
2024年6月11日 | 市場准入

資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom


中國發佈關於《900MHz頻段射頻識別 (RFID) 設備無線電管理規定》的通知

工業和資訊化部關於《900MHz頻段射頻識別 (RFID) 設備無線電管理規定》的通知 ,於2024年11月1日生效,原《800/900MHz頻段射頻識別 (RFID) 技術應用規定 (試行)》(信部無〔2007〕205號) 同時廢止。



The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China issued Radio Management Regulations for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Equipment in the 900 MHz Band on April 29, 2024. These Regulations will come into effect on November 1, 2024, at which point the 800/900 MHz Band RFID Technology Application Regulations will be abolished.




中國發佈關於《超寬頻 (UWB) 設備無線電管理暫行規定》的通知

工業和資訊化部發佈關於《超寬頻 (UWB) 設備無線電管理暫行規定》的通知,將於2025年8月1日生效。具體技術要求可參考此連結


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China issued Interim Provisions on Radio Management of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Equipment on April 29, 2024. These regulations come into effect on August 1, 2025.




中國發佈電力變壓器能源效率最低允許值和能源效率等級強制性標準GB 20052-2024

2024年4月29日,國家標準化管理委員會、國家市場監督管理總局發佈了電力變壓器能源效率限定值及能源效率等級強制性標準GB 20052-2024。


該標準將於2025年2月1日生效,並將就此廢止GB 20052-2020標準。


On 29 April 2024, the Chinese Standardization Administration (SAC) and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) published mandatory standard GB 20052-2024 on the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and the energy efficiency grades for power transformers.

The standard specifies the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, energy efficiency grades, energy conservation values, test methods, inspection rules and marking requirements of energy efficiency grades for power transformers.

The standard will enter into force on 1 February 2025 and will repeal standard GB 20052-2020 on the same matter.




巴基斯坦電信管理局 (PTA) 宣佈 開放6 G 頻段

5 月 16 日,巴基斯坦電信管理局 (PTA) 宣佈開放6 GHz 頻段用於巴基斯坦 RLAN 的免授權營運。結合PTA 4月18日發佈的公告函,巴基斯坦現已允許為Unlicensed RLAN (Wi-Fi 6E) 分配5925-6425 MHz頻段。


On 16th May , The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) announced 6 Gigahertz (GHz) spectrum band for unlicensed operation for RLAN in Pakistan..

This is conjunction with the letter of announcement that PTA issue on 18th April , the allocation of the 5925-6425 MHz frequency band for Unlicensed RLAN (Wi-Fi 6E) is allowed in Pakistan now .



Saudi Arabia沙烏地阿拉伯

沙烏地阿拉伯SASO更新通信設備技術法規,相關設備統一使用USB  typeC介面實施日期提前至202481

SASO修改以下7類產品的統一使用USB  type-C介面實施日期,由原計劃的2025年1月1日提前至2024年8月1日。


  • 手機
  • 滑鼠
  • 鍵盤
  • 音箱
  • 相機和攝像機
  • GPS 設備
  • 路由器


SASO has revised the implementation date for Type-C charging port requirement to August 1st 2024. Below products are involved:

  • Mobile phones
  • Mouses
  • Keyboards
  • Speakers
  • Cameras & Video Cams
  • GPS devices
  • Routers



South Korea韓國

[法規草案] 韓國發佈關於廣播通訊設備等合格評定的通知

韓國國家無線電研究機構 (RRA) 於2024年4月26日發佈之關於廣播通訊設備等合格評定的通知(草案) 公告No.2024-42 ,該則公告主要內容如下:

  • 簡化自我聲明產品類別認證流程(self-declaration)
  • 建立報告和糾正不合格設備的詳細程序
  • 針對海外製造商之韓國當地代理商的指定及代理事項的澄清等
  • 合格評定顯示方法KC label(=MSIP label)標示位置改進: 從原本要求為產品本體”及”外包裝,變成產品”或”外包裝
  • 無線電波法修訂



On 26 April 2024, the South Korean Radio Research Agency (RRA) proposed an amendment to the Notice on Conformity Assessment of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Equipment.

This amendment aims to align with an amendment to the Radio Act, which introduced self-conformity confirmation into the conformity assessment system and established requirements for overseas manufacturers to designate domestic agents and report non-conforming equipment.

The main changes of the amendments include:

  • Establishment of detailed procedures including writing, disclosure, document storage, change, and termination of self-conformity confirmation equipment, and reclassification of target equipment following the introduction of a self-conformity confirmation system (Article 11, Article 12, Article 18(4) and (5), Article 27(3), Annex 1, Form No. 21).
  • Establishment of new procedures and methods for reporting nonconformity, submitting action plans and results such as correction and collection, and disclosing information on nonconforming equipment, in cases where major defects in equipment that have undergone a conformity assessment are recognized (Article 25, Form No. 22 to 24).
  • Designation of a domestic agent for an overseas manufacturer and clarification of agency matters, etc. (Article 30).
  • When indicating that a conformity assessment has been received, it had to be indicated on both the equipment and packaging, but the marking method has been simplified so that it can be indicated on the equipment or packaging (Annex 5).
  • This amendment also updates the article numbers referenced to align with the amendments made to related regulations, bringing them up to date.

Once the proposed changes are approved, the amendment will enter into force on 24 July 2024.

Opinions on this draft amendment may be submitted via email to kimjh777@korea.kr until 26 June 2024.



Taiwan 台灣



(一)檢驗方式採符合性聲明(DOC),應於 2024/12/31以前依新標準重新簽署符合性聲明(DOC),屆期未完成者,2025/1/1起失效


(三)視聽音響商品於2025/1/1起強制新標準。於 2024/12/31以前申請延展者,延展後證書有效期間3年,並可使用至其有效期限屆滿為止,自2025/1/1起申請延展者,需一併更新標準。

產品 舊標準 新標準(RPC) 新標準(DOC)
資訊類 安規: CNS14336-1(99年)

EMC: CNS13438(95年)

安規: CNS15598-1(109年版)

EMC: CNS15936(105年版)

強制日期: 2024/1/1

安規: CNS15598-1(109年版)

EMC:  CNS15936(105年版)

強制日期: 2025/1/1

視聽音響類 安規:CNS14408(93年)


安規: CNS15598-1(109年版)

EMC: CNS15936(105年版)

強制日期: 2025/1/1


As the date is approaching, customers are reminded to apply earlier for the commodity inspection requirements announced by BSMI in 2022 to avoid the influx of cases before the mandatory date and affect the issuance time.

  1. For a commodity described in a declaration of conformity(DOC), it should be updated according to the revised inspection standards before 31 December 2024; otherwise it will become invalid from 1 January 2025.
  2. The inspection scheme changed from declaration of conformity(DOC) to Registration of Product Certification(RPC) for Digital Cameras. The original declaration of conformity will become invalid from 1 January 2025. Manufacturers can apply for Registration of Product Certification(RPC) from the date of announcement.
  3. The revised inspection standards will be implemented from 1 January 2025 for Audio and Video Equipment. If the extension is completed before 31 December 2024, the certificate can be used for three years until the expiration date. If the extension is applied after 1 January 2025, it requires updated standards at the same time.
Product Old standards New standards(RPC) New standards(DOC)
I.T.E. Safety: CNS14336-1(2010)

EMC: CNS13438(2006)

Safety: CNS15598-1(2020)

EMC: CNS15936(2016)

Date of implementation: 1 January 2024

Safety: CNS15598-1(2020)

EMC:  CNS15936(2016)

Date of implementation: 1 January 2025

Audio and Video Safety:CNS14408(2004)


Safety: CNS15598-1(2020)

EMC: CNS15936(2016)

Date of implementation: 1 January 2025





烏克蘭發佈擬議修正案在電氣和電子設備中使用某些有害物質的技術法規 (RoHS)

[法規草案] 2024年5月1日,烏克蘭技術法規部發佈決議草案,提議修訂關於電氣和電子設備中有害物質使用的第139號決議,即烏克蘭RoHS。


決議草案的通知截止日期為2024 年7 月1 日,決議草案計畫在正式公佈後6 個月生效,修正案第1 款第3 項及第2 款除外,該修正案將於2024 年7 月1 日生效。


On 1 May 2024, the Ukrainian Department of Technical Regulations issued a draft Resolution, which proposes to amend Resolution No. 139 on the use of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, the Ukrainian RoHS.

This Resolution proposes to extend the validity period of certain exceptions in Annexes 3 and 4, and supplements them with new expiry dates, with the purpose to align the Ukrainian legislation with the following EU Directives:

  • Directive (EU) 2023/1437 of 4 May 2023 amending, for the purposes of adapting to scientific and technical progress, Annex IV to Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an exemption for mercury in melt pressure transducers for capillary rheometers under certain conditions
  • Directive (EU) 2024/232 of 25 October 2023 amending Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards an exemption for cadmium and lead in plastic profiles in electrical and electronic windows and doors containing recovered rigid polyvinyl chloride.

The draft introduces a new entry 49 regarding mercury in melt pressure transducers for capillary rheometers at temperatures over 300°C and pressures over 1000 bar, which applies to category 9 and expires on 31 December 2025.

In order to align with Directive (EU) 2024/232, point 46 is revised to specify the exemptions for cadmium and lead in plastic profiles in electrical and electronic windows and doors containing recovered rigid polyvinyl chloride. This exemption applies to EEE category 11 and expires on 28 May 2028.

Additionally, from 28 May 2026, the recovered rigid polyvinyl chloride from the doors and windows of the EEE can only be used in manufacturing new products such as profiles for external use in buildings and structures, etc;

Notified to WTO on 02 May 2024 with a Notification deadline for 1 July 2024, the draft Resolution is scheduled to enter into force 6 months after its official publication except for subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 of the amendments which will become effective from the date of publication.



電池 Batteries



[法規草案] 2024年5月8日,中國工業與資訊化部發佈了電動工具用鋰離子電池及電池組安全強制標準草案。 該標準草案適用於電動工具中使用的鋰離子電池和電池組,包括:

  • 電鑽、電錘等鑽孔工具;
  • 衝擊扳手、電動螺絲起子等緊固工具;
  • 角磨機、直磨機等研磨工具;
  • 電鋸等切削工具;
  • 拋光等工具如熱風槍、庭園工具等。



On 8 May 2024, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released a draft mandatory standard on the safety of lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in power tools.

The draft standard applies to lithium-ion batteries and battery packs used in electric tools including:

  • Drilling tools such as electric drills, electric hammers;
  • Fastening tools such as impact wrenches, electric screwdrivers;
  • Grinding tools such as angle grinders, straight grinders;
  • Cutting tools such as electric saws;
  • Polishing and other tools such as hot air guns, garden tools.

The proposed standard includes defining terms and definitions, specifying test conditions, setting safety requirements, and outlining test methods for lithium-ion cells and battery packs used in electric tools.

The deadline for comments for the project is 8 June 2024.





[法規草案] 2024年5月8日,中國工業與資訊化部發佈公告,就四項強制性標準徵求意見。

  • GSJCPZQ0030-2024: 電子電氣設備中使用的鋰離子電池和電池組的安全 – 第 1 部分: 一般要求
  • GSJCPZQ0031-2024: 電子電氣設備中使用的鋰離子電池芯和電池組的安全 – 第 3 部分: 電動工具
  • GSJCPZQ0032-2024: 電子電氣設備中使用的鋰離子電池和電池組的安全 – 第 4 部分: 玩具
  • GSJCPZQ0033-2024: 電子電氣設備中使用的鋰離子電池和電池組的安全 – 第 5 部分: 家用電器



On 8 May 2024, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published an Announcement soliciting comments on four proposed mandatory standards.

The Announcement lists the following proposed mandatory standards, indicating their project cycle:

  • GSJCPZQ0030-2024: Safety of Lithium-Ion Cells and Batteries Used in Electronic and Electrical Equipment – Part 1: General Requirements;
  • GSJCPZQ0031-2024: Safety of Lithium-ion Cells and Batteries used in Electronic and Electrical Equipment – Part 3: Electric Tools;
  • GSJCPZQ0032-2024: Safety of Lithium-Ion Cells and Batteries used in Electronic and Electrical Equipment – Part 4: Toys; and
  • GSJCPZQ0033-2024: Safety of Lithium-Ion Cells and Batteries Used in Electronic and Electrical Equipment – Part 5: Household Electric Appliances.

The deadline for comments for the projects is 8 June 2024.



中國發佈電動自行車用鋰離子電池安全技術規範標準GB 43854-2024

2024年4月24日,國家標準化管理委員會、國家市場監督管理總局發佈了強制性標準GB 43854-2024,建立了電動自行車用鋰離子電池安全技術規範。

該標準規定了電動自行車用鋰離子電池芯和電池組的安全要求和測試方法。 適用於符合GB 17761-2018《電動自行車安全技術條件》標準規定的電動自行車鋰離子電池及電池組。

GB 43854-2024將於2024年11月1日生效。


On 24 April 2024, the Chinese Standardisation Administration and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation published mandatory Standard GB 43854-2024 establishing safety technical specifications for lithium-ion batteries in electric bicycles.

The Standard specifies the safety requirements and test methods applicable to lithium-ion battery cells and battery packs for electric bicycles. It applies to lithium-ion batteries and battery packs of electric bicycles that comply with the provisions of Standard GB 17761-2018 on Safety Technical Specifications for Electric Bicycles.

GB 43854-2024 enters into force on 1 November 2024.



泰國制定工業標準TIS 62133-1 TIS 62133-2,關於便攜式密封二次電池以及由其製成的用於便攜式應用的電池的安全要求: 鎳系統與鋰系統


  • TIS 62133-1,關於含有鹼性或其他非酸性電解質的二次電池和電池組- 便攜式密封二次電池以及由其製成的用於便攜式應用的電池的安全要求- 第1 部分:鎳系統,
  • TIS 62133-2,關於含有鹼性或其他非酸性電解質的二次電池和電池組- 便攜式密封二次電池以及由其製成的用於便攜式應用的電池的安全要求- 第2 部分:鋰系統。

該公告將在法規強制執行後生效。 屆時,標準 TIS 2217-2548 將被廢除。


On 22 April 2024, the Thai Ministry of Industry published an announcement establishing indsutrial standards in accordance with the Industrial Product Standards Act.

  • TIS 62133 Volume 1 – 2565 on secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications – part 1: nickel systems,
  • TIS 62133 Volume 2 – 2565 on secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications – part 2: lithium systems.

TIS 62133-1 specifies the requirements and test methods for the safe operation of portable sealed secondary nickel cells and batteries containg alkaline electrolyte.

TIS 62133-2 specifies the requirements and test methods for the safe operation of portable sealed secondary lithium cells and batteries containing non-acid electrolyte.

The Standard further outlines the instructions for intended use and reasonable foreseeable misuse.

Furthermore, the Standard provides the requirements for labelling and packaing of the batteries in scoped.

The announcement will enter into force when made mandatory by regulation. At that time, the announcement will repeal standard TIS 2217 – 2548.


家用電器 House Appliances



[法規草案] 根據世界貿易組織2024年5月14日發佈的第G/TBT/N/CHN/1856號通知,中國國家市場監督管理總局 (SAMR) 擬修訂GB 36893-2018關於空氣凈化器能效和能效等級最低允許值的規定。

根據 G/TBT/N/CHN/1856 號通知,自批准後將有 1 年的過渡期,以便對新規定進行調整。


China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) is proposing to revise GB 36893-2018 on minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for air cleaners, according to Notification No. G/TBT/N/CHN/1856 published by the WTO on 14 May 2024.

The draft standard would establish minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for air purifiers as indicated below, including in standby mode:

  • Air cleaners with rated voltage not exceeding 250V for single-phase appliances and 480V for other appliances;
  • Air cleaners alleging its ability to purify pollutants such as particulate matter or gaseous pollutants;
  • Air cleaners used in indoor spaces or vehicles;
  • Household electrical appliances and electrical appliances for similar purposes that have both air purification and other main functions, which have purification function mode.

‘Other main functions’ include but are not limited to temperature regulation, humidity regulation, fan, providing fresh air, lighting, etc.

GB/T 18801—2022 Air purifier and GB/T 35758—2017 Household appliances – standby power measurement method constitute essential provisions of the standard through normative references.

Per Notification No. G/TBT/N/CHN/1856, a transition period of 1 year from approval will be accorded to allow for adjustment to the new provisions.



中國發佈商用製冷器具能效標準草案 GB 26920-20XX

[法規草案] 2024年4月29日,世貿組織發佈關於商用製冷器具能源效率最低允許值及能源效率等級標準GB 26920-20XX草案的通知。標準草案規定了商用製冷器具能效限定值、能效等級和試驗方法的要求。

如果獲得批准,該標準草案將於正式發佈12個月後生效,並將廢止GB 26920.1-2011、GB 26920.2-2015和GB 26920.3-2019標準。



On 29 April 2024, the WTO issued a notification on a draft standard GB 26920-20XX on minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for commercial refrigerating appliances.

The draft standard specifies the requirements for the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, energy efficiency grades and test methods for commercial refrigeration appliances.

Per WTO Notification G/TBT/N/CHN/1840, the proposal applies to remote refrigerating display cabinets, self-contained refrigerating display cabinets, closed ice cream refrigerating cabinets and self-contained beverage refrigerating display cabinets, solid door commercial refrigerating cabinets, refrigerated beverage vending machines, commercial ice machines, soft-serve ice cream makers, built-in front mechanically refrigerating and heated container, mechanically refrigerated (heated) vehicle container and mechanically refrigerated mobile cold storage (container).

However, the draft standard does not apply inter alia to the following:

  • Refrigeration appliances that do not use a vapour compression refrigeration cycle;
  • Commercial refrigeration appliances that do not use electricity to function;
  • Refrigeration appliances for food processing;
  • Medical coolers and laboratory coolers or thermostats;
  • Refrigerated display cabinets for live food, seafood and refrigerated aquariums and tanks;
  • Wine storage cabinets, etc.

If approved, the draft standard will become effective 12 months after its official publication and will repeal standards GB 26920.1-2011, GB 26920.2-2015 and GB 26920.3-2019.

The deadline for comments is 28 June 2024.




中國發佈冷庫 () 及壓縮機冷凝機組能效標準: GB 44015-2024

2024年4月29日,國家標準化管理委員會、國家市場監督管理總局發佈了冷庫 (箱) 及壓縮機冷凝機組能效限定值及能效等級強制性標準GB 44015-2024。 該標準規定了冷庫 (箱) 和製冷壓縮機冷凝機組的能效限定值、能效等級和試驗方法。 該標準於2025年2月1日生效。


On 29 April 2024, the Chinese Standardisation Administration and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation published mandatory Standard GB 44015-2024 on minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for cold store (box) and refrigerant compressor condensing unit.

The standard specifies the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency, energy efficiency grades and test methods for cold stores (boxes) and refrigerant compressor condensing units.

The standard enters into force on 1 February 2025.





2024 年 2 月 12 日,印尼能源與礦產資源部 (MEMR) 發佈了第 8.K/EK.07/DJE/2024 號法令。該法令規定了對第 113.K/EK.07/DJE/2021 號法令有關冰箱最低能效標準和節能標籤的修訂。


On Feb. 12, 2024, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) published Decree No. 8.K/EK.07/DJE/2024. The Decree specifies the amendment on Decree No.113.K/EK.07/DJE/2021 related to minimum energy performance standards and energy saving labels of refrigerators.





[法規草案] 2024 年 5 月 3 日,秘魯能源和礦業部 (Minem) 發佈了製冷設備認證表計畫的預出版草案,包括:

  1. 容積≤200L的家用無霜冰箱
  2. 容積200L<V≤250L的家用無霜冰箱
  3. 容積250L<V≤300L的家用無霜冰箱
  4. 容積300L<V≤350L的家用無霜冰箱
  5. 容積350L<V≤400L的家用無霜冰箱
  6. 容積400L<V≤450L的家用無霜冰箱
  7. 容積 250 L ≤ V < 300 L的臥式冷凍櫃
  8. 容積300 L ≤ V < 350 L的臥式冷凍櫃
  9. 容積350 L ≤ V ≤ 400 L的臥式冷凍櫃
  10. 容積 200 L ≤ V < 250 L的臥式冷凍櫃



On 3 May 2024, the Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines (Minem) published the pre-publication drafts of the following Homologation Sheet Projects for refrigeration equipment:

  1. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume ≤ 200 L, for domestic use. Code 52141509-00368428.
  2. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume of 200 L < V ≤ 250 L, for domestic use. Code 52141501-00135457.
  3. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume of 250 L < V ≤ 300 L, for domestic use. Code 52141501-00282903.
  4. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume of 300 L < V ≤ 350 L, for domestic use. Code 52141501-00282905.
  5. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume of 350 L < V ≤ 400 L, for domestic use. Code 52141501-00368429.
  6. Frost-free refrigerator with a volume of 400 L < V ≤ 450 L, for domestic use. Code 52141501-00135458.
  7. Horizontal freezer volume 250 L ≤ V < 300 L. Code 52141506-00368431.
  8. Horizontal freezer volume 300 L ≤ V < 350 L. Code 52141506-00368432.
  9. Horizontal freezer volume 350 L ≤ V ≤ 400 L. Code 52141506-00368433.
  10. Horizontal freezer volume 200 L ≤ V < 250 L. Code 52141506-00368430.

The homologation sheets describe each product’s specific characteristics, information, packaging and labelling requirements, and the conformity assessments that need to be fulfilled.

Comments and observations on the technical specification sheets are accepted until 24 May 2024.





[法規草案] 2024年5月17日,泰國工業標準協會 (TISI) 提出了一項部級法規草案,採用關於加熱液體的家用和類似用途電器安全要求的新標準TIS 60335-2(15)-25XX。

該法規草案規定,用於加熱液體的家用和類似用途電器必須符合標準草案TIS 60335-2(15)-25XX。 本標準草案適用於額定電壓不超過250V的電器。



On 17 May 2024, the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) proposed a draft ministerial regulation to adopt a new standard TIS 60335-2(15)-25XX on the safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances for heating liquids.

The draft regulation specifies that the household and similar electrical appliances for heating liquids must comply with the draft standard TIS 60335-2(15)-25XX.

The draft standard applies to electrical appliances with a rated voltage of not more than 250V and covers numerous appliances. Some examples are listed below:

  • Electric kettles and other electrical appliances for boiling water with a capacity of not more than 10L;
  • Electric rice cooker; and
  • Electric boiler.

If approved, the draft regulation will enter into force 270 days after its official publication.

The deadline for comments is 15 July 2024. Interested parties may submit a feedback form to TISI, Ministry of Industry.





2024 年 5 月 6 日,台灣經濟部 (MOEA) 通過了對現行無管線空調最低能源效率標準和能源效率等級標籤要求規則的修訂。經濟部能源管理局於2023年9月26日正式成立,正式取代能源局。因此,該部現在正在用新成立的能源管理局取代能源標籤上的能源局。此外,能源管理局的新標誌將取舊的代能源局的標誌。 需要注意的是,標籤放置說明保持不變 — 能源效率等級標籤應貼在產品使用說明書上或張貼在產品機身正面的明顯位置。

該修正案預計於 2025 年 1 月 1 日生效。


On 6 May 2024, Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) adopted an amendment to the current rules on minimum energy performance standards and energy efficiency rating labelling requirements for ductless air conditioners.

As a matter of background, the MOEA Energy Administration was formally established on 26 September 2023, officially replacing the Energy Bureau. As a result, the Ministry is now replacing the reference to the Energy Bureau on energy labels with the newly-formed Energy Administration. Additionally, the new logo of the Energy Administration will take the place of the Energy Bureau’s symbol.

It should be noted that instructions for the placement of label remain unchanged – the energy efficiency rating label should be attached to the product instruction manual or posted in an obvious place on the front of the body of the product.

The amendment is scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2025.



Taiwan 台灣




This Announcement amends the attachment 1 to point 6 in “Minimum Energy Performance, Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection of Non-ducted Air Conditioner”.

Date of implementation: 1 January 2025.



Taiwan 台灣




This Announcement amends the attachment 1 to point 6 in “Minimum Energy Performance Standard, Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Pots.” and the attachment 1 to point 6 in “Minimum Energy Performance Standard, Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters”.

Date of implementation: 1 July 2025.


燈具 / LED Luminaiaries/LED


哥倫比亞制定新的照明和公共照明技術法規 – RETILAP

2024 年 5 月 3 日,哥倫比亞礦業和能源部頒佈了第 40150 號決議,制定了最新的照明和公共照明技術法規 – RETILAP。 RETILAP 由 4 部分組成,適用於室內和室外的照明系統安裝,後者包含公共照明,該法規也適用於上述設施中使用的產品。


On 3rd May 2024, the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy enacted Resolution 40150, establishing the latest Technical Regulation of Lighting and Public Lighting – RETILAP.

RETILAP is made up of 4 books, which are applicable to lighting system installations, both interior and exterior, including in the latter, public lighting, regardless of whether they are new, expanded or modernized, public or private. Likewise, the regulation applies to the products used in said facilities.

This regulation applies to natural or legal persons that import, manufacture, market, design, build, maintain, certify and carry out activities related to lighting system products and installations.

Each of the books includes the specific requirements within the framework of its object and scope:

  • BOOK 1 – GENERAL ASPECTS: It presents the purpose of the technical regulation and lists the definitions and abbreviations used in it.
  • BOOK 2 – LIGHTING PRODUCTS: Includes products used in lighting system installations subject to the Technical Regulations, their general and specific requirements, exceptions and prohibitions.
  • BOOK 3 – LIGHTING SYSTEMS INSTALLATIONS: Presents the general requirements for carrying out lighting projects and the specific requirements for installations of interior and exterior lighting systems, public lighting, tunnels and classified areas.
  • BOOK 4 – CONFORMITY EVALUATION: Establishes the conformity evaluation requirements for products, facilities and people subject to compliance with the Technical Regulation. In addition, it includes the requirements that the Conformity Assessment Bodies must meet and provides the necessary tools for the Surveillance and Control Entities, within the framework of their powers and functions, to carry out their activities. Finally, it presents the guidelines of the sanctioning regime, transitory nature and interpretation, review, updating and validity of the Regulation.

The principal objective of RETILAP is to establish the technical requirements that lighting and public lighting system installations must meet, aims guaranteeing, the levels and qualities of the light energy required in visual activity, security in energy supply, consumer protection and environmental preservation; preventing, minimizing or eliminating the risks caused by the installation and use of lighting systems.

It also promotes the Rational Use of Energy – URE, for which it establishes the minimum specifications so that lighting system installations and the products used in them guarantee safety and visual comfort, through their design, operation, and maintenance.




印尼發佈LED 燈的最低能效標準和能源標籤修正案關於使用簡化版本的節能標籤

2024年3月4日頒佈的印尼第20號法令對發光二極體 (LED) 燈納入節能標誌標籤的規定進行了調整。修訂法令規定,如果在產品上列印或貼上節能標誌標籤的空間有限,則可以使用所示的簡化版本標籤之一。

此外,關於 LED 燈標記所需的資訊,產品代碼現在可以在產品或者包裝上提供或兩者上都提供,而以前需要在包裝上提供。

該法令於 2024 年 3 月 4 日生效。


Indonesian Decree No. 20, issued on 4 March 2024, makes adjustments to the provisions for the inclusion of energy saving mark labels for light-emitting diode (LED) lamps owing to developments in technology and dimensions of LED lamps.

Specifically, the amending Decree provides that in the event that there is limited space for printing or attaching an Energy Saving Mark Label to the product, it may use one of the simplified versions of the label as indicated.

Additionally, as regards information required for marking of LED lamps the product code may now be supplied on either the product, packaging, or both, whereas previously it was required on the packaging only.

The Decree entered into force immediately, on 4 March 2024.



Taiwan 台灣

台灣自 2025 1 1 日起廢除「螢光燈管節能標章能源效率基準與標示方法」


該命令預計自 2025 年 1 月 1 日起生效。


On 30 April 2024 Taiwan’s Energy Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs issued an order providing for the abolition of “Energy Efficiency Criteria and Labeling Method for Energy Label Qualified Fluorescent Lamps”.

The Order is scheduled to take effect from 1 January 2025.



烏克蘭批准 2024 年第 172 號命令關於光源能源標籤的技術法規

2024 年 5 月 1 日,烏克蘭社區、領土和基礎設施發展部發佈了第 172 號命令,內容涉及將烏克蘭的照明能源標籤規則與歐盟在 (EU) 2019/2015 號條例中實施的現行制度相協調。

第 172 號命令規定了帶或不帶集成驅動的光源的標籤及標籤上產品補充資訊的要求。這些要求也適用于作為產品部件投放市場的光源。

該命令最早於 2024 年 11 月 1 日生效,否則與烏克蘭內閣宣佈 2015 年第 340 號決議無效的決議同時生效。


On 1 May 2024 Ukraine’s Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development published Order No. 172 regarding the harmonisation of Ukraine’s rules on energy labelling of lighting with the current regime implemented by the EU in Regulation (EU) 2019/2015.

Order No. 172 establishes requirements for the labelling of, and the provision of supplementary product information on, light sources with or without integrated control gear. The requirements would also apply to light sources placed on the market as part of a product.

It should be noted that light sources which meet the requirements of the Technical Regulation on Energy Labelling of Electric Lamps and Luminaires approved by Resolution No. 340, 2015 and placed on the market before the entry into force of this Order, may not be prohibited or restricted due to their non-compliance with the requirements of this Technical Regulation.

This Order enters into force on 1 November 2024 at the earliest, and otherwise simultaneously with the entry into force of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine invalidating Resolution No. 340, 2015.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements


中國發佈熱泵及冷水機組能源效率最低允許值及能源效率等級強制性標準GB 19577-2024

2024年4月29日,中國標準化管理委員會、國家市場監督管理總局發佈強制性標準GB 19577-2024,規定了熱泵和冷水機組能源效率限定值及能源效率等級。

GB 19577-2024規定了熱泵和冷水機組能效限定值及能源效率等級、節能值、試驗方法、檢驗、規則和能效等級標識要求。

本標準自2025年2月1日起施行,同時廢止GB 37480-2019、GB 29540-2013、GB 19577-2015、GB 30721-2014標準。


On 29 April 2024, the Chinese Standardisation Administration and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation published mandatory Standard GB 19577-2024 establishing the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers.

GB 19577-2024 specifies the minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades, energy conservation values, test methods, inspection, rules and marking requirements of energy efficiency grades for heat pumps and water chillers.

The Standard enters into force on 1 February 2025 and at the same time will repeal Standards GB 37480-2019, GB 29540-2013, GB 19577-2015  and GB 30721-2014.



其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects


中國發佈電動自行車充電器標準 GB 42296-2022之擬議修訂案關於修改適用範圍並規定充電器編碼

[法規草案] 2024年4月25日,中國工業與資訊化部發佈公告徵求意見稿,擬修訂《電動自行車充電器安全技術要求》強制標準GB 42296。

公告草案涵蓋標稱充電電壓不超過48V的電動自行車充電器。 該標準草案也與GB 17761-2018標準修訂草案保持一致,其中將包括充電設施的規定。


On 25 April 2024, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) published a draft announcement proposing to amend mandatory standard GB 42296 on safety technical requirements for electric bicycles – chargers.

The draft announcement covers electric bicycles chargers with a nominal charge of not exceeding 48V. The draft standard also harmonises with the draft revision of the standard GB 17761-2018 which will include the provisions on charging facilities.

The deadline for comments is 24 May 2024. Interested parties may submit their feedback form to the KJBZ@miit.gov.cn.



Gulf Countries (海灣聯盟)

中東能效更新 (葉門、巴林、阿曼)

2024年5月13至17日, 海灣阿拉伯國家合作委員會標準化組織(GSO)在迪拜舉辦了第7次年度會議。本次會議重點通知:

  1. 葉門能效: 頒佈家用空調新法規,實施日期2024年10月,將與阿曼能效採用相同的標準GSO 2530:2016
  2. 巴林能效:
  • 家用空調新法規實施日期2025年5月
  • 商用空調新法規實施日期 2025年5月
  • 燈具新法規實施日期        2025年3月
  1. 阿曼能效: 空調將在明年使用新的註冊平台,註冊有效期等將會變化



From May 13 to 17, 2024, the Gulf Cooperation Council Standardization Organization (GSO) held its

7th GNBCG Annual Meetings “2024” in Dubai. The key points of this meeting are as below:

  1. Yemen Energy Efficiency: New regulations for household air conditioners have been promulgated, with an implementation date of October 2024. The same standard GSO 2530:2016 will be used for energy efficiency as in Oman.
  2. Bahrain Energy Efficiency:

–  Implementation date of new regulations on household air conditioners: May 2025

– Implementation date of new regulations on commercial air conditioners: May 2025

– Implementation date of new regulations on lighting fixtures: March 2025

  1. Oman Energy Efficiency: Air conditioners will use a new registration platform next year, and the registration validity period will change.

For more details please refer to this link.





[法規草案] 2024 年 5 月 16 日,以色列經濟工業部提議修訂以色列自由進口令,更新進口法規,特別關注車輛、運輸產品、無線設備和電氣設備。

這些擬議的變更將於發佈之日起 30 天后生效。


On 16 May 2024 the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry proposed amendment to the Free Import Order in Israel aims to update import regulations, particularly focusing on vehicles, transportation products, wireless devices, and electrical devices.

The changes include:

  • Aligning definitions in the order with primary legislation and removing the term “electric scooter” due to its absence in Traffic Regulations, 1961.
  • Consolidating vehicle importation regulations under the Licensing of Vehicle Services and Professions Law.
  • Transferring import approval authority to authorized vehicle testing laboratories for specific customs items.
  • Introducing detailed adjustments to align the order with current legislation for wireless devices and electrical equipment.
  • Allowing the importation of electrical devices based on compliance with European import regulations under the Energy Sources Law, with a transition period for compliance until specific dates.

These proposed changes are set to come into effect 30 days from the date of publication.

Interested parties can provide their comments  until 30 May 2024.




秘魯發佈LED 產品、家用電器等修訂技術標準清單

2024 年 4 月 25 日,秘魯技術標準機構 INACAL 發佈了第 007-2024-INACAL/DN 號決議,批准了 LED 技術通用照明、冰箱和洗衣機等的修訂技術標準清單。

該決議於 2024 年 4 月 26 日生效,即根據秘魯法律規定公佈的第二天。


On 25 April 2024, the Peruvian technical standards body INACAL issued Resolution No. 007-2024-INACAL/DN to approve a list of revised technical standards for general lighting with LED technology, refrigerators, and washers, among others.

For example:

  • NTP-IEC 62504:2018/MT 1:2024 General lighting. Products and equipment related to the emitting diode light (LED). Terms and definitions. TECHNICAL MODIFICATION 1. 1st Edition
  • NTP-IEC 60704-2-14:2018/MT 1:2024 Household and similar electrical appliances. Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise. Part 2-14: Specific requirements for refrigerators, food storage cabinets, and food freezers. TECHNICAL MODIFICATION 1. 1st Edition.
  • NTP-IEC 60456:2018/MT 1:2024 Electric washing machines for domestic use. Methods for measuring functional performance. TECHNICAL MODIFICATION 1. 1st Edition.
  • NTP-IEC 60335-2-15:2013/MT 2:2024 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-15: Specific requirements for appliances for heating liquids. TECHNICAL MODIFICATION 2. 1st Edition.

The Resolution also lists the previous versions of standards that are now repealed.

The Resolution entered into force on 26 April 2024, the day following its publication by the rule of Peruvian law.



Saudi Arabia沙烏地阿拉伯

提醒客戶SASO EMC要求已於2024517日起實施

自2024年5月17日開始,沙烏地阿拉伯實施對電子電器產品的EMC要求, 客戶申請SABER 系統的PC/SC時需提供EMC 報告和自我宣稱 (DoC)。此EMC要求 和ROHS的要求基本一樣,客戶提供報告和自我宣稱DoC,沒有發證的要求。


This a reminder that SASO EMC requirements to electrical products has been impllemented on 17 May, 2024. Conformity of the regulation can be verified by manufacturer DoC as per mentioned standards in the regulation (it is an additional requirement to be considered during approval – once issued – similar to Rohs).