- WLAN equipment with public network IP address allocation function shall support IPv6 protocol and enable IPv6 address allocation function by default.
- Additional technical requirements for multiple antennas.
- Calculation method of synthetic gain and shaping gain is added.
- Addition of various interference avoidance technical requirements for radio transmitting equipment such as monitoring and avoidance, pre-launch search and equivalent occupancy rate.
- 證書有效期將從永久變為5 年
- 本地測試將是強制性的 (目前仍可免除)
- 標籤要求將按如下方式實施:
- The certificate validity will change from permanent to 5 years.
- Local testing will be mandatory (for now it can still be waived).
- Label requirement will be implemented as follows:
- electronic screens with a screen area of 100 cm2 or less,
- projectors,
- integrated video conferencing systems,
- medical devices screens,
- virtual reality glasses,
- digital photo frames,
- control panels,
- large stationary industrial tools.
- ensuring that each electronic screen that complies with the energy efficiency classes outlined in Annex 1.1 bears a printed label per Annex 2. The label should be printed on the packaging of the electronic screen or attached to the packaging;
- ensuring that the content of the label is in accordance with Annex 2, and its appearance and design follows Annex 2.2,
- ensuring that the label is printed on or attached to the packaging,
- making available the technical documentation for the product, as outlined in Annex 5, upon request of the competent authority.
- QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT:關於在 5GHz 頻段運行的無線電接入設備的國家技術法規
- QCVN 123:2021/BTTT:關於短距離設備 (SRD) 的國家技術法規 – 用於 40 GHz 至 246 GHz 頻率範圍的無線電設備
- QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT:關於在 76 GHz 至 77 GHz 頻率範圍內工作的地面車輛雷達設備的國家技術法規
- battery-powered electric passenger cars and/or light commercial vehicles;
- L, M and N type electric vehicle battery packs;
- removable and exchangeable battery for category L electric motor vehicle;
- electromagnetic remote control switch;
- battery-based mopeds and/or electric motorcycles; and
- lithium ion power banks.

資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Benin 貝南
2021 年 10 月 20 日,貝南的 Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste (ARCEP) 發出通知,提醒用於傳輸和/或接收信號和通訊的終端設備必須在2021年 12 月31日之前獲得 ARCEP 的批准。
On October 20, 2021 ’Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste (ARCEP) in Benin issued a notice to remind that the Terminal Equipment used for the transmission and/or reception of signals and correspondence must be approved by ARCEP by December 31, 2021.
Estonia 愛沙尼亞
2021 年 10 月 16 日,愛沙尼亞企業和資訊技術部發佈了一項修正案,修訂了 2009 年第 118 號關於基於頻率授權使用的無線電設備的技術要求法規。 該修正案規定了在頻率授權下使用的無線電設備的條件,現行法規中沒有提到這些要求。本條例於 2021 年 10 月 19 日生效。
On 16 October 2021, the Estonian Ministry for Enterprise and Information Technology published a Regulation amending Regulation No. 118, 2009 on Technical Requirements for Radio Equipment used on the Basis of a Frequency Authorisation.
The amendment lays down the conditions for radio equipment used under a frequency authorisation for which no requirements are mentioned in the current Regulation.
The amendments are largely reflected in Annexes 1-8. Annexes 1 to 8 set out the specific requirements for radio equipment, which are divided into normative and informative parts. The conditions and technical requirements for the use of radio equipment (usable radio frequency band, bandwidth, radiation standards, modulation) and prerequisites for radio frequency planning are set out in the normative part. The informative part sets out the relevant harmonized standards that are recommended for use in assessing and attesting the conformity of radio equipment and indicates the notification number that will be received when the European Commission is notified.
Annex 1 of the amendment, compared to Annex 1 of the current Regulation has been supplemented with the new harmonized standards of the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (hereinafter ETSI).
This amendment will bring the Regulation in line with:
Establishing the European Economic Communications Code (Recast), Directive (EU) 2018/1972;
Use of the 470-790 MHz Frequency Band in the Union, Decision (EU) 2017/899;
Annex 2 revises descriptions of radiocommunication services, bringing them in line with ITU Radio Regulations.
This amendment will bring the Regulation in line with:
Decision (EU) 2020/636 on the update of technical conditions;
Harmonisation of the 24,25-27,5 GHz Frequency Band for Terrestrial Systems Capable of Providing Wireless Broadband Electronic Communications Services, Decision (EU) 2019/784;
Decision 2020/590 on power limits.
Annex 3 revision relates to aviation terminology.
Annex 4 revision relates to fixed radio lines.
Annex 5 revision relates to GNSS repeaters.
Annex 6 has been supplemented with ETSI standard EN 62368-1 compared to Annex 6 of the current regulation.
Annex 7 sets out requirements for marine communication equipment.
Annex 8 sets out requirements for International Satellite System for Search and Rescue.
Annex 9 contains a list of abbreviations.
This Regulation entered into force on 19 October 2021.
Japan 日本
2021 年 11 月 1 日,日本經濟產業省 (METI) 對《電器和材料技術要求條例的解釋》發佈修訂,改變電器和材料技術要求下適用的標準,以反映最新的國際技術趨勢。 具體而言,修正案將附表12中的4項JIS標準替換為符合新版IEC標準的最新版本,涵蓋愛迪生螺絲燈座、電熱毯、墊子、服裝等柔性電器以及電纜等產品。 更改於 2021 年 11 月 1 日生效,並且有3 年的過渡期,以用更新版本替換已經使用的 JIS 標準。
On 1 November 2021, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) issued an amendment to the Interpretation of the Ordinance on Technical Requirements for Electrical Appliances and Materials.
The amendment was issued to change the standards applicable under technical requirements for electrical appliances and materials in order to reflect the latest international technology trends. Specifically, the amendment replaces 4 JIS standards in Annex 12 with the latest version which conforms to the newer version of IEC standards, covering products such as edison screw lampholders, electric blankets, pads, clothing and other flexible appliances, as well as cables.
The changes became effective on 1 November 2021, and a transitional period of 3 years will apply for replacing JIS standards already in use with a newer version.
China 中國
On October 13, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued Regulation No.129 related to the 2400MHz, 5100MHz and 5800MHz frequency bands.
It will become effective on October 15, 2023, then the relevant radio transmitting equipment will need to meet the new technical requirements.
Main changes of the Regulation include:
Senegal 塞內加爾
8 月 27 日,塞內加爾電信管理局 ARTP 發佈了更新後的型式批准法規決定: 2021-011,取代之前的 2004-002 版本。
On August 27 the Telecommunication Authority ARTP in Senegal published an updated type approval regulation decision no. 2021-011, which replaces previous 2004-002 version.
It should be noted that,
Serbia 塞爾維亞
2021 年 9 月 1 日,塞爾維亞能源和礦業部發佈了關於電子螢幕能效標識的規則。規則以關於電子顯示器能源標籤的法規 (EU) 2019/2013 為藍本,因此符合歐盟法律。
本規則於 2021 年 9 月 30 日生效。供應商必須在 2021 年 12 月 30 日之前履行第 4 條規定的義務。
On 1 September 2021, Serbia’s Minister of Energy and Mining issued this Pravilnik on the energy efficiency labelling of electronic screens. The Pravilnik covers the obligations of suppliers and sellers of electronic screens, the procedure for verifying compliance, determining the energy efficiency class, the appearance and design of energy labels, the contents of technical documentation of the products, and information that needs to be provided during distance and online selling.
The Pravilnik is modelled on regulations (EU) 2019/2013 on energy labelling of electronic displays, as amended, and as such aligns with EU law.
Article 2 contains a list of exempted products, and they include, among others:
Article 4 covers the obligations of suppliers placing on the market or using electronic displays, including:
The appearance and design of the electronic screen label, as well as the information displayed on the label are given in Annex 2. The contents of the product data sheet are outlined in Annex 4, while information contained in the technical documentation is in Annex 5. The information that needs to be provided with distance and online selling is outlined in Annexes 6 and 7. Market surveillance procedure is outlined in Annex 8.
This Pravilnik entered into force on 30 September 2021. Suppliers must fulfil the obligations that are outlined in Article 4 by 30 December 2021.
Taiwan 台灣
標準檢驗局 (BSMI) 提議2024年1月1日起實施最新版的電氣安全規範、電磁兼容性和相關檢驗標準的CNS15598-1:2020 和 CNS15936:2016 以利法規與國際標準接軌,以確保消費者的安全。
Taiwan Standard |
Harmonized IEC standard |
CNS 15998-1:2020 |
IEC 62368-1:2018 3rd edition |
CNS 15936:2016 |
CISPR32: 2015 2nd edition |
BSMI proposes to adopt the newest version of the electrical safety specifications, electromagnetic compatibility and related inspection standard, CNS 15598-1:2020 and CNS15936:2016 to bring our regulations in line with the international standards to ensure consumers’ safety.
In addition, CNS 15598-1: 2020 was also revised to meet the ratification requirements of the Minamata Convention on Mercury to address the threat to human health and the environment.
For the video recording or reproducing apparatus, the standard to be adopted contains volume limits requirements to protect consumers from hearing loss.
Rechargeable electric pencil sharpener is added in the product scope for legal inspection.
Proposed date of entry into force: 1 January, 2024
Taiwan 台灣
過度使用智能手機和帶耳機的音頻設備可能會導致消費者的聽力損失。 為了加強對消費者的保護,BSMI提案規範耳機的檢驗要求。 有兩種可供選擇的合格評定程序可供申請人選擇,即產品認證註冊 (RPC) 或型式逐批檢驗 (TABI)。
The excessive use of smartphones and audio devices with headphones may cause hearing loss of consumers. In order to enhance consumer protection, the BSMI intends to regulate the inspection requirements for headphones. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures, are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI).
Proposed date of implementation: 1 January 2024
Scope of covered products:
Vietnam 越南
Recently, the Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) of Vietnam has issued followed new standards.
1) QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT: National technical regulation on radio access equipment operating in the 5GHz band
– QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT has been issued together with Circular 11/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 28, 2021
– QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT shall take effect from May 01, 2022 and enforced (replace QCVN 65:2013/BTTTT) from July 01, 2023.
– Transmit power limit will depend on if the product has “transmit power control” (TPC) function or not.
– QCVN 65:2021 has been composed based on EN 301 893 V2.1.1 (2017-05)
This time the Vietnam MIC has spent a long grace period for organization and individual to update test report and Type Approval certificate from QCVN 65:2013/BTTTT to QCVN 65:2021/BTTTT. Organization and individual can apply for QCVN 65:2021 on voluntary basis during the period from May 01, 2022 to July 01, 2023 for convenience and readiness.
Unfortunately, WiFi 6E (6GHz) is still not allowed yet.
2) QCVN 123:2021/BTTT: National technical regulation on Short Range Device (SRD) – Radio equipment to be used in the 40 GHz to 246 GHz frequency range
– QCVN 123:2021/BTTT has been issued together with Circular 10/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 28, 2021.
– QCVN 123:2021/BTTT shall take effect from July 01, 2022.
– QCVN 123:2021/BTTT has been composed based on EN 305 550-1 V1.2.1 (2014-10) for test method and EN 305 550-2 V1.2.1 (2014-10) for limits
– QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT: National technical regulation on Radar equipment operating in the frequency range 76 GHz to 77 GHz for ground-based vehicle
– QCVN 124:2021/BTTT has been issued together with Circular 09/2021/TT-BTTTT dated October 20, 2021.
– QCVN 124:2021/BTTT shall take effect from July 01, 2022.
– QCVN 124:2021/BTTT has been composed based on EN 303 396 V1.1.1 (2016-12) for test method and EN 301 091-1 V2.1.1 (2017-01) for limits
Since the QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT only cover Vehicle radar 76 ~ 77 GHz within its scope, if the radar can be operated at a frequency range lager than 76 ~ 77 GHz (eg: 76 ~ 81 GHz), then applicable regulation as below:
1) Vehicle radar 76 ~ 77 GHz need to comply with QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT and EMC QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT.
2) Vehicle radar having operating frequency higher than 40GHz other than 76 ~ 77 GHz need to comply with QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT and EMC QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT.
3) If the vehicle radar operating frequency range is larger than 76 ~ 77GHz (eg: 76 ~ 81 GHz), then it must comply to QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT, QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT, QCVN 18:2014/BTTTT.
4) At the beginning stage, due to limited capability of Vietnamese lab, the MIC may accept equivalent CE standards issued by ISO/IEC 17025 accredited oversea labs to replace QCVN 123:2021/BTTTT and QCVN 124:2021/BTTTT
EAEU 歐亞經濟聯盟
[法規草案] 2021 年 10 月 25 日,修訂 TR EAEU 037/2016 ”關於限制在電氣和電子設備中使用某些有害物質”的草案在 EAEU 網站上發布。技術法規規定了 EAC 認證、EAC 聲明或國家註冊期間產品安全的最低要求。該項目的公開討論時間為2021年11月19日至2022年1月21日。
1. 危險管控物質將從6項增加為10項
2. 廢物分類收集標誌必須貼在產品或包裝上,並在隨附的操作文件中註明。標誌的最小高度必須為 7 mm。
3. 電氣和電子設備的操作說明應補充具有約束力的訊息
對 EAEU TR 037/2016 的更改自歐亞經濟聯盟理事會決定正式公佈之日起 180 天後生效。
The technical regulation TR EAEU 037/2016 On restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment will be changed
On October 25, 2021, a draft to amend TR EAEU 037/2016 “On restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment” was published on the EAEU website. The Technical Regulation set minimum requirements for the safety of products during the EAC Certification, EAC Declaration or state registration. The public discussion of the project is planned for the period from November 19, 2021 to January 21, 2022.
The changes serve to clarify and specify the provisions of the set of rules with regard to the expansion of the area of application with regard to measuring devices, chemical power sources and exceptions in the area of application. With the new version of the technical regulation, the requirements for the nomenclature of hazardous substances and the limitation of their content in electrical and electronic equipment are updated.
An important addition will be the inclusion of requirements for the disposal of products that have lost their consumer properties due to physical wear and tear or obsolescence. This supplement was created on the basis of the European Directive 012/19 / EU (WEEE-2).
The list of dangerous substances, the content of which in electrical and radio electronic products exceeds the permissible concentration in homogeneous materials
The list in Appendix No. 2 is supplemented by 4 new standardized indicators of dangerous substances:
Diethylhexyl phthalate
Butyl benzyl phthalate
Dibutyl phthalate
Diisobutyl phthalate
The permissible value for all four indicators is no more than 0.1 percent by weight.
In addition, some items in the list of special requirements for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (Appendix No. 3) are amended and supplemented. For example, the lead content in steel, including galvanized steel, in an amount of no more than 0.35% may only be for 3 years from the date on which the changes in EAEU TR 037/2016 come into force. After that, the requirements of § 7 of the regulations must be met.
Requirements for the disposal of electrical and electronic products
A large number of new terms that are anchored in the draft amendment of TR EAEU 037/2016 relate specifically to the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. The following terms are added: “Waste from electrical and electronic equipment”, “Labeling with symbol for separate waste collection”, “Best available technologies” (concerns the collection, storage, transport, processing, disposal, neutralization, placement, disposal of waste from in electrical and electronic equipment), “Recycling of waste from in electrical and electronic equipment”, “Extended producer responsibility”, “Handling of waste from electrical and electronic equipment”, “Symbol of separate waste collection” and “Authority in the area of administration of Waste from electrical and electronic equipment ”.
The label for separate waste collection must be affixed to the product or the packaging and indicated in the accompanying operating documents. The license plate must have a minimum height of 7 mm.
Operating instructions for electrical and electronic equipment should also be supplemented with binding information:
A product that has lost its functional properties should not be disposed of with unsorted solid household waste, but should be collected separately from other waste
Information on the possible harmful effects of hazardous substances contained in electrical and electronic equipment on human health and the state of the environment
A product should be recycled when it is not in use in order to avoid damage to the environment
A separate Appendix No. 4 will appear in the regulations on the requirements for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
Compliance with the specified requirements for the disposal of products is checked within the framework of state supervision.
Changes to the EAEU TR 037/2016 come into force after 180 days from the date of the official publication of the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Union.
電池 Batteries
Indonesia 印尼
2021 年 9 月 7 日,印尼國家標準化機構 (BSN) 發佈對 2021 年第 6 號法規《電工、電信和光產品行業合格評定標準》的修訂,增加鋰離子行動電源產品的認證標準。適用的鋰離子行動電源產品必須符合《SNI 8785:2019鋰離子行動電源-第1部分:通用安全要求》標準,且必須是輸出電壓最大60V或最大能量160Wh的低壓型產品,不包括用於工業目的的產品。該條例於 2021 年 9 月 7 日生效。
On 7 September 2021, the Indonesian National Standardisation Agency (BSN) issued an amendment to Regulation No. 6 of 2021 on Conformity Assessment Standards for the Electrotechnical, Telecommunication, and Optical Products Sector, to add certification standards for lithium ion power bank products.
According to this amendment, products covered by the Regulation include:
SNI certification standards for ion power bank products are provided in Annex 6 of the Regulation. This Annex can be used as a reference document for implementing the certification for the product safety of portable power bank products that use lithium ion secondary batteries as power storage.
Applicable lithium ion power bank products must meet the standard “SNI 8785:2019 Lithium Ion Power Bank – Part 1: General Safety Requirements”, and must be the low voltage type products with output voltage maximum 60 V or maximum energy 160 Wh. Products used for industrial purposes are excluded.
Annex 6 also provides the application procedure for certification, documents to be submitted including applicant/product/production process information, certification evaluation procedure, items to be included in the certificate, as well as material/safety/marking requirements and test methods.
The certificate is valid for 4 years, and must be re-certified 6 months before expiration.
The Regulation entered into force on 7 September 2021.
家用電器 House Appliances
China 中國
2021 年 10 月 11 日,中國標準化管理委員會 (SAC) 和中國國家市場監督管理總局 (SAMR) 批准了商用電磁爐能效最低允許值和能效等級標準 (GB 40876-2021),規定了商用電磁爐的能效等級及技術要求、試驗計算方法及標準實施。 本標準適用於單個或多個加熱單元的電磁灶,其中單個加熱單元的額定功率不超過35千瓦,額定電壓不超過450伏。 本標準不適用於家用電磁爐、擬在特殊環境條件下 (如腐蝕環境或易爆環境) 使用的電磁爐、戶外電磁爐等。 本標準自2022年11月1日起實施。
On 11 October 2021, the China Standardization Administration (SAC) and the China State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) approved standard on Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and Energy Efficiency Grades for Commercial Induction Cookers.
This standard specifies the energy efficiency rating and technical requirements, test and calculation methods, and implementation of standards for commercial electromagnetic cooktops (hereinafter referred to as “induction cookers”).
This standard applies to induction cooktops with single or multiple heating units, where the rated power of a single heating unit does not exceed 35 kW and the rated voltage does not exceed 450 V.
This standard does not apply to household induction cookers, induction cookers intended to be used under special environmental conditions (such as corrosive environments or environments prone to explosions), outdoor induction cookers, etc.
This standard will enter into force on 1 November 2022.
Montenegro 蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國)
2021 年 10 月 7 日,蒙特內哥羅 (黑山共和國) 發佈關於專業製冷器具、鼓風冷藏或冷凍櫃、冷凝機組和冷水機組的技術要求的規範。該規範確立了將專業製冷器具、鼓風冷藏或冷凍櫃、冷凝裝置和冷卻器投放市場的生態設計技術要求。本規範適用於電網供電的鼓風冷藏或冷凍櫃和電網供電的專業冷藏櫃,包括用於儲藏食品和動物飼料的製冷器具。該協議於2021 年 10 月 29 日生效。
On 7 October 2021, the Montenegrin Ministry of Capital Investments issued a Pravilnik regarding technical requirements for professional refrigerated cabinets, blast cooling or freezing cabinets, condensing units and process chillers. This Pravilnik establishes the technical requirements for eco-design for placing on the market for professional refrigerated cabinets, blast cooling or freezing cabinets, condensing units and process chillers.
This Pravilnik applies to mains-operated blast cooling or freezing cabinets and mains-operated professional refrigerating cabinets, including those sold for the refrigeration of foodstuffs and animal feed.
Professional refrigerated cabinets and blast cooling or freezing cabinets:
The technical requirements for ecodesign for professional refrigerated cabinets and blast cooling or freezing cabinets are set out in Annex 1. The compliance of the technical requirements of professional refrigerated cabinets with the technical requirements of ecodesign will be measured and calculated in accordance with the methods set out in Annexes 4 and 5. Verification of compliance of measurements with technical requirements of ecodesign for professional refrigerated cabinets and cabinets for blast cooling or freezing shall be performed in accordance with Annex 8.
Condensing units:
The technical requirements for ecodesign for condensing units are set out in Annex 2. The compliance of the technical requirements of condensing units with the technical requirements of ecodesign will be measured and calculated in accordance with the methods set out in Annex 6. Verification of compliance of measurements with technical requirements of ecodesign of condensing unit shall be performed in accordance with Annex 9.
Process chillers:
The technical requirements for ecodesign for process chillers are set out in Annex 3. The compliance of the technical requirements of process chillers with the technical requirements of ecodesign will be measured and calculated in accordance with the methods set out in Annex 7. Verification of compliance of measurements with technical requirements of ecodesign for process chillers is performed in accordance with Annex 10.
This Pravilnik entered into force on the eighth day after its publication in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, specifically on 29 October 2021.
燈具 / LED Luminaiaries/LED
El Salvador 薩爾瓦多
[法規草案] 2021 年 10 月 27 日,薩爾瓦多技術法規局 (OSARTEC) 向 WTO 通報一項技術法規 (RTS 29.02.01:21),其中規定了在該國製造、進口、使用或銷售的燈具和燈具的能效標準。這些要求包括最低能效範圍、測試方法、標籤和合格評定程式,適用於電源電壓在 60 赫茲,100 V 至 480 V a.c. 之間的通用照明燈、LED 模組和室內/室外燈具。WTO 通知截止日期為 2021 年 12 月 26 日。 本技術法規應在其在官方公報上公佈 6 個月後生效。
On 27 October 2021, the El Salvadoran Agency for Technical Regulations (OSARTEC) notified the WTO of a Technical Regulation (RTS 29.02.01:21) laying down energy efficiency standards for lamps and luminaires which are manufactured, imported, used or marketed in the territory of El Salvador.
The requirements encompass minimum energy performance ranges, test methods, labelling and conformity assessment procedures. The Regulation also requires the registration of products prior to their importation or placing on the market.
These requirements apply to lamps intended for general lighting, LED modules and indoor/outdoor luminaires with electrical supply voltages between 100 V to 480 V a.c. at 60 Hz.
The selected certification body must be accredited by an accreditation body which is a signatory member of the MLA (Multilateral Recognition Agreement) of the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) or the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for Product Certification Bodies. The certification body must be recognised by the Organismo Salvadoreño de Accreditación (OSA).
In addition, the applicant shall register their products with the CNE prior to importing them or placing them on the market. The registration application shall contain the information specified in section 6.5.1 of this Technical Regulation.
This Technical Regulation is currently subject to a period of public consultation. Interested parties may submit their comments to the following address: consultasreglamento@osartec.gob.sv
The WTO notification deadline is on 26 December 2021.
This Technical Regulation shall enter into force 6 months after its publication in the Official Journal.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
India 印度
印度能源局公佈延長彩色電視、空調 (固定和可變空調) 和冰箱 (無霜和直冷) 的能效標籤有效期至2022年6月30日。
Bureau of Energy Efficiency with the consultation from the Ministry of Power, has decided to extend the validity of the existing star rating table of Color TV, Air Conditioner (Fixed and Variable AC), and Refrigerator (Frost-Free Refrigerator and Direct Cool Refrigerator) up to June 30th, 2022. Hence, the revised label period validity period for these appliances is as below:
Schedule |
Product |
New Validity |
Schedule 1 & 5 |
Frost Free Refrigerator & Direct Cool Refrigerator |
January 1st 2020 to June 30th 2022 |
Schedule 3 |
Air Conditioners (Fixed and Variable AC) |
January 1st 2018 to June 30th 2022 |
Schedule 11 |
Color Television |
January 1st 2019 to June 30th 2022 |
All the applicants registered with BEE have to complete the Model Continuation process for all the registered products latest by December 24th, 2021.
India 印度
Bureau of Energy Efficiency with the consultation from the Ministry of Power, has decided to extend the validity of the existing star rating table of Microwave Ovens and Washing Machine up to December 31, 2022. (Voluntary scheme)
Hence, the revised label period validity period for these appliances is as below:
Schedule |
Product |
New Validity |
Schedule 22 |
Microwave Ovens |
March 8st 2019 to December 31 2022 |
Schedule 12 |
Washing Machine |
March 8st 2019 to December 31 2022 |
All the applicants registered with BEE have to complete the Model Continuation process for all the registered products latest by December 23, 2021.
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
Australia 澳洲
潛水泵將於 2021 年 12 月 18 日納入 3 級管控產品範圍。
Submersible pump will be in scope of Level 3 on 18 Dec 2021. Compliance standard is AS/NZS 60335.2.41. It includes pumps for garden ponds, aquarium pumps, sludge pumps, submersible pumps, table fountain pumps, deep well pump or vertical wet pit pumps.