº 265/2022 extended the simplified renewal process until October 31, 2022.

It is suggested to start the simplified renewal processes no later than Oct. 11.


India 印度

BIS 線上系統新增“Revised Letter”選項。 製造商可以針對 BIS 端的拼寫錯誤等於30天內申請修改已發出的證書。

​There is a new tab updated in BIS portal named ‘Revised Letter’. Manufacturer can apply to revise  the released certificate with respect to a typo or glitch from BIS’s end.
Applicant/manufacturer has to apply in 30 days from the issuance of certificate, failing to which the window of revising the certificate will get closed. 


Kenya 肯亞

CAK近期更新SRD法規,並開放WiFi 6E頻段5945–6425 MHz。

The Communication Authority of Kenya has recently renewed its guideleines concerning usage of rediofrequency spectrum for short range devices


Malaysia 馬來西亞

MCMC近期發佈新的Class Assignment No.2. 主要差異有關於SRD 5GHz頻段,新增UAS無人機使用頻段,WiFi 6E等。

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had issue the new class assignment on 25th July. Class Assignment No.1 2021 will be cancelled and replaces by this new Class Assignment No.2 2022.  Below are the link to the new Class assignment.



Mauritius 模里西斯

ICTA於8月公佈新法規,開放WiFi 6E頻段5945–6425 MHz。

On August 4, 2022, Information & Communication Technologies Authority of Mauritius (ICTA) published its decision No. ICTA/DEC/01/22 on allocation of additional spectrum in the 5945–6425 MHz frequency band for Broadband Wireless Access (WAS) and RLAN device.

More detailed information can be found under the link.


Singapore 新加坡


IMDA had issue IMDA TS CD SEC on 1st of July, this is the finalized version from the public consultation that we had sent out during 2019. Below are the link for this technical specifications 


This technical specification are mainly for prevention of cellular M2M devices from causing network storms to the mobile operators. 


Taiwan 台灣

[法規草案] 電氣和電子產品標籤標準,公告第 11102421760 號草案 – 關於在進口商品和其他標籤上添加外文名稱。

本公告於2022年8月12日發布,建議要求進口商品的外國製造商或外國承包商的外文名稱標示在電器和電子產品,包括零部件上。該公告草案在 2022 年 10 月 14 日之前公開徵求意見,預計生效日期為 2023 年 5 月 18 日。

Labelling Criteria for Electrical and Electronic Products, Announcement No. 10602403410, 2017 – Draft Amendment – (on adding foreign language names to labels for imported commodities and others) Draft Announcement No. 11102421760, August 2022

This Announcement, published on 12 August 2022 by Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, proposes to require that the foreign language name of the foreign manufacturer or foreign contractor of imported goods is marked on electrical appliances and electronic goods, including components.

The Announcement also empowers the central competent authority to introduce other items that should be marked on components.

The draft announcement is open for comments until 14 October 2022 and has an expected entry into force date of 18 May 2023.


New Zealand 紐西蘭

RSM更新SRD法規,並開放WiFi 6E頻段5945–6425 MHz。

Radio Spectrum Management (RSM) of New Zealand has newly updated the General User Radio Licence for Short Range Devices. Details in this link. About some changes in:

  1. DFS/TPC can be only applied to the frequency band of 5250–5350 MHz within 5150–5350 MHz range.
  2. Additional frequency range for WLAN in the 5925–6425 MHz band(WiFi 6E).
  3. 60 GHz devices can currently operate with permitted power 25dBW EIRP.




Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯

沙烏地阿拉伯標準、計量和品質組織 (SASO) 發佈了修訂現有沙烏地阿拉伯 RoHS 技術法規的第 121 號決定。主要修改如下:

  • 製造商或其法定代表在向沙烏地阿拉伯市場供應這些產品時必須出具供應商的合格聲明
  • 產品應附有技術文件
  • 增加了新的豁免產品

沙烏地阿拉伯的 RoHS 技術法規自 2021 年 7 月起生效, 自2022 年 7 月 4 日小家電已開始實施RoHS要求。

On 29 July 2022 the Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) issued Decision No. 121 amending the existing Saudi RoHS Technical Regulation.

The following are the clauses has been revised:

  • Clause 5/2: The Manufacturer or its authorized representative shall prepare Declaration of Conformity for the products supplied to KSA.
  • Clause 5/3: The product shall be accompanied by a technical file that includes the following:
  • Supplier (Manufacturer/Importer) Declaration of Conformity in accordance with the form attached in Annex (4).
  • Risk Assessment Document.
  • The necessary warnings, cautions and manuals for the safe and proper use of the product.

In case the products are supplied to KSA by the Manufacturer or its authorized representative, DoC will be sufficient.  

  • Annex (1-C):New exempted products has been added.

It will be recalled that Saudi Arabia’s RoHS technical regulation has been in force since July 2021, with phased implementation commencing on 4 July 2022 for small household appliances.



家用电器 House Appliances

Philippines 菲律賓

菲律賓貿易和工業部標準局 (DTI-BPS)通知,一系列關於製冷系統、熱泵和商用製冷設備的國際標準已作為菲律賓國家標準 (PNS)發佈。

The Department of Trade and Industry’s Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) informs concerned sectors that the following international standards have been promulgated as Philippine National Standards (PNS):

  • PNS ISO 916:2022 – Testing of refrigerating systems (ISO published 2020)
  • PNS ISO 14903:2022 – Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Qualification of tightness of components and joints (ISO published 2017)
  • PNS ISO 18326:2022 – Non-ducted portable air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps having a single exhaust duct — Testing and rating for performance (ISO published 2018 w/ Amd. 1:2021)
  • PNS ISO 19967-1:2022 – Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Heat pump water heater for hot water supply (ISO published 2019)
  • PNS ISO 19967-2:2022 – Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 2: Heat pump water heaters for space heating (ISO published 2019)
  • PNS ISO 21978:2022 – Heat pump water heater — Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal coefficient of performance for space heating (ISO published 2021)
  • PNS ISO 22041:2022 – Refrigerated storage cabinets and counters for professional use — Performance and energy consumption (ISO published 2019)
  • PNS ISO 22042:2022 – Blast chiller and freezer cabinets for professional use —Classification, requirements and test conditions (ISO published 2021)
  • PNS ISO 22043:2022 – Ice-cream freezers — Classification, requirements and test conditions (ISO published 2020)
  • PNS ISO 23953-2:2022 – Refrigerated display cabinets — Part 2: Classification, requirements and test conditions (ISO published 2015)

These standards provide unified and clear reference of qualification of tightness of components and joints as well as testing and rating for the performance of refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Also, these standards promote common understanding among stakeholders of commercial refrigerating appliances such as refrigerated storage cabinets, blast chiller and freezer cabinets, ice-cream freezers, and refrigerated display cabinets.


Taiwan 台灣

[法規草案] 經濟部標準計量檢驗局 (BSMI) 發布《濾水器 (淨化器) 法定檢驗要求》草案。 濾水器 (淨化器)必須符合2022版《濾水器 (淨化器) 飲用水水質檢測技術規範》。 帶電源的產品也應符合CNS60335-1和CNS13783-1。

表列商品自2024年7月1日起實施輸入及國內產製商品檢驗,檢驗方式為型式認可逐批檢驗或驗證登錄 (型式試驗模式加符合型式聲明模式) 雙軌並行。

詳情請見以下連結: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1659946576349.pdf

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) released the Drafting “Legal Inspection Requirements for Water Filters (Purifiers)”. Water Filters (Purifiers) has to comply Technical Specification for Water Quality Testing of Drinking Water from Water Filter (Purifier) of 2022 version. The product with power supply also should comply with CNS60335-1 and CNS13783-1. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC)(Modules II+III) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI). Details, please see below link: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1659946576349.pdf


Thailand 泰國

2022 年 8 月 8 日,泰國工業部批准空氣淨化設備的強制性安全要求 –《空氣淨化設備強制性安全要求條例》。 該法規要求空氣淨化設備符合泰國工業標準 TIS 60335-2(65) 關於家用和類似用途電氣設備 – 安全,第 2-65 部分: 空氣淨化設備的特殊要求,本條例將於 2023 年 5 月 6 日生效。

On 8 August 2022, the Thai Ministry of Industry approved a Regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Air-Cleaning Appliances in accordance with the Industrial Product Standards Act.

The Regulation mandates air-cleaning appliances to conform with Thai industrial standard TIS 60335-2(65) on Household and Similar Electrical Appliances – Safety, Part 2-65: Particular Requirements for Air-Cleaning Appliances, issued under the Announcement No. 6389 of 2022.

TIS 60335-2(65) is identical to IEC 60335-2-65 Edition 2.2: 2015 Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances.

This Regulation will enter into force on 6 May 2023.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

India 印度

延續2022/03/31公告, 冰箱的星級標示BEE star labelling program的QR code已於2022/7/1起的批准函中提供, QR code功能已上線並提供驗證。

​​​With an intent to authenticate the technical specifications of star rating issued to any model under BEE star labelling program for refrigerators, the online portal for seeking QR code has been made live we.f. 1st July, 2022

in this regard, a step by step workflow for implementation of QR code at the production lines of each manufacturing facility has already been shared by BEE. a COPY OF THE SAME WAS ALSO WHARED ON THE EMAIL ID of each manufacturer registered under BEE’s refrigerator labelling program.
Additionally, please note that w.e.f. July 1,202 a new feature of QR code has been made available on approval letters.  The QR code feature on approval letter has been made live with the purpose of validating of the approval letter issued by BEE.


Montenegro 蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國)

蒙特內哥羅於 2022 年 7 月 21發佈關於專業製冷器具能效標籤的第 1095 號法規。 此法規適用於市電供電的專業製冷器具,包括用於儲藏食品和動物飼料的產品。 該法規將於其在蒙特內哥羅官方公報上公佈後的第 8 天即 2022 年 7 月 29 日起生效,並將於 2023 年 6 月 1 日起實施。

On 21 July 2022, the Montenegrin Ministry of Capital Investments issued Pravilnik No. 1095 regarding the energy efficiency labeling of professional refrigerator cabinets.

This Pravilnik applies to mains-powered professional refrigeration cabinets, including those sold for refrigeration of food products and animal feed.

This Pravilnik will enter into force on the eighth day after its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, specifically on 29 July 2022 and will be applied from June 1, 2023.


Montenegro 蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國)

蒙特內哥羅于 2022 年 6 月 24 日發佈第1096號法規。 第1096號法規規定了能效標籤的要求以及有關家用洗衣機和乾衣機的補充產品資訊的要求。 該法規適用於電動家用洗衣機和洗乾一體機、電池供電的洗衣機,以及嵌入式家用洗衣機和洗乾一體機。供應商和分銷商應確保在 2023 年 6 月 1 日之前按照本法規對家用洗衣機和家用洗衣乾衣機進行標記。該法規於 2022 年 7 月 29 日生效。

Pravilnik No. 1096 was adopted on 24 June 2022 by the Montenegrin Ministry of Capital Investments. It sets forth requirements for energy efficiency labelling and for the provision of supplementary product information regarding household washing machines and dryers. The Pravilnik is modelled on EU Regulation 2019/2014 on energy labelling of household washing machines and household washer-dryers.

The Pravilnik applies to electric mains-operated household washing machines and electric mains-operated household washer-dryers including those which can also be powered by batteries, and including built-in household washing machines and built-in household washer-dryers.

Suppliers and distributors shall ensure that by 1 June 2023 household washing machines and household washer-dryers are marked in accordance with this Pravilnik.

The Pravilnik enters into force on 29 July 2022.


Montenegro 蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國)

蒙特內哥羅于 2022 年 6 月 24 日發佈第1097號法規,規定了標稱熱輸出不超過50 kW空間加熱器的能效標籤要求。從 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,投放市場或投入使用的空間加熱器(此階段不包含固體燃料的無煙道或使用固體燃料的煙囪式加熱器)將被要求遵守此要求。 從 2024 年 1 月 1 日起,投放市場或投入使用的使用固體燃料的無煙道加熱器或對使用固體燃料的煙囪加熱器將被要求遵守此要求。 該法規於 2022 年 7 月 29 日生效。

Montenegro: Energy Efficiency Labelling of Local Space Heaters (LSH), Pravilnik No. 1097, 2022

Adopted on 24 June 2022 by the Montenegrin Ministry of Capital Investments, this Pravilnik establishes requirements for energy efficiency labelling of local space heaters with a nominal heat output of 50 kW or less. The Plavilnik is modelled on the EU Regulation 2015/1186 on Energy Labelling of Local Space Heaters.

From 1 January 2023 suppliers who place on the market or put into service local space heaters (except flueless heaters using solid fuels or open to chimney heaters using solid fuels) will be required follow the requirements.

From 1 January 2024 the above requirements apply to those suppliers who place on the market or put into service flueless heaters using solid fuels or open to chimney heaters using solid fuels.

The Pravilnik enters into force on 29 July 2022.


Taiwan 台灣

於 2022 年 7 月 22 日發布第 11104603050 號公告,對《非風管空調最低能效、能效等級標識及檢驗》中的以下幾點進行了修改:

  • 調整允許的能耗標準。明確冷卻季節性能係數(CSPF) 實際測量值將通過四捨五入計算
  • 能效檢測報告中所列的檢測機型與申請能效標識的機型不同,且在同一商品證書或認可下註冊的;證書,製造商應提交附件4所列的能效符合性聲明,確保在能效標識下註冊的產品按照測試型號生產;在能效測試報告中指定,並對其聲明的內容承擔責任
  • 當製造商在商店展示或銷售非風管式空調時,製造商可以通過其他方式顯示能效等級表,例如設置公告板
  • 經修訂的能效等級表

本公告將於 2025 年 1 月 1 日生效。

Published on 22 July 2022, this Announcement amends the following points in “Minimum Energy Performance, Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection of Non-ducted Air Conditioners”:

  • adjusts the allowable energy consumption standard (section 2 and annex 1). It clarifies that cooling seasonal performance factor (CSPF) actual measurements will be calculated by rounding;
  • when the test models listed in the energy efficiency test report are different from those that apply for energy efficiency labelling and if these models are registered under the same commodity certificate or accreditation; certificate, manufacturers shall submit the declaration of conformity of energy efficiency listed in Annex 4, ensure that products registered under the energy efficiency labelling are manufactured in accordance with the test models; specified in the energy efficiency test report, and take responsibilities for what they declare (section 4);
  • when manufacturers display or sell non-ducted air conditioners in a store, manufacturers are allowed to expose the energy efficiency rating chart in other ways, such as setting up a board (section 6).
  • revised energy efficiency grading table (annex 5).

It will come into force on 1 January 2025.  


Thailand 泰國

[法規草案] 2022 年 8 月 16 日,世界貿易組織 (WTO) 發佈通知,泰國工業部提議強制要求室內空調符合以下標準: 房間空調能效 (TIS 2134 – 25XX)。該標準包括能效,以及相關的測試和標籤要求。 該法規草案意見回饋截至 2022 年 10 月 15 日。該草案擬在通過之日起 365 天後生效。

On 16 August 2022, a World Trade Organization (WTO) Notification was published to announce that the Thai Ministry of Industry is proposing to mandate room air conditioners conform with the following standard: Air Conditioners for Rooms in Terms of Energy Efficiency. (TIS 2134 – 25XX).

This standard applies to the following products:

  • room air conditioners with net total cooling capacity not exceeding 18000 W with rated voltage of 250 V for single phase air conditioners and rated voltage 600 V for multiphase air conditioners, including ducted air conditioners with net total cooling capacity less than 8000 W, intended to operate at external static pressure less than 25 Pa;
  • condensing unit and fan coil unit.

This standard includes requirements for energy efficiency, as well as related testing and labelling requirements.

Comments on this Draft Ministerial Regulation are accepted until 15 October 2022. This Regulation is proposed to enter into force 365 days after the date of adoption.


Ukraine 烏克蘭

烏克蘭能源部批准第 164 號令–能源消耗設備能源標籤技術法規。本命令將於 2023 年 8 月 1 日生效,到 2025 年 1 月 1 日,供應商必須按照本技術法規和產品類型能源標籤相關技術法規的規定引入標籤。

對於根據烏克蘭內閣 2013 年 8 月 7 日第 702 號決議批准的能源消耗設備能源標籤技術法規,直到 2023 年8 月 1 日 ,其產品已投入流通或運行的型號,供應商必須在最後一台生產後的五年內,自收到國家市場監督管理部門的要求之日起 10 日內,將技術文件的電子版提供備查。


On 27 April 2022 the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy approved Order No. 164 approving Technical Regulation on Energy Labelling of Energy-consuming Devices. This Technical Regulation is modeled on Regulation (EC) No 2017/1369 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2017 setting a framework for energy labelling.

This Order establishes labelling requirements for energy-related products in accordance with EU law. It provides for the labelling of those products and the provision of standard product information regarding energy efficiency, the consumption of energy and of other resources by products during use and supplementary information concerning products, thereby enabling customers to choose more efficient products to reduce their energy consumption.

For models whose units have been put into circulation or operation in accordance with the Technical Regulation of energy labelling of energy consumer products, approved by Resolution No. 702 of 7 August 2013, until 1 August 2023, the supplier must for a period ending in five years after the production of the last unit, make the electronic version of the technical documentation available for inspection within 10 days of receiving the request from the state market surveillance authorities.

By 1 January 2025, suppliers must introduce a label in accordance with the provisions of this technical regulation and the relevant technical regulations for energy labelling by product type.

This Order enters into force on 1 August 2023.



Ukraine 烏克蘭

[法規草案] 2022 年 8 月 15 日,烏克蘭內閣提出了一項關於批准關於製冷設備生態設計要求的技術法規的草案。至2022 年 10 月14 日正在徵求意見中。

On 15 August 2022 the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers proposed a Draft Regulation on Approval of Technical Regulations on the Requirements for Eco-Design of Refrigeration Appliances.

This Draft Technical Regulation proposes to transpose into national legislation the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/2019. It establishes ecodesign requirements for introducing into circulation and/or operation of mains-powered refrigerating appliances with a total volume of more than 10 liters and less than or equal to 1500 liters. The  aim of this draft is to ensure improved energy and environmental performance for refrigerating appliances, to reduce the energy consumption by energy-consuming products and the consumption of resources when designing, manufacturing, using and disposing of refrigerating appliances according to the updated EU legislation.

The WTO Notification deadline is 14 October 2022, 60 days from notification.


其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects

Thailand 泰國

[法規草案] 泰國發布將含有激光的產品指定為標籤控制產品的通知草案。

關於標籤管制產品,泰國標籤委員會於2022 年 5 月 23 日根據《關於標籤管製商品標籤特性的通知》(B.E. 2541, 1998) 發布了關於標籤管制產品類別的公告,將一些商品指定為標籤控製商品,包括但不限於以下類別:

  • 家庭用品
  • 個人產品
  • 紙製品和文具
  • 電器及零部件(電熱水壺、咖啡機、攪拌機、食品攪拌機、影像屏幕、電腦設備、收音機、音響設備、麥克風、揚聲器、燈具 (不包括醫用燈)、冰櫃 (醫用冰櫃除外)、電爐、微波爐、電熨斗、LED燈)
  • 車輛和設備
  • 農業設備
  • 建築材料
  • 其他(例如縫紉機、手機、手錶、手錶電池、計算機或相機)


Thailand issued draft notification for designating products containing lasers as Label-Controlled Products.

Products containing Lasers, which means products or equipment containing lasers that can be clearly visible and invisible, shall be prescribed as label-controlled products (excluding medical devices, arms control, and equipment used in the manufacturing and construction industries).

The label of label-controlled products shall specify the statement, figure, artificial mark, or image as appropriate which shall not cause misunderstandings about the essence of the products and shall be displayed clearly visible and legible in Thai language or a foreign language accompanied by Thai language.

The details of label-controlled products must be specified such as: name of category or type of product, name or trademark, name of the manufacturing country, usage, price, date of manufacture, and warnings.

About Label-Controlled Products,on 23 May 2022, the Thai Chairman of the Board on Labelling issued an Announcement on Category of Labelling Controlled Products, in accordance with the Notice on Characteristics of the Label on Label-Controlled Goods (B.E. 2541, 1998).

In order to protect consumers by allowing them to obtain accurate and complete information about the product, some goods are assigned as label-controlled goods in Thailand.

This Announcement provides the aforementioned list, and includes, but is not limited to, the following categories:

  • Household products
  • Personal products
  • Paper products and stationary
  • Electrical appliances and components (electric kettle, coffee machine, blender, food mixer, image screen, computer equipment, radio receivers, audio equipment, microphones, speakers, lamps (not including medical lamps), freezers (excluding medical freezers), electric stove, microwave ovens, electric iron, LED lamps)
  • Vehicles and equipment
  • Agricultural equipment
  • Construction materials
  • Other (e.g. sewing machines, mobile phones, watches, batteries used for watches, calculators or cameras).

This Announcement has already entered into force on 21 August 2022.