- Fixed Radio Transmitters
- Mobile Terminal Equipment
- Broadcasting Equipment
- Satellite Transmitter Equipment
- Frequency dependent Medical Equipment and Devices
- Short Range Radio Devices
- New Frequency Added
- Removed Usage of the frequency
- Removed Lease Channel Radio Access devices schedule and change the total schedule to twenty-eighth schedule (CA No.1 2020 is twenty-ninth schedule)
- air conditioners for land, railway, maritime, and air vehicles;
- air conditioners with condenser units powered by solar energy.
- ES 8434 Method of measuring the energy consumption of gas-burning ovens
- ES 8441 Eco-Friendly standards for energy efficiency of water pumps
- ES 8459 Flexographic inks
- ES 8284-2 Outdoor furniture – seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use part 2 – mechanical safety and testing requirements
- ES 8462 Furniture – sofa bed mechanisms – testing methods
- ES 5969-2 Water meters for cold potable water and hot water – Part 2 – testing methods
- ES 372-2 Gas fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners Part 2 : classification of water heaters and gases
- ES 372-3 Gas fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners Part 3 – operational requirements
The Decision entered into force on 14 June 2021.
資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Afghanistan 阿富汗
阿富汗 ATRA 發佈新的型式認證批准程序。
On May 2021, the Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) published a New Type Approval procedure, which has already entered into force.
This provision includes, but it is not limited to the following equipment:
ATRA may require testing, when this is the case one commercial sample shall be included in the application and shall come with where necessary accessories, device drivers and software and RF cables. This sample will be retained and used by ATRA.
Type Approval Certificates will be valid for an unlimited duration.
All approved equipment should follow the below labelling requirement:
Indonesia 印尼
SDPPI had extended the foreign test report acceptance for another 6 months. The date of acceptance is until 31st December 2021. It is not announced officially but the extended date are reflected on the Lab List in the website.
Ivory Coast (Cote d ‘Ivoire) 象牙海岸
在 76-77 GHz 頻段運行,用於車輛防撞雷達的設備現已在象牙海岸獲得批准,可申請型式認證。
Equipment operating in the 76-77 GHz frequency band intended for vehicle collision avoidance radars are now approved in Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire). This information follows a letter referenced number: 0021/250 / DGF / DITBS / SATR / DP from AIGF (Ivorian frequency management agency) addressed to ARTCI, the telecommunications regulatory agency of Cote d ‘Ivoire.
Malaysia 馬來西亞
馬來西亞 MCMC 已於 2021 年 6 月發佈新的頻率分配。
Malaysia MCMC had issued the new Class Assignment in June of 2021.
There are few changes from Class Assignment No.1 2020 to Class Assignment No.1 2021
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
CITC 已更新通訊和資訊技術設備的技術規範,以適應最新的技術發展。這些規範涵蓋了所有制造或供應給沙烏地阿拉伯的通訊和資訊技術設備,作為其批准的技術基礎,並且對在沙烏地阿拉伯製造、供應或銷售這些設備的所有各方也具有約束力。
CITC has updated the technical specifications of communications and information technology devices and equipment to accommodate the latest technological developments
These specifications cover all communication and information technology devices and equipment that are manufactured or supplied to the Saudi Arabia as the technical basis for their approval, and are also binding on all parties that manufacture, supply, or sell these devices and equipment in the Saudi Arabia.
As part of CITC’s continuous emphasis on transparency and public participation in the decision-making process, CITC has surveyed the public’s views on the draft technical specifications before issuing the final official versions.
We would like to inform you that CITC has approved and published the updated technical specifications on CITC’s website through the link below
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
SASO 已就SASO IEC 62368-1:2020 標準的實施做出以下決定:
1.SASO IEC 62368-1:2020 的執行日期延後至2023年1月1日 ,也就是自2023年1月1日起將只接受IEC 62368-1第三版CB證書與測試報告 (IECEE 62368-1: 2018)
2.根據IEC 62368-1:2014第二版的CB證書與測試報告將被接受到 2022年12月30日
SASO has decided the followings regarding the implementation of the standard SASO IEC 62368-1:2020 :
1.The new date to enforce the standard SASO IEC 62368-1:2020 will be January 01, 2023 instead of July 01, 2021.
2.The test report as per SASO IEC 62368-1:2017 AS (IEC 62368-1:2014) will be accepted until the date of December 30, 2022.
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
2021 年 7 月 9 日,沙烏地阿拉伯標準、計量和品質組織 (SASO) 發佈沙烏地阿拉伯 RoHS 技術法規。 該法規旨在限制在電氣和電子設備中使用某些有害物質,並定義供應商必須遵守的合格評定程序。相關方必須在 2022 年 1 月 5 日 (官方公報上公佈後 180 天) 滿足本條例的規定。 不符合規定的產品自發佈之日起最多可在市場上流通一年。
On 9 July 2021, the Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) issued a Technical Regulation for Saudi Arabia RoHS. The Regulation aims to restrict the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, and to define conformity assessment procedures to which suppliers must adhere.
Relevant parties are given until 5 January 2022 (180 days after publication in the official gazette) to meet the provisions of this Regulation. Non compliant products can be circulated in the market for a maximum period of one year after publication.
家用電器 House Appliances
Brazil 巴西
2021 年 6 月 25 日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業品質研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 發佈第 267號協議,批准商用電烤箱的品質技術法規和合格評定要求。該協議於 2021 年 7 月 1 日生效。
On 25 June 2021, the Brazil National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) published Portaria No 267 to approve the quality technical regulation and the conformity assessment requirements for commercial electric ovens.
This Portaria approves the consolidated regulation for commercial electric ovens and establishes the technical regulation on quality, conformity assessment and specifications for the conformity identification mark through Annexes I, II, and III.
It applies to combined, forced convection and ballast electric ovens, closed, with nominal power below 20kW, power supply voltage up to 250V for single-phase and 480V for three-phase, with or without forced air convection.
Gas-fired ovens which have electrical parts contributing to their operation shall be subjected to safety tests.
Concerning marking, the product must be supplied with adequate information, legible, and located in an appropriate place, the instruction for use, maintenance, and installation, which is essential for the use of the appliance without any safety risks for the user.
This Portaria enters into force on 1 July 2021.
Brazil 巴西
2021年6月25日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業品質研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 發佈第 268 號協議,批准微波爐的品質技術法規和合格評定要求。該協議於 2021 年 7 月 1 日生效。
On 25 June 2021, the Brazil National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) published Portaria No. 268 to approve the quality technical regulation and the conformity assessment requirements for microwave ovens.
This Portaria approves the consolidated regulation for microwave ovens and establishes the technical regulation on quality, conformity assessment and specifications for the conformity identification mark through Annexes I, II, and III.
It applies to household microwave ovens.
This Portaria enters into force on 1 July 2021.
Brazil 巴西
2021年6月26日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業品質研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 發佈第 269 號 協議,批准空調的合格評定要求。該協議於 2021年7月1日生效。
On 26 June 2021, Brazil’s National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) published Portaria No. 269 to approve the conformity assessment requirements for air conditioners.
This Portaria approves the consolidated regulation for air conditioners and establishes the technical regulation on conformity assessment and specifications for the conformity identification mark through Annexes I and II.
It applies to monoblock, single-body window or wall-mounted, and split-system type air conditioner, with a cooling capacity of up to 17.58 kW (60,000 BTU/h).
The following products are excluded from the scope of this Portaria:
portable, duct, and multi-split type air conditioners;
According to Article 5, when sold in physical or virtual places, products must bear the ENCE in a visible manner and, in the case of virtual commerce, the site administrator must provide the ENCE or the information contained therein in text format on all pages where the product is offered or displayed, in an ostensible, unambiguous manner next to the image or identification of the product model. The same applies to sales catalogues.
Annex I deals with the pre-market and conformity assessment requirements for air conditioners. Air conditioners manufactured, imported, distributed and marketed in the national territory must be subject to conformity assessment through the supplier declaration mechanism. The certification of air conditioners must be conducted by family, which is constituted as the set of models, produced in the same manufacturing unit, intended for the same function and that can be grouped according to their constructive characteristics.
The Air conditioners must be subjected to all the safety tests laid down in IEC 60335-1 and IEC 60335-2-40.
Finally, Annex II demonstrates the Conformity Identification Mark and the National Energy Conservation Label – ENCE.
This Portaria entered into force on 1 July 2021.
Chile 智利
[法規草案] SEC計畫更新家用加熱器的安全測試和認證協議PE Nº1/19。該協議草案正在徵集意見,主要變化包含:
1. 更新標準
2. 更新強制產品範圍
3. 更新認證單元劃分原則
4. 其他要求等
SEC is analyzing the update of SEC Protocol PE N°1/19. The SEC protocol is under public consultation. The main changs proposed are:
1. update of standard
2. clarification of scope
3. clarification for the way to conform a faimily.
4. other requirements.
Taiwan 台灣
2021 年 6 月 24 日,台灣標準檢驗局公告修正「應施檢驗電風扇等七項商品之相關檢驗規定」,並即日起立即生效,自 2023年1月1日起強制實施。
針對二次鋰系電池的安全問題,標檢局擴大列檢包含電風扇、真空吸塵器及吸水清潔機、電動食品碾磨機、電動食品混和器、電動榨汁機、燙(整)機和電動按摩器具等7種電器。這些產品使用的二次鋰系電池/電池組應符合CNS 15364:2013和CNS 62133-2:2018第7.3.8.1節「振動」和7.3.8.2節「機械衝擊」。
Amendments to the Legal Requirements for Fans and 6 Other Electrical Appliances
On June 24, 2021, the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) approved the Amendments to the Legal Requirements for Electrical Appliances (fans, vacuum cleaners & water-suction cleaners, electric food grinders, electric food mixers, electric juice extractors/ fruit squeezers, electric hair setting curlers, electric massage appliances)
In response to the safety concerns of secondary batteries which resulted in increasing incidents of explosion, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) include products with secondary cells/batteries in the inspection scope based on a staged approach. This proposal covers fans and 6 other electrical appliances and the secondary cells/batteries used by these products shall comply with CNS 15364: 2013 and Sections “vibration” and “mechanical shock” of CNS 62133-2: 2018. Relevant administrative arrangements for products already certified are provided. The regulation is with immediate effective and the date of implementation is 1 January 2023.
Thailand 泰國
2021 年 6 月 16 日,泰國工業部宣佈一項關於空調強制性安全要求的部級法規。 該法規主要要求空調必須符合工業標準 TIS 1529-2561。 該標準將於 2022 年 6 月 15 日起強制實施。
On 16 June 2021, the Thai Ministry of Industry announced a ministerial regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Air Conditioners.
The Regulation primarily requires that air conditioners must comply with Industrial Standard TIS 1529-2561 issued in accordance with the Industrial Product Standards Act.
The Standard will be of mandatory application with effect from 15 June 2022.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
India 印度
因疫情影響, BEE已向電力部提出延長儲能式電熱水器原2021/06/30到期之標準效期。
BEE proposes to extend the validity of existing energy performance standard of Electric Water Heaters.
The existing energy consumption standards for Storage Type Electric Water Heater are valid till 30th June 2021 and the revised energy consumption standards are to be made effective from 1st July 2021.
In view of the adverse impact of the COVID -19 pandemic on the business of Indian Storage type Electric Water Heater, BEE has sent the proposal to Ministry of Power to extend the existing energy performance standard of Electric Water Heater.
Accordingly, the portal to seek continuation approval for already approved star labelled models till the extended period is being made live. No renewal fee to be paid for seeking the continuation approval. Kindly confirm the number of models to be continued during the extended period.
India 印度
[法規草案] 印度公佈 <<能源局電吊式風扇標籤的詳細資訊和顯示方式, 2021令>> 的草稿規範,目前意見募集中,正式公告後六個月納入強制。
DRAFT “Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Electric Ceiling Type Fans) Regulations, 2021”
The regulation may be called “the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Electric Ceiling Type Fans) Regulations, 2021”.
Particulars to be displayed on label.- (1) On every Electric Ceiling Type Fan, the following particulars shall be displayed on its label, namely:-
(a) the logo of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency;
(b) name of manufacturer or importer and brand;
(c) trade name and number;
(d) model and year of manufacturing or import;
(e) unique series code;
(f) power input in watts;
(g) air delivery in cu m/min;
(h) service value in cu m/min/Watts;
(i) star level of Electric Ceiling Type Fan ; and
(j) label period
Mexico 墨西哥
Mexico’s National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy CONUEE is reminding interested parties that with the entry into force of the third and last stage of NOM-015-ENER-2018 refrigerators and freezers purchased by Mexican consumers must have the same energy efficiency levels as those sold in the United States and Canada.
On 12 June 2021 the final transitional phase under NOM-015-ENER-2018 ended, meaning that household appliance refrigerators and freezers marketed in Mexico must comply with the maximum energy consumption limits and labelling requirements.
The energy consumption specifications and the test methods for refrigerators and freezers are now fully aligned with current regulations in the United States and Canada.
Singapore 新加坡
2021 年 3 月 26 日,新加坡国家环境局 (NEA) 批准修订《节能 (管制商品和注册供货商) 条例》。 该修正案规定了三相 VRF 空调的最低能效标准 (MEPS) 和强制性能源标签计划 (MELS)。 该修正案于 2021 年 4 月 1 日生效。
On 26 March 2021, the Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA) approved an amendment of the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations.
This amendment sets out the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and the Mandatory Energy Labeling Scheme (MELS) for three-phase VRF air conditioners.
This amendment entered into force on 1 April 2021.
Taiwan 台灣
2021 年 6 月 11 日,台灣經濟部批准了關於空氣淨化器最低能效標準測試和能效等級標識和檢驗的通知。 本通知適用於符合CNS 16098並列入經濟部標準檢驗局檢驗目錄的空氣淨化器。本通知自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
Minimum Energy Performance Standards Testing and Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Air Cleaners
On 11 June 2021, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs approved a notice on Minimum Energy Performance Standards Testing and Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Air Cleaners.
This Notice applies to the air purifiers that comply with the CNS 16098 and are included in the catalog to be inspected by the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspections of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. This Notice does not apply to the following products:
(1) the air purifiers with CASR that’s lower than 0.26 or higher than 12.80.
(2) the air purifiers that work with only pure ozone, ultraviolet light, or photocatalyst.
(3) the air purifiers with an input voltage of the USB port body is DC 5V and the power adapter is not provided, solely with car cigarette lighter power supply, or only uses three-phase voltage or pure dry battery as the power supply.
This Notice enters into force on 1 January 2023.
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
Egypt 埃及
埃及貿易和工業部頒佈了第 221 號決定,為生產商和進口商提供六個月的過渡期,以遵守一些新制定的埃及標準。該決定於 2021 年 6 月 14 日生效。
The Egyptian Ministry for Trade and Industry enacted Decision No. 221 providing producers and importers with a six-month transitional period to comply with the following Egyptian standards:
The following two standards are no longer mandatory:
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
SASO 已宣佈將原本預計在2021年7月1日實施的SASO IECEE 認可證書 (簡稱SIRC證書) 第一階段新增產品推遲至 2021 年 9 月 1 日。從 2021 年 9 月 1 日起,第一階段新增產品和第二階段新增產品都將需要 SASO IECEE 認可證書。
SASO has announced the postponement of IECEE implementation Stage 1 till September 01, 2021.
Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 products will require SASO IECEE Recognition certificate from September 01, 2021.
Stage 1 products:
Product |
Testing standard |
Kettles |
IEC 60335-2-15 |
Coffee makers |
IEC 60335-2-15 |
Electrical Oil fryers |
IEC 60335-2-13 |
Electric pumps |
IEC 60335-2-41 IEC 60335-2-51 |
Video Games & accessories |
IEC 62368-1 : 2018 |
Cables |
IEC 60227 & parts IEC 60245 & parts IEC 60502 & parts IEC 60702-1 IEC 60800 IEC 62821 Parts IEC 62930 |
Stage 2 products:
Product |
Testing standard |
Shavers |
IEC-60335-2-8 |
Desktop computers |
IEC 62368-1 |
Circuit breakers |
AC Circuit breakers : IEC60898-1 AC/DC Circuit breakers : IEC 60898-2 DC circuit Breakers : IEC 60898-3 |
Main Current circuit breaker |
IEC 60947-2 |
Mobile charging cables |
IEC 62368-1 |
Uzbekistan 烏茲別克
2021 年 6 月 2 日,烏茲別克斯坦共和國總統批准了一項法令。該法令規定,自 2021 年 9 月 1 日起,某些低風險產品的合格評定應通過合格聲明進行,無需頒發合格證書。
該法令還規定,自 2021 年 11 月 1 日起:
(a) 對某些高風險產品的進口實行國家註冊程序,確認進口產品符合技術法規的文件應在產品抵達烏茲別克前至少 15 天在海關電子程序中註冊。
(b) 具有單一符合性證書的低風險產品的進口將被授權 24 個月,合格證書應由在烏茲別克斯坦設立的經認可的合格評定機構頒發。
(c) 進口產品的符合性控制應由技術監管機構或作為其結構一部分的授權組織進行。
(d) 不合格產品清單應由技術監管機構或授權組織保存。
該法令於 2021 年 6 月 3 日生效。
On 2 June 2021, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved a decree. This Decree establishes that from September 1, 2021, conformity assessment of certain low-risk products shall be carried out by declaration of conformity without the issuance of a certificate of conformity. The declaration of conformity shall be drawn up on the basis of test reports after carrying out comprehensive product tests in accordance with technical regulations. Manufacturers, suppliers, and traders remain responsible for ensuring compliance with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations and standards.
The Decree also establishes that as of November 1, 2021 :
(a) A state registration procedure for the import of certain high-risk products shall be introduced. Documents confirming the conformity of imported products to technical regulations shall be registered with the customs electronic program at least 15 days before the arrival of the products in Uzbekistan.
(b) The import of low-risk products with a single certificate of conformity will be authorized for a period of 24 months. The certificate of conformity shall be issued by an accredited conformity assessment body established in Uzbekistan.
(c) Controls of conformity of imported products shall be carried out by the Technical Regulation Agency or an authorized organization that is part of its structure.
(d) A list of non-compliant products shall be maintained by the Technical Regulation Agency or an authorized organization.
The types of products to be considered with low-risk or high-risk profiles are not specified in the Decree. These issues will be determined at a later date by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade.
This Decree came into force on 3 June 2021.