- Applications for certification of telecommunication tools and/or equipment using Test Report (LHU) issued by Overseas Testing Center must attach a reference summary of the Test Results Report (LHU) page or test report related to the technical requirements applicable in Indonesia which are test reference.
- The summary of the reference page for the Test Results Report (LHU) is issued by the Overseas Testing Center.
- The Reference Summary Format of the Test Results Report Page as referred to in Number 1 is listed in the Appendix which is an integral part of this Announcement.
- Regulations will effect from July 4th, 2021.
- This regulation applies to test reports published in 2021, while for test reports published before 2021 can be assisted to create summary of test report page references by agents/applicant, no mandatory by labs.
- Summary Reference page of the test report is a separate page from official report.
- Type Approval Procedures
- Sample requirement
- Brand and Type
- Codes of the different modules and cards of the system. Eg : model No.
- Certificate validity and Renewal process
- Resubmission for new approval
- Label/Marking
- the equipment is (a) inaccessible to the end user,
- and / or (b) space on the product is limited because of its size.
- An application for approval according to the model attached in the appendix 1;
- For legal entities, a certificate of registration in the trade register;
- A certificate of representation of the manufacturer;
- An affidavit according to the model attached in appendix 2;
- Proof of payment of the approval fees to the Regulatory Authority.
- Technical description of the equipment
- Test reports from a laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 in the areas of
- Electrical safety;
- Electromagnetic compatibility;
- Radio frequency spectrum (required only for radio equipment)
- Specific absorption rate SAR (required only for radio terminal equipment)
- Declaration of conformity issued by the manufacturer
- 數碼式地面電視機上盒DVB-T2(機上盒DVB-T2)
- 桌上型電腦,筆記型電腦和平板電腦
- vhi設備
- Digital terrestrial television set-top box DVB-T2 (Set Top Box DVB-T2)
- Desktop computer, laptops and tablets
- VHI equipment.
- a fact sheet which summarises the new standards for suppliers
- summaries of the new standards on the Product Safety Australia website.
- Consumer Goods (Products Containing Button/Coin Batteries) Safety Standard 2020
- Consumer Goods (Products Containing Button/Coin Batteries) Information Standard 2020
- Consumer Goods (Button/Coin Batteries) Safety Standard 2020
- Consumer Goods (Button/Coin Batteries) Information Standard 2020
- Air conditioners covered in Protocols PE 1/26:2009 and PE 1/26/2:2020;
- Mobile air conditioners covered in PE 1/29:2016;
- Mobile room dehumidifiers contained in PE 1/29:2016.
- with physical, sensory, or mental capabilities;
- whose lack of experience and knowledge prevents them from using the appliance safely without supervision or instruction.
- luminaires only for mining use;
- luminaires only for indoor use;
- LED projector luminaires of 12, 24, 36 or 48 direct current voltage, which work with solar energy through autonomous photovoltaic panels and batteries, without being connected to the distribution network of the electric company;
- Projector luminaires to be used exclusively in explosion-proof areas.
- 中國能效標識 (CEL) 007中小型三相非同步電動機能效標識
- 中國能效標識 (CEL) 021 關於風機能效標識
- 中國能源標識 (CEL) 020 關於電力變壓器能效標識
- 中國能效標識 (CEL) 022 關於平板電視能效標識
- 中國能源標識 (CEL) 024 關於機上盒能效標識
- the China Energy Label (CEL) 007 on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Small and Medium Three-Phase Asynchronous Motors;
- the China Energy Label (CEL) 021 on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Fans;
- the China Energy Label (CEL) 020 on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Power Transformers.
- the China Energy Label (CEL) 022 on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Flat-Screen TVs.
- the China Energy Label (CEL) 024 on Energy Efficiency Labelling of Set-Top Boxes.
- For decorative or ornamental lighting of public outdoor areas
- For signalling
- With emission of colour changing light or monochromatic light (green, red, yellow, blue, etc.).
- To be installed on the floor, under water, in classified or dangerous areas.
- Test methods, including luminous efficacy, nominal total luminous flux variation, correlated colour temperature, total luminous flux maintained and others.
- Labelling – the products must be marked legibly and indelibly on the body of the product with the data listed in Section 10, as well as the units according to NOM-008-SCFI-2002
- The packaging of the LED luminaires must contain, in a legible manner, the data listed in Section 10.2.1, as well as the units in accordance with NOM-008-SCFI-2002.
- providing product information
- instructions and warranties
- conformity assessment procedure.
- Conformity assessment steps;
- Traceability of measurements and calibrations;
- Transfer of certification;
- Termination of certification;
- Conformity identification mark.
- Only providing the services or producing, importing and selling the products subject to the certification and duly certified;
- Complying with all the conditions required by regulations related to the product/service;
- Applying the Conformity Identification Mark to all certified products.
- Annex A – requirements for the evaluation of laboratories not accredited by product certification bodies
- Annex B – certification criteria of certified objects sets (kits) or passing on certification
- Annex C – additional criteria for issuing certificates and for completing the database of certified products and services – PRODCERT.
- SI 1003 Part 2.1 – Release of Lead and Cadmium from Ware in Contact with Food: Vitreous and Porcelain Enamelled Metalware : Test Method;
- SI 1838 – Lighting applications: emergency lighting;
- SI 60436 – Electric dishwashers for household use: Methods for measuring the performance;
- SI 50065 Part 1– Signalling in low voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148.5 kHz: General requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances;
- SI 61156 Part 9 – Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications: Cables for channels with transmission characteristics up to 2 GHz – Sectional specification;
- SI 61156 Part 10 – Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications: Cables for cords with transmission characteristics up to 2 GHz – Sectional specification;
- SI 16880 Service Excellence: Creating outstanding customer experiences through service excellence
- SI 61169 Part 1 – Radio Frequency Connectors: Generic Specification – General Requirements and Measuring methods;
- SI 61169 Part 24 – Radio Frequency Connectors : Generic Specification: Coaxial Axis Connectors for Radio Frequency with Threaded Coupling, Designed primarily for 75 ohm cable networks (Type F).
資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Brazl 巴西
巴西ANATEL – Act 3939 – 符合性聲明模式即DoC (無需OCD發證) 取代之前的CoC,僅適用於Act 7280中提及的產品類別。
On June 8, ANATEL published the Act 3939 related to guideline of Declaration of Conformity (DoC) with testing report. The DoC procedure is similar as the regular certification mode, but the applicant (local rep) can apply the procedure directly with ANATEL without requiring the use of one OCD (OCD is optional in this mode).
The requirements are basically the same (representative letter, manual, internal and external pictures, Factory ISO and testing report (overseas ILAC testing report is acceptable) and the CoC will be replaced by a DoC declaration. Applicant will submit the files to ANATEL and ANATEL will inspect the documents as usual before issuing the homologation.
The DoC is applicable only for a few types of equipment according to Act 7280, such as: Connectors (Optical terminal/Telephone cable), Broadcasting equipment, RF Power Amplifier for Earth Station, Satellite Transceiver, etc.
India 印度
插頭插座及用於有功的交流直連式靜態預付費電錶 (質控) 令,2021年版 取代2019年版令,延至2022年6月1日納入ISI 強制產品。
Plugs and Socket-Outlets and Alternating Current Direct Connected Static Prepayment Meters for Active Energy (Quality Control) Order, 2021
S.O. 2166(E) superseds the earlier issued orders S.O. 4353(E) N.
This Order may be called the《Plugs and Socket-Outlets and Alternating Current Direct Connected Static Prepayment Meters for Active Energy (Quality Control) Order, 2021》with effect from the 1st June, 2022.
印尼 – SDPPI新增報告總結頁的要求,適用於文件審核流程。
On June 7th, SDPPI released official announcement regarding certification through document evaluation. The official announcement can be accessed at the following link : https://sertifikasi.postel.go.id/home/news?id=99 “Pengumuman Rangkuman Referensi Halaman LHU Nomor: 457/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/06/2021”
The important points are as follows :
In addition, we have confirmed with SDPPI for several things that aren’t mentioned in the announcement as follows :
Mauritania 茅利塔尼亞
茅利塔尼亞新法規:ATN 新型式認證法規發布。
On May 24th 2021, Mauritania ARE (Autorité de Régulation de la République islamique de la Mauritanie) released New Type approval regulation on their website.
This new regulation covers many fields such as:
It should be noted that process has not changed and lead time remains the same.
The document talks about sample submission. The applicant must provide a sample of the material for technical examination. The sample must include the following information:
However at the moment samples are not requested. Last released certificates has been done without sample submission.
Certificate is valid for 5 years.
According to article 13, Certificate renewal must be done 4 months before the expiration of the current certificate, notifying that the equipment has not undergone any modifications.
According to Article 13, a resubmission for new approval is required if the approved equipment undergone any change on its characteristics.
Marking is mandatory in Mauritania. However the label may be included in the accompanying documentation in situations below:
Mauritania 茅利塔尼亞
2021 年第 42 號決定規定任何旨在直接或間接連接到互聯網接入點的終端設備均須事先獲得監管機構的批准。事先批准的義務延伸到無線電裝置,無論它們是否有意連接到向公眾開放的網路。 視聽廣播設備不在該決定的範圍內,但是如果此類設備也允許使用電子通信服務,則須遵守管理局事先批准的義務。 在茅利塔尼亞製造、進口、分銷或提供銷售所涵蓋的設備之前,必須獲得批准。
This decision provides that any terminal equipment that is intended, directly or indirectly, to connect to a point of access to the Internet is subject to prior approval by the Regulatory Authority. The obligation of prior approval extends to radio installations whether or not they are intended or not, to be connected to networks open to the public.
Audio and visual broadcasting equipment is outside of the scope of the Decision. However, in the case where such equipment also allows access to electronic communication services, it is subject to the obligation of prior approval by the Authority.
Approval must be sought before the covered equipment can be manufactured for, imported into, distributed or offered for sale in Mauritania.
Any person requesting approval of equipment from the Authority must submit the following.
1. Administrative Documents:
2. Technical Documents:
Applicants are further required to submit a sample of the equipment with the application for approval for technical review. Each sample must be clearly identified and
information on the make and type of equipment and the codes of the different modules and boards of the system.
Approval is granted for a maximum period of five years and may be renewed according to the procedure outlined in Article 14 of the Decision.
Morocco 摩洛哥
Moroccan Authority ”ANRT” has issued a new SRD decision on May 07, 2021.
The Major changes are below:
1. Introduction of Wi-Fi 6E
Frequency bands |
Max output power |
Special conditions |
5925 – 6425 MHz |
200 mW EIRP |
This band is intended for indoor use only. |
5925 – 6425 MHz |
25 mW EIRP |
This band can also be used by portable devices (smartphones, connected objects, etc.) for indoor and /or outdoor use. |
2. Extension of the scope of use of the band 24– 24.25 GHzto cover omnidirectional obstacle detection radars and motion detection radars
Frequency bands |
Max output power |
Special conditions |
24 – 24.25 GHz |
100 mW EIRP |
This band is intended for omnidirectional obstacle detection radars and motion detection radars |
Singapore 新加坡
[法規草案] 新加坡 IMDA 發佈了 SRD 技術規範的更新草案,以更新規範引用的標準清單和 SRD 的頻率分配。最重要的變化是對 CISPR 24 的引用已被刪除並替換為 CISPR 35。
Singapore’s IMDA has released a draft update to the technical specifications for SRDs to update the list of standards referenced by the specification and the frequency allocations for SRDs. The most significant change is that the reference to CISPR 24 has been removed and replaced with CISPR 35.
This Specification defines the minimum technical requirements for Short-range Radio-communication Devices (SRD) to operate in one of the authorised frequency bands or frequencies, and transmit within the corresponding output power levels and restricted conditions given in Table 1.
This Specification allows SRDs to share the use of spectrum in a non-exclusive manner, based on technical usage conditions and, where necessary, using spectrum access mechanisms such as duty cycle, frequency hopping, detect and avoid, adaptive power control and listen before talk. It provides flexibility for deployment of a variety of SRD applications, catering to specific (common) as well as nonspecific usage scenarios.
SRDs may be fixed, mobile or portable stations that come with a radio frequency output connector and dedicated antenna or an integral antenna. Applications include alarms, identification systems, radiodetection, vehicle radar systems, wireless local area networks, remote controls, telecommand, telemetry and on-site paging systems. These devices may employ different types of modulation and may have speech applications.
SRDs shall operate according to the relevant technical requirements given in Table 1, and may only be allowed to operate to the requirements given in Table 2 on an exception basis.
UAE 阿拉伯聯合大公國
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) in UAE has changed its name to the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA).
Nevertheless, all documents, legislation and materials issued by the Authority with the old name are still effective.
Vietnam 越南
2021年5月14日,越南資訊和通訊部批准一份通函,修訂2020年5月14日第11/2020 / TT-BTTT號通函附件I和II。 本通函修改受強制認證和符合性評估的移動通訊設備清單,並修改了適用於以下ICT產品的技術法規:
On 14 May 2021, the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications approved a Circular amending Annexes I and II of Circular No. 11/2020 / TT-BTTTT of 14 May 2020 providing a list of potentially unsafe products and goods under the management of the Ministry of Information and Communications.
This Circular aims to modify the list of mobile communication equipment subject to compulsory certification and conformity assessment under section 1.2 of Annex I.
This Circular also modifies references to technical regulations applicable to the following ICT products and goods subject to declaration under Annex II:
This Circular shall enter into force on 1 July 2021.
電池 Battery
Australia 澳洲
澳大利亞消委會 (ACCC) 於近日就新的鈕扣/硬幣電池及其相關消費品的強制性標準發佈了供應商指引,自2022年6月22日起出售任何不合規的該類產品將會導致罰款。
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released supplier guidance for the mandatory standards for button/coin batteries and consumer goods containing button/coin batteries.
A Guide for Business on the Application of Mandatory Standards will help suppliers understand the new requirements for secure battery compartments, child resistant packaging, and warnings and information.
Below documents were also published:
Selling any non-compliant stock on or after 22 June 2022 may result in penalties.
New mandatory standards
In December 2020 the Australian Government made mandatory safety and information standards for button/coin batteries and consumer goods containing them.
The four mandatory standards are:
The mandatory standards include an 18-month transition period. This allows time for suppliers to implement any manufacturing and design changes to comply with the new requirements. From June 2022, suppliers must comply with the requirements in the standards.
More information
The Product Safety Australia website also provides background on the ACCC’s safety investigation into button/coin batteries, as well as other information on button battery safety.
家用電器 House Appliances
Chile 智利
[法規草案] 協議草案 PE No. 1/01:2021
該議定書草案於 2021年6月7日由智利電力和燃料監管局 (SEC) 公開徵求意見,規定了標稱電壓不超過 250V 的家用和類似用途的真空吸塵器和吸水清潔設備的安全認證程序,包括電池供電的自動清潔器 (例如:掃地機器人)等。
Draft Protocol PE No. 1/01:2021.
This draft Protocol is opened to public consultation on 07 June 2021 by the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC), seteting out a safety certification procedure for vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning devices for domestic use and similar purposes whose nominal voltage does not exceed 250V, including battery-powered automatic cleaners (robot or smart).
Chile 智利
[法規草案] 電熱泵的安全測試,草案協議 PE No.1/37:2021
本議定書草案於 2021年6月7日由智利電力和燃料監管局 (SEC) 公開徵求意見,根據適用範圍和領域,制定了電熱泵 (包括衛生熱水熱泵) 的安全認證程序,感興趣的單位可在 2021年8月6日之前提交意見。
Safety Testing of Electric Heat Pumps, Draft Protocol PE No. 1/37:2021
This draft Protocol opened to public consultation on 07 June 2021 by the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) sets out a safety certification procedure for electric heat pumps, including heat pumps for sanitary hot water, according to the scope and field of application of the Standards IEC 603365-1: 2016 Household and similar electrical appliances – Part 2-40 – Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners dehumidifiers and IEC 603365-1: 2016, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 1: General requirements; and that are single-phase, with direct expansion of refrigerant gas and an electrical power equal to or less than 7kW.
These products include the following:
• Heat pumps for air conditioning of rooms (heating, cooling, both)
• Heat pumps for air conditioning of rooms
• Heat pumps for sanitary hot water
• Heat pumps for swimming pools
• Heat pumps for more than one application mentioned above.
This draft does not include:
Requirements are based on the provisions of IEC 60335-2-40, as set out in Table A.
Regardless of the certification system used, electric heat pumps that are distinguished by the same design characteristics, materials, manufacturing method, same factory and address, brand, type and that have the following identical characteristics should be considered as a family:
• Application of the heat pump (air conditioning, sanitary hot water, swimming pools, more than one application)
• Type of system (air-water, water-water)
• Cooling thermal power
• Thermal power of heating
• Type of refrigerant
• Same compressor.
The certification body will verify that the product:
a) is marked in accordance with the provisions of Clause 7 of Table A;
b) is marked with the identification of the manufacturer;
c) is marked on the body with the month/year of manufacture and/or serial number, or other means of traceability;
d) indicates the country of manufacture;
e) bears the Certification Marking (SEC Seal), in accordance with R.E. N ° 2142.
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments until 06 August 2021.
Mexico 墨西哥
墨西哥於 2021 年 4 月 21 日發佈標準 NMX-J-521-2-14-ANCE-2020,涉及家用電器和類似產品 – 安全 – 第 2-14 部分:廚房機器的特殊要求。 NMX-J-521-2-14-ANCE-2020 取消之前的版本 NMX-J-521/2-14-ANCE-2013,建立家用和類似用途的炊具的安全特性,其額定電壓不超過大於 250 V。
This Declaration approves Mexican Standard NMX-J-521-2-14-ANCE-2020. It was published on 21st April 2021 and deals with Household appliances and similar – Safety – Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines.
NMX-J-521-2-14-ANCE-2020 cancels the previous version NMX-J-521/2-14-ANCE-2013 and establishes the safety characteristics of electrical cooking appliances for household and similar use, whose rated voltage is not greater than 250 V.
It applies to appliances that are not intended for domestic use and those that may be a source of danger to the public, such as appliances used by unskilled users in shops, light industries, and farms. If the appliance is intended to be used professionally to process food for commercial purposes, it is not considered to be for household or similar use only, and is outside the scope of the Standard.
This Standard does not apply to persons (including children) :
Similarly, it does not take into consideration use of the appliance as a toy.
NMX-J-521-2-14-ANCE-2020 is partly aligned with IEC 60335-2-14. Differences include (but are not limited to) the following:
– Modification of requirement in 5.2 to clarify the technical requirement for the application of the test, which if not specified, can lead to error during the test and due to this generate a potentially dangerous situation for the consumer.
– Modification of the wording of first paragraph of 7.1 so that the values are not perceived ambiguously, since these values are used to properly perform the tests of this Mexican Standard and, if not specified, can lead to error during the tests and in the future, a risk for the consumer. based on a bad evaluation.
– Replacement of the wording of the second paragraph of 25.7 due to the fact that Mexican Standard NMX-J-193-ANCE-2008 indicates a suitable test method to evaluate low temperature resistance compliance for power cords.
The Standard will enter into force 180 days from its publication in the Official Gazette.
Mexico 墨西哥
墨西哥CONUEE 已批准對 4 個 NOM-ENER 項目及其各自最終標準的評論作出回應,並在聯邦官方公報上公佈。一旦獲得國家監管改進委員會的回應和最終意見,下列 NOM 標準將在墨西哥官方公報上公佈:
a) NOM-003-ENER-2021 家用和商用熱水器;
b) NOM-010-ENER-2021 深井式潛水泵電機部件;
c) NOM-014-ENER-2021 交流、單相、感應、鼠籠式風冷電動機,額定功率為 0.180 kW 至 2.238 kW;
d) NOM-022-ENER/SE-2021 自給式商用製冷設備
Mexico’s national commission for the efficient use of energy, CONUEE, has approved responses to comments on 4 NOM-ENER projects and their respective final standards for publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
In the second extraordinary session of the National Advisory Committee for Standardization for the Preservation and Rational Use of Energy Resources (CCNNPURRE) held on 19 May, responses to comments on four projects of official Mexican energy efficiency standards were approved:
a) NOM-003-ENER-2021 water heaters for domestic and commercial use;
b) NOM-010-ENER-2021 deep well type submersible pump motor assembly;
c) NOM-014-ENER-2021 AC, single-phase, induction, squirrel-cage type electric motors, air-cooled, in nominal power from 0.180 kW to 2.238 kW; and
d) NOM-022-ENER/SE-2021 self-contained commercial refrigeration appliances.
In addition, the publication of the 4 NOM-ENER final standards corresponding to said draft standards, was approved.
Once the response document and final opinion of the National Regulatory Improvement Commission has been obtained, the NOMs indicated above will be published in the Official Gazette of Mexico.
燈具 / LED Luminaiaries/LED
Chile 智利
[法規草案] 公共照明泛光燈安全測試,協議草案,PE No. 5/19:2021。
第 5/19:2021 號議定書草案於 2021 年 6 月 7 日由智利電力和燃料監管局 (SEC) 公開徵詢公眾意見。它規定了適用於泛光燈的安全認證程序的要求,感興趣的單位可在 2021 年 8 月 6 日之前提交意見。
Safety Testing of Floodlights for Public Lighting, Draft Protocol, PE No. 5/19:2021, April 2021.
Draft Protocol No. 5/19:2021 was opened to public consultation on 07 June 2021 by the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC). It sets out the requirements for the safety certification procedure applicable to floodlights.
The Protocol would apply to floodlights on supply voltages not exceeding 1000V to be used for projection lighting, when the light is directed by reflection and/or refraction, to be used with electrical light sources such as incandescent, fluorescent, discharge lamps, LED, Induction or other technologies, according to the scope and field of application of the Standards IEC 60598-2-5: 2015-08.
Also, the Protocol does not apply to the following products:
Table A indicates classification, labelling and testing per IEC 60598-2-5, among other matters.
Whatever the certification system used (5 systems are described), products that are distinguished by having the same design characteristics, materials, manufacturing method, factory and address, brand, type and that have the following equal characteristics, should be considered as a family:
a) Type of light source
b) Protection class against electric shock (class I, class II)
c) IP rating
d) Ballast for discharge lamps or driver (driver) for LED-type projectors that have the following equal characteristics: protection class against electric shock and the same IP classification.
With regard to marking, the certification body will check that the product:
a) is marked in accordance with the provisions of clause 3.5 of Table A;
b) month/ year of manufacture of the product and/or serial number, or other means of traceability, are marked on the body of the product;
c) country of manufacture of the product is indicated;
d) certification Marking (SEC Seal), is applied in accordance with R.E. N ° 2142.
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments until 06 August 2021.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
China 中國
2021年5月22日,中國標準化研究院發佈關於修訂能效標識實施細則的通知。 本通知修改後的實施細則如下:
這些新版實施細則主要是為了與新的國家標準GB 18613-2020、GB19761-2020、GB 20052-2020和GB 24850-2020接軌。
本批修改後的規則有效期為5年。 《中小型三相非同步電動機、風機、電力變壓器能效標識規則》自2021年6月1日起實施,2021年6月1日前出廠或8月1日前進口的產品,可延遲至2022年6月1日前按修訂後的實施規則加貼能效標識。 平板電視和機上盒能效標識規則將於 2021 年 8 月 1 日起實施,2021年8月1日前出廠或進口的產品,可延遲至2022年8月1日前按修訂後的實施規則加貼能效標識。
On 22 May 2021, the China National Institute of Standardization published a notice on the revised implementation rules for energy efficiency labels.
This Notice provides the following revised implementation rules:
These new versions of implementation rules are mainly updated to be aligned with the new national standards: GB 18613-2020, GB19761-2020, GB 20052-2020, and GB 24850-2020.
This batch of revised rules will be valid for 5 years. The energy efficiency labelling rules on small and medium three-phase asynchronous motors, fans, and power transformers entered into force on 1 June 2021. The products manufactured before this date or imported before 1 August 2021 should be labelled with energy efficiency labels in accordance with the revised implementation rule before 1 June 2022. The energy efficiency labelling rules on flat-screen TVs and set-top boxes will enter into force on 1 August 2021. The products manufactured or imported before this date should be labeled with energy efficiency labels in accordance with the revised implementation rule before 1 August 2022.
Mexico 墨西哥
墨西哥標準NOM-031-ENER-2019 (道路照明和公共場外LED照明器能效規範和試驗方法) 將於2021年6月1日生效。本標準將廢除NOM-031-Ener-2012,根據2012年標準簽發的證書有效至證書到期日為止。此外,標準NOM-031-Ener-Ener-2012下認證的產品可以銷售至庫存耗盡。
This standard establishes the specifications and test methods that promote the efficient use of energy in LED luminaires, intended for lighting roads and public outdoor areas, which use for their power the public electricity supply, as well as other sources of energy, such as batteries, accumulators and self-generation, in alternating current and/or direct current, with a nominal voltage up to 480 V in alternating current and up to 100 V in direct current.
As per Section 2, products established in another Standard on energy efficiency are excluded from the field of application, as well as the following LED luminaires:
The standard also contains the following requirements:
This standard will enter into force on 1 June 2021 and will repeal NOM-031-ENER-2012. Certificates issued under the 2012 standard shall be valid until the expiry date of the certificate. Furthermore, products certified under Standard NOM-031-ENER-2012 may be sold until the inventory is exhausted.
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
Brazil 巴西
2021 年 4 月 29 日,巴西國家計量、標準化和工業品質研究所 (INMETRO/CONMETRO) 通過了關於產品認證一般要求的第200號條例。 該條例建立產品認證 (服務或流程) 的一般要求,用於產品認證機制的所有符合性評估要求。該條例於 2021 年 6 月 1 日生效。
On 29 April 2021, Brazilian National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO/CONMETRO) adopted Portaria No. 200 on General Requirements for Product Certification.
This Portaria establishes the General Requirements for Product Certification (service or process) used to all Conformity Assessment Requirements with the Product Certification mechanism.
It covers several topics related to the certification procedure, including:
The Conformity Identification Mark identifies that the product/service was submitted to the conformity assessment process and it fulfils the determined requirements. The details of affixing the Mark to the product and all specifications are defined in the object-specific RAC.
In the case of imported products, except for those certified by Model 1b, the Mark shall be applied or affixed to the product and/or printed or affixed to the packaging before entering the country.
In addition, the Portaria outlines the authorisation for use of the Mark and the obligations of the certificate holder, inter alia:
Finally, the Portaria contains 3 annexes as follows:
This Portaria enters into force on 1 June 2021.
Israel 以色列
This Notice, issued by the Israeli Minister of Economy and Industry on 3 February 2021, provides a list of new versions for 9 mandatory standards.
List of standards with new version:
Singapore 新加坡
新加坡於2021-06-01公告隸屬安全監管機構Enterprise Singapore的Consumer Protection, Weights and Measures Division 部門更名為Consumer Product Safety, Weights and Measures Office。其中Consumer Product Safety Office (CPSO) 將監督消費者保護 (安全要求) 條例 (CPSR) 和消費者保護 (消費品安全要求) 條例 (CGSR),而Weights and Measures Office將負責監管受《度量衡法》監管的稱重和測量儀器以及包裝商品。
With effect from 01 Jun 2021, please be informed that the current “Consumer Protection, Weights and Measures Division” of Enterprise Singapore, will be renamed to the “Consumer Product Safety, Weights and Measures Office”. The Consumer Product Safety Office (CPSO), an office overseen by Enterprise Singapore, will oversee the safety of consumer products which are under the purview of the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations (CPSR), and the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations (CGSR). The Weights and Measures Office (WMO), an office overseen by Enterprise Singapore, will oversee weighing and measuring instruments and packaged goods regulated under the Weights and Measures Act.