歐盟委員會已發布新版 ErP (EU) 2023/826(關機、待機和聯網待機設備要求)

2023年5月11日 | 市場准入

2023年4月17日頒布的新版ErP (EU) 2023/826 關機、待機和聯網待機設備的生態設計要求,將取代原執行措施 (EC) No 1275/2008 和 (EC) No 107/2009。




• 從2025年起,設備在待機或關機模式下的功耗不得超過0.5瓦,如果處於待機狀態會顯示其狀態或信息,則功耗不得超過0.8瓦。
• 從2027年起,設備在待機狀態下的功耗不得超過0.5瓦,在關機模式下的功耗不得超過0.3瓦,如果處於待機狀態會顯示其狀態或信息,則功耗不得超過0.8瓦。
• 從2027年起,網路待機設備的功耗不得超過2至7瓦,具體要求取決於產品。


(EU) 2023/826 (Off mode, standby and networked standby)

聯繫我們:+886 2 21721001 | service-gc@tuv.com


Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/826 of 17 April 2023 laying down ecodesign requirements for off, standby, and networked standby devices will replace regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 and (EC) No 107/2009.


The revision of this Regulation aims to update the ecodesign requirements in line with the technological progress and to expand the scope to additional products that are being sold in increasing volumes on the EU internal market such as motor-operated furniture, building elements, products equipped with low voltage external power supplies and portable battery-operated products with a recharging circuit……etc. Apart from expanding the scope, the rules set new limits.


• From 2025, devices must not consume more than 0.5 Watts in standby or in off mode, or 0.8 Watt if they are on standby while displaying their status or information.
• From 2027, devices must not consume more than 0.5 Watts in standby, 0.3 Watts in off mode, or 0.8 Watts if they are on standby while displaying their status or information.
• From 2027, devices in networked standby must not consume more than 2 to 7 Watts depending on the product.


For more details:
(EU) 2023/826 (Off mode, standby and networked standby)

Contact Us: +886 2 21721001 | service-gc@tuv.com