博世和戴姆勒 – 無人駕駛停車許可 Bosch and Daimler: Approval for driverless parking
博世和戴姆勒已獲得斯圖加特梅賽德斯-奔馳博物館停車庫自動停車系統的許可。這些停車服務是通過手機App進行車輛管理,無需停車管理人員干預。這是第一個被認可的可 供日常使用的無人駕駛停車功能。因為在短期內使用適合的車型系列,因此暫時只會使用特殊的梅賽德斯的原型車。
Bosch and Daimler have received approval for their automated parking system in the parking garage of the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. The parking service is to be accessed via a smartphone app and will not require a security driver. This makes it the first driverless parking function approved for everyday use. However, because there will be no suitable production vehicles in the foreseeable future, only special Mercedes prototypes will be used for the time being.
Driverless parking technology
The self-parking function is activated via a smartphone app, whereupon the car automatically moves to a free parking space. Bosch sensors in the multi-storey car park monitor the corridor and its surroundings and provide information for controlling the vehicle. If the infrastructure sensors detect an obstacle, the car stops.
Visitors to the museum have been able to experience the parking service since 2018 – but trained security personnel have been on site so far. Now that it has been officially approved, this is no longer necessary and the parking system will operate without a driver in future. Initially, the number of participating test vehicles is to remain manageable; in the long term, the technology is to be commercialised and made available to everyone. The prerequisite is the right equipment in the vehicle. However, the legal basis for this is still lacking.
The safety of driverless parking
The pilot project was accompanied by experts from TÜV Rheinland and local authorities, as no approval procedures have yet been established for driverless parking functions. The result is a safety concept with corresponding approval criteria that can also be applied beyond the pilot project.
In it, the developers defined how the driverless vehicle detects pedestrians and other cars in the lane and reliably stops in the event of an obstacle. In addition, secure communication between all system components and reliable activation of the parking process have been implemented.
Article was first published here: