《環球驗證》最新消息: 印度第4波12項產品納入「電子和資訊技術產品(強制註冊要求)命令」

2020年4月9日 | 市場准入

2020年4月1日, 印度電子和資訊技術部公佈第4 波12項產品納入「電子和資訊技術產品(強制註冊要求)命令」強制管制清單。


自4月1日發佈日起算6個月生效;自生效日10月1日起,產品需於本體或外包裝上標示根據測試和註冊取得的Standard mark以便於海關清關作業,過渡期最長為3個月 (2021年1月1日)。



  • LED 燈具產品: 2 項
  • 資訊類產品: 5 項
  • 影音類產品: 3項
  • 家電類產品: 2項


公告詳細內容, 請參見下表:

Sl. No Product Category Indian Standard Number Title of Indian Standard
(1) (2) (3) (4)
45. Standalone LED Modules for General Lighting IS 16103:  Part 1:  2012 LED modules for general lighting:  Part 1 safety requirements
46. Lighting Chain (Rope Lights) IS 10322:  Part 5

Section 9:  2017

Luminaries:  Part 5 Particular Requirements Section 9 Rope Lights
47. Keyboard IS 13252:  Part 1:  2010 Information technology equipment – safety part 1 general requirements
48. Induction Stove IS 302:  Part 2:  Section 6:  2009 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances:  part 2 particular requirements, section 6 cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances
49. Automatic Teller Cash dispensing machines Cash IS 13252 Part 1 : 2010 Information technology equipment – safety part 1 general requirements
50. USB Type External Hard Disk Drive IS 13252 Part 1 : 2010 Information technology equipment – safety part 1 general requirements
51. Wireless Headphone and Earphone IS 616:  2017 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus-safety requirements
52. USB Type External Solid- State Storage Devices (above 256 GB capacity) IS 13252 Part 1 : 2010 Information technology equipment – safety part 1 general requirements
53. Electronic Musical System with input power below 200 Watts IS 616:  2017 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus-safety requirements
54. Standalone Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) with output voltage 48 V (max) IS 13252 Part 1 : 2010 Information technology equipment – safety part 1 general requirements
55. Television other than Plasma/ LCD/LED TVs IS 616:  2017 Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus-safety requirements
56. Rice Cooker IS 302:  Part 2:  Section 15:  2009 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances:  part 2 particular requirements:

section 15 appliances for heating liquids




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