- Waste batteries as covered under the Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022;
- Packaging plastics as covered under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016;
- Micro enterprise as defined in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (27 of 2006); and
- For the SABS ILAC EMC CoC Certification Process – the turnaround period or lead-time for this certification service will be ninety (90) days, to allow for adequate time to process applications from EMC testing Laboratories that have not been assessed by the SABS through the SABS A-Lab Program Scheme. Note that the SABS might also require samples to be provided as an additional requirement to aid the formulation of an outcome for non-A-Lab affiliates.
- For the SABS A-Lab EMC CoC Certification Process – the turnaround period or lead-time for this certification service will be thirty (30) days taking into account that the applications will be from EMC testing Laboratories that would have already been assessed by the SABS through the SABS A-Lab Program Scheme.

資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Brazil 巴西
2022 年 10 月 14 日,巴西國家電信局 (ANATEL) 公佈了第13423號法規,旨在推遲原定於2022 年 10 月 26 日生效的第5159號法規。即在 2023 年 10 月 21 日之前,手機和車載充電器製造商能自由選擇符合第 3481/2019 號法規 (舊) 或第 5159/2022 號法規 (新)。
Last April ANATEL released the Act 5159 with new Mobile Phone charger requirements and it will become in force as for October 26 2022. This act revokes the previous Act 3481, including some changes in the EMC testing for vehicle chargers, new mechanical testing for Wall Chargers’ Plugs and some others.
However recently, in October 14, 2022, the Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) of Brazil published the extension validity of Act 3481 until October 21, 2023.
Therefore, from October 26, 2022 to October 21, 2023, manufacturers of mobile phones and vehicle chargers will be able to choose between the requirements approved by Act 3481/2019 (the previous law) or by Act 5159/2022 (the new Law).
Brazil 巴西
2022 年 10 月 10 日,巴西國家電信局 (ANATEL) 發佈了第 14010 號法案,批准手機鋰電池和充電器的安全標籤。 該法案規定了用於手機鋰電池和充電器的安全標籤與 Anatel 標籤的技術規範程序,以及標籤供應商資格的必要要求。該法案廢除了第 3482/2019 號法案,並將於 2022 年 12 月 9 日生效。
On 10 October 2022, the Brazil National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) published Act No. 14010 to approve the Security Label for Cell Phone Lithium Batteries and Chargers.
This Act established the procedure on the technical specifications for the security label in conjunction with Anatel label, to be used in lithium batteries and chargers used in mobile phones, and the necessary requirements for the qualification of suppliers of the label.
It applies in the commercialization of lithium batteries and chargers for mobile phones and to printing companies duly authorized to supply the security label in the exercise of their functions as agents of the process of conformity evaluation of products for telecommunications.
This Act repeals Act No. 3482/2019 and will enter into force on 09.12.2022.
Chile 智利
2022 年 9 月 30 日,智利電力和燃料監管局 (SEC) 發佈了第 14224 號決議,批准了適用於家用和類似用途的外置式電池充電器的安全認證程序和協定PE Nº1/38:2022。 相關產品需滿足以下標準測試,本協議將於2024年3月31日起實施。
On 30 Sep 2022, the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) published Resolution No. 14224 to approve Protocol Nº1/38:2022 to establish the safety certification procedure for external battery chargers for household and similar purposes. Products in scope must be tested for compliance with below standard:
IEC 60335-2-29:2019-03 Ed. 5.1 Part 2-29 Particular requirements for battery chargers and IEC 60335-1:2016-05 Ed.5.2 (IEC 60335-1:2010+AMD1:2013+AMD2:2016) Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 1: General requirements.
The Protocol Nº1/38:2022 will be implemented from March 31st 2024.
China 中國
[法規草案] 公開徵求 – 無線電發射設備型號核准代碼編碼規則。
公開徵求《無線電發射設備型號核准代碼編碼規則(徵求意見稿)》的意見 | 中國無線電管理 (srrc.org.cn)
The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released a draft regulation regarding the CMIIT ID that is issued for approved Radio equipment. This ID is planned to have 12 digits that will contain the following five information: Year code, equipment category, territory code, manufacturer code and autonomous code for the equipment.
India 印度
由於測試基礎設施不可用,TEC 決定將適用於多種產品的某些參數的測試豁免延長至 2023 年 6 月 30 日。
Considering the non-availability of test labs, TEC has decided to extend the testing exemption for certain parameters applicable on multiple products till June 30th, 2023.
Product Category |
Parameter |
All products (wherever applicable) |
· ECR |
LAN Switch |
· MPLS TP Requirement |
· DTMF Parameter Set-C |
PTP PMP Microwave Fixed Radio System |
· Frequency for PMP Radio Interface |
Mobile Radio Trunking System |
· Conformance to Standards for MRTS |
India 印度
BIS 公佈IS 16333 (Part 3) India Language support由2022年版取代2017年版, 原實施日2022年12月17日延至2023年6月17日。
BIS released a notification to extend the Implementation of revised IS 16333 (Part 3):2022 from 17th December, 2022 to 17th June, 2023.
Taiwan 台灣
2022 年 11 月 1 日,台灣計量檢驗局 (BSMI) 和經濟部發布了針對 18 種音像產品的修訂法定檢驗要求。 自發布之日起,CNS 15598-1:2020 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements 以及 CNS 15936:2016 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements are adopeded作為音視頻設備的檢驗標準以確保消費者的安全,先前適用的標準自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起不再適用。 列名商品檢驗方式、合格評定方式註冊、認證期限、檢驗期限等規定不變。根據修訂後的檢驗標準,必須在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前重新簽署符合性聲明。否則,如果未在截止日期前完成,則符合性聲明自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起無效。
該修訂版於發布之日 2022 年 11 月 1 日生效。詳情請參考此連結:
On 1 November 2022, Taiwan’s Bureau of Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) and Ministry of Economic Affairs published revised legal inspection requirements for 18 audiovisual products.
From the publication date, CNS 15598-1:2020 Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment − Part 1: Safety requirements and CNS 15936:2016 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements are adopted as the inspection standards for audio and video equipment to ensure the safety of consumers. Standards which were previously applicable shall cease to apply from 1 January 2025.
The regulations on the inspection method of listed commodities, the registration of conformity evaluation mode, the period of certification and the inspection period remain unchanged. The declaration of conformity must be re-signed before 31 December 2024 in accordance with the revised inspection standards. Otherwise, the declaration of conformity shall be invalid as of 1 January 2025 if the deadline is not met.
This revised version became effective on 1 November 2022, the date of publication.
For details, please refer to below link:
Uruguay 烏拉圭
[法規草案] 2022 年 11 月 3 日,烏拉圭財政和經濟部向 WTO 通報了一項法規草案,該法規草案規定了在該國銷售的低壓電氣產品的基本安全要求,適用於交流電標稱電壓大於 50 伏至 1000 伏或直流電標稱電壓大於 75 伏至 1500 伏的電氣和電子材料和設備。
On 3 November 2022, the Uruguayan Ministry of Finance and Economy notified the WTO of a draft regulation which regulates the essential safety requirements of low-voltage electrical products that are marketed in the country. It applies to electrical and electronic materials and equipment of nominal voltage greater than 50 volts and up to 1000 volts in alternating current or greater than 75 volts and up to 1500 volts in direct current, with certain exceptions.
Low Voltage Electrical Products which are marketed in the country must comply with the essential safety requirements defined in the RTM, which is listed in Annex I as well as all Low Voltage Electrical Products requiring minimum mandatory marking, in accordance with the provisions of the RTM.
The holder of authorization issued by the URSEA holds the technical, civil and criminal responsibility for the Low Voltage Electrical Products manufactured, imported or marketed by him, and cannot be transferred.
The reduced tests must be carried out under the respective technical standard, in order to demonstrate that the characteristics of a Low Voltage Electrical Product satisfactorily comply with the essential safety requirements.
電池 Batteries
Japan 日本
2022 年 11 月 4 日,日本經濟產業省 (METI) 提出了對《電氣用品技術要求條例的解釋》(2013 年第 3 號) 文件的修訂。 本次修訂旨在對《電器用品技術要求條例解釋》附件9中的鋰離子二次電池技術標準進行修訂。 自執行之日起,有兩年的過渡期。各單位可以在 2022 年 12 月 3 日之前線上提交意見。
On 4 November 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) proposed an amendment to the document: Interpretation of Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials (No. 3, 2013).
The amendment aims to revise technical standards on lithium ion secondary batteries in Annex 9 of the Interpretation of Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials.
The technical standards for lithium ion secondary batteries shall be the harmonised standards as listed in Appendix 12 hereafter. A transition period of two years will apply from the date of enforcement.
Interested parties may submit their comments online until 3 December 2022.
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
2022 年 11 月,沙烏地阿拉伯標準、計量和品質組織 (SASO) 發佈 2018 年電池技術法規修正案。
In November 2022, the Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) issued an amendment to the Electric Batteries Technical Regulation of 2018.
The amendment changes Article 11(1) on transitional provisions to provide suppliers with a grace period of 180 days (the period was stated as 6 months) from the date of publication in the Official Gazette to comply with the requirements of this Technical Regulation. A one-year transitional period is also introduced in Article 11(2) in order to continue the trade of non compliant products which were lawfully placed on the market prior to the date of publication of this Technical Regulation.
The Regulation also updates the list of electric batteries’ products subject to this Regulation, and the relevant standards indicating the applicable technical requirements for batteries, which are set out in Annex (1).
家用電器 House Appliances
Taiwan 台灣
BSMI頒布應施檢驗一般家用電器貯備型電熱水器商品之相關檢驗規定修正草案。經濟部能源局(BOE)修正於2022 年 9 月2日之公告。CNS 11010(102 年版)第 8.11 節「內桶容量」及第 8.14 節「每 24 小時標準化備用損失 Est,24」、其實測值(Est,24)須符合「貯備型電熱水器容許耗用能源基準」規定。表列商品之修正後檢驗標準自公告日起實施,修正前檢驗標準自 114 年 7 月 1 日起停止適用。
詳情請參考此連結: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1666341890572.pdf
The “Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating
Labelling and Inspection for Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters (Amendment Draft),” proposed by the Bureau of Energy (BOE), Ministry of Economic Affairs, was notified on 2
September 2022 as per G/TBT/N/TPKM/407/Rev.1. As the requirements on the capacity of inner tank are included in the notified amendment draft, the BSMI proposes to remove the requirement of Section 8.11“Capacity of inner tank” of CNS 11010:2013 from BSMI’s testing items to avoid overlapping jurisdiction with the BOE.
Date of implementation: : 1 July 2025. Details, please see attached.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
Bahrain 巴林
[法規草案] 巴林就空調能源標籤和最低能源性能要求技術法規草案通知世貿組織,目前該草案正在搜集意見中。
Bahrain notify WTO regarding Draft Technical Regulation on Energy Labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for Air-Conditioners
On 4 November 2022, the WTO published Notification G/TBT/N/BHR/643 regarding a draft technical regulation on energy labelling and minimum energy performance requirements for Air Conditioners.
Interested parties may submit their comments until 3 January 2023.
Belarus 白俄罗斯
2022 年 8 月,白俄羅斯國家標準化委員會發佈了洗衣機能效標準第 2457-2020 號修正案。 修正案主要引入了一個新的附錄G,增加了以下內容:
– 對能效和耗水量有影響的洗衣機設計要素的要求 (G.4)
– 控制方法 (G.5)
– 洗衣機能效標籤 (G.6)
– 洗衣機技術文件 (G.7)
– 洗衣機在投入流通後的測試 (測量) 期間能效參數的允許偏差 (G.8)
此外,更新了強制性能效標籤的設計。 該修正案於 2022 年 10 月 25 日生效。
In August of 2022, the Belarusian State Committee for Standardization published an amendment to Standard No. 2457-2020 on the Energy Efficiency of Washing Machines.
The amendment mainly introduces a new Annex G that adds the following:
– requirements for design elements of washing machines that have an impact on energy efficiency and water consumption (G.4)
– control methods (G.5)
– label of energy efficiency of washing machines (G.6)
– technical documentation for washing machines (G.7)
– permissible deviations of energy efficiency parameters of washing machines during tests (measurements) after their release into circulation (G.8)
Furthermore, the design of the mandatory energy efficiency label has been updated.
The amendment entered into force on 25 October 2022.
India 印度
能效局決定延長“超高清電視 (UHD TV)”、“微波爐” 和“家用液化石油氣爐 (LPG stoves)” 現有星級評定表的有效期。
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has decided to extend the validity of the existing star rating table and revised label period validity period for these appliances as below table:
Schedule |
Product |
New Validity |
Schedule 26 |
Ultra-High Definition (UHD) Televisions |
January 1st ,2021 to June 30th ,2023 |
Schedule 22 |
Microwave Oven |
March 1st ,2019 to December 31st ,2024 |
Schedule 9 |
Domestic Liquefied Petroleum Gas(LPG) Stoves |
January 1st ,2014 to December 31th ,2024 |
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
[法規草案] SASO通知世貿組織關於SASO 2663:2021“空調-低容量窗式和單分體式空調的最低能源性能、標籤和測試要求”的修訂: SASO 2663:2021/AMD1 :xxxx。
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
India 印度
CPBC公布正式版《E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022》, 取代2016版, 並於2023/04/01施行。
2016年版僅包含 “i) 信息技術和電信設備” 和 “ii) 消費電子產品” 兩類別21項產品, 但新版納入了以下5+1類別, 共計106項產品
ii-i) 光伏板
iii) 大小型電子電氣設備
iv) 電氣和電子工具 (大型固定工業工具除外)
v) 玩具、休閒和運動器材
vi) 醫療器械 (所有植入和感染產品除外)
vii) 實驗室儀器
CPCB has released the official gazette 《E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022》stating the implementation of 106 products to have mandatory E-waste EPR requirements.
Below are the categories of products covered under the rules.
i) Information technology and telecommunication equipment
ii) Consumer Electrical and Electronics and Photovoltaic Panels
iii) Large and Small Electrical and Electronic Equipment
iv) Electrical and Electronic Tools (With the exception of large- Scale Stationary Industrial Tools)
v) Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment
vi) Medical Devices (With the Exception of All Implanted and Infected Products)
vii) Laboratory Instruments
The gazette also introduces revised recycling targets for the producers as per the following Schedule-III.
S. No. |
Year(Y) |
E-waste Recycling Target(by weight) |
1. |
2023-24 |
60% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
2. |
2024-25 |
60% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
3. |
2025-26 |
70% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
4. |
2026-27 |
70% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
5. |
2027-28 |
80% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
6. |
2028-29 onwards |
80% of the quantity of an EEE placed in the market in year Y-X, where ‘X’ is the average life of that product |
The new regulation will be applicable from 1st April, 2023.
These rules shall apply to every manufacturer, producer, refurbisher, dismantler and recycler involved in manufacturing, sales, transfer, purchase, refurbishing, dismantling, recycling and processing of e-waste or electrical and electronic equipment listed in Schedule-I (as per the gazette), including their components, consumables, parts and spares which make the product operational but shall not apply to –
Radio-active wastes as covered under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962) and rules made there under.
India 印度
BIS公告再次延緩插頭與插座標準IS 1293:2019的實施日。
目前2005和2019年版本均有效至 2023 年 10 月 23 日, 至此之後 2005 年版將被撤銷。
For plug and socket outlet, the standard was revised in IS 1293:2019 version. At present both 2005 and 2019 versions are valid. The will remain valid till 23 Oct. 2023 after which 2005 will be withdraw and 2019 shall remain in force.
South Africa 南非
南非SABS於2022/11/01開始實行ILAC EMC CoC的認證流程。
The SABS ILAC EMC CoC certification process was officially implemented as from 01 November 2022 – and the following application conditions will be applicable:
South Korea 韓國
2022 年 11 月11日,韓國國家技術標準局(KATS)公告以下3種標準修訂。
– (修訂) KC 61851-1:電動汽車充電系統第 1 部分:一般要求
– (制定) KC 62752:電動汽車模式 2 充電的線上控制與保護裝置產品標準
– (已廢除) KC 61851-22:電動汽車充電系統第 22 部分:交流電動車輛充電站的國際標準
– (KC 61851-1) 制定標準以支援推出移動充電器* (耐振動和耐衝擊等) 融合新產品,並通過增加超載/短路保護測試專案來加強安全標準
* 可以使用裝有電池的手推車和卡車在使用者希望的時間和地點充電的複合式產品
– (KC 62752) 制定單獨的安全標準,增加原始安全標準 (KC 61851-1 和 KC 61851-22) 中針對可擕式充電器*和耐老化測試要求
* 由線上控制與保護裝置組成的充電器作為可擕式產品
– 原始 KC 61851-22 的所有內容已移至 KC 61851-1 (修訂版) 和 KC 62752 (已制定)。
In 11 November of 2022, the Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) published an amendment No. 2022-0513.
The amendment mainly introduces following:
– (Revised) KC 61851-1: Electric Vehicle conductive Charging System Part 1: General Requirements.
-(Established) KC 62752: In-cable control and protection device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD).
– (Withdraw) KC 61851-22: Electric Vehicle conductive Charging System Part 22: AC Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.
modify the content:
– (KC 61851-1) Establishment of standards to support the new product with mobile chargers* (vibration and shock resistance, etc.) and strengthen safety standards by adding overload/short circuit protection test items.
* A combination products that can be charged at the time and place the user desires by using a battery-equipped cart or truck.
– (KC 62752) Create a separate safety standard, adding the original safety standards (KC 61851-1 and KC 61851-22) for portable charger safety and aging test requirements
* A charger consisting of an In-cable control and protection device is used as a portable product
– All content of the original KC 61851-22 has been moved to KC 61851-1 (revisison) and KC 62752 (established).
Official website: https://www.kats.go.kr/content.do?cmsid=239&mode=view&page=2&cid=23421
South Korea 韓國
2022 年 11 月22日,韓國國家技術標準局(KATS)修正第2022-0458號《電器安全標準 (第一類)》公告如下表。
原始公告 |
更正後公告 |
馬桶電器安全標準 附錄(通知編號2022-0458,2022.10.25 ) |
馬桶電器安全標準 附錄(通知編號2022-0458,2022.10.25 ) |
In 22 November of 2022, the Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) published an revision of No. 2022-0458.
Original announcement |
Update announcement |
Safety standard for toilet appliances Appendix(No. 2022-0458, 2022.10.25) |
Safety standard for toilet appliances Appendix(No. 2022-0458, 2022.10.25) |
UK 英國
英國政府將立法允許製造商在 2024 年 12 月 31 日之前取得由歐盟認可的合格評定機構 (CAB) 的CE 認證合格評定活動,可聲明現有產品類型符合 UKCA 要求。產品仍須帶有 UKCA 標誌,並且需要在證書到期時或 2027 年 12 月 31 日之後 (以較早者為準) 接受英國認可機構的合格評定。
在 2024 年 12 月 31 日前取得歐盟認可的 CAB 完成適用產品的合格評定活動,即允許製造商申請 UKCA 標誌,無需任何英國認可機構的參與, 並根據現有的 CE 認證繼續將其產品投放市場,直至頒發證書的有效期,或直到 2027 年 12 月 31 日 (以較早者為準)。
如果製造商在 2024 年 12 月 31 日前使用現有 CE 認證下的合格評定作為確保其產品符合 UKCA 要求的基礎,建議在英國合格聲明中包含相關英國指定標準和等同歐盟標準的列表,且適用於其產品的協調標準,以及執行合格評定程序的歐盟認可的 CAB (或根據與第三國的歐盟互認協議認可的 CAB) 的詳細信息。
The UK government will be introducing legislation to allow conformity assessment activities undertaken by EU-recognised Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs), for CE certification before 11pm on 31 December 2024, to be used by manufacturers to declare existing product types as compliant with UKCA requirements. Products must still bear the UKCA marking and will need to undergo conformity assessment with a UK Approved Body at the expiry of the certificate or after 31 December 2027, whichever is sooner.
Before 11pm on 31 December 2024, if an EU-recognised CAB has completed the relevant conformity assessment activities applying to a product, this would allow manufacturers to apply the UKCA mark without the need for any UK Approved Body involvement. They could continue to place their goods on the market on the basis of their existing CE certification following the end of this year, for the lifetime of the certificate issued, or until 31 December 2027 (whichever is sooner).
Where manufacturers are using conformity assessment under existing CE certification before 11pm on 31 December 2024 as the basis to ensure compliance with UKCA requirements for their products, we recommend that they include in the UK Declaration of Conformity the list of relevant UK designated standards and equivalent EU harmonised standards that apply to their product, as well as details of the EU-recognised CAB (or CAB recognised under an EU Mutual Recognition Agreement with a third country) which carried out the conformity assessment procedures.
More details are given at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/ukca-marking-conformity-assessment-and-documentation