你會如何選擇車用及飛機上使用的兒童座椅? How would you choose a child seat for use in a car or on an airplane?
- Be approved for use in car
- Pass installation testing and crash testing
- In addition, as part of this testing the child seat is only secured to an aircraft seat using a seatbelt
- An on-board instruction manual must be included

從統計學上說,飛機是最安全的運輸工具,在遇到氣流或緊急著陸時,飛機座椅的安全帶理論上可以提供保護。但是帶小孩旅行的家長應該注意,兩歲以下的兒童沒有自己的座位,兒童坐在父母的膝蓋上沒有任何安全保護。兩歲至七歲的兒童,雖然有自己的座位,但飛機座椅的安全帶為成人設計,無法為孩子們提供全面保護。最合適的辦法是使用經過認證貼有"可供機上使用 For Use in Aircraft”標識的兒童汽車安全座椅。
獲得 “可供機上使用 For Use in Aircraft” 認證的兒童座椅必須
1. 已獲得批准可汽車內使用
2. 通過安裝測試和碰撞測試
3. 而且在這些測試中兒童座椅僅通過安全帶固定在飛機座椅上
4. 隨附機上使用說明書
The Hong Kong Consumer Council has just published a report on child car seat testing, and found that the safety performance of the samples tested was very different. The Council thus reminds parents to choose carefully. The people of Hong Kong people are renowned for traveling. Have you ever thought about bringing a child seat on a plane for a young child to use?
Statistically speaking, the aircraft is the safest means of transport, and the seatbelts used for aircraft seats can theoretically provide effective protection when air turbulence or an emergency landing is encountered. However, parents with children should be aware that children under the age of two do not have their own seats, and that children do not have any security protection when sitting on a parent’s knees. Children between the ages of two and seven have their own seats, but the seatbelts used for aircraft seats are designed for adults, and do not provide comprehensive protection for children. The most appropriate method is to use a child car seat certified with the label “For Use in Aircraft.”
TÜV Rheinland has been a test service provider since 2003, and offers this child seat certification service, which indicates that the seat can be easily and safely fastened using a seatbelt on an aircraft.
To obtain “For Use in Aircraft” certification, a child seat must:
TÜV Rheinland lists currently certified child seats, and some of the children’s seats tested by the Consumer Council are also listed on this page.
TÜV Rheinland reminds those intending to use a child care seat on an air flight to contact the airline beforehand to confirm that the aircraft on the flight is suitable and the seat can be used before booking the seat. Hong Kong has airlines that list aircraft models suitable for use with safety seats, which you can view before use.