全氟烷基和多氟烷基物質(PFAS)測試 | PFAS Testing

2023年1月18日 | 產品安全

PFAS (Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances), 中文名:全氟烷基和多氟烷基物質,是一系列的合成有機氟化物的總稱,可以根據其結構不同進行分組,可以是氣體、液體或固體的高分子聚合物。已知的PFAS類化合物近5,000種,常見的有:PFOA、PFOS、C9-C14PFCAs、 PFHxA 、PFHxS等。



PFAS are also referred to as “forever chemicals” because they are considered persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and can easily pass into and accumulate in air, dust, food, soil and water.

What makes PFAS partly indispensable are unique physical properties such as water and grease repellent, the ability to reduce friction and high thermal and chemical stability, which make them suitable for a wide range of different applications.

PFAS has brought a lot of convenience to human production and life. However, it is difficult to degrade in the environment and has high bioaccumulation. Many countries and regions have adopted laws and regulations to control the production and use of PFAS.

PFAS潛在的限制使用範圍:PFAS Potentially Restricted Uses:

紡織品、皮革、服裝 Textile, leather and garment 化妝品和個人護理產品 Comsetics and personal care
化學品 Chemical 潤滑劑、潤滑脂和建築產品 Lubricants, greases and construction products
電子設備、電池、燃料電池、半導體、能源行業 Electronic equipment, batteries, fuel cells, semiconductors, energy industry 運輸(汽車、航空等) Transportation (automotive, aviation, etc.)
食品接觸材料及紙和紙板 Food contact materials and paper and board 消防泡沫、石油和採礦業 Fire extinguishing foams, oil and mining



  • PFAS 全氟/多氟烷基物質測試
  • PFOA & PFOS 含量測試
  • PFOA & PFOS 遷移測試
  • 總氟含量測試
  • PFAS全球法規解讀以及培訓
  • 根據不同國家的法規要求,為客戶提供PFAS測試和風險物質評估,提供一站式的測試方案
  • 其它有害化學物質測試

Our service:

  • PFAS perfluorinated / polyfluoroalkyl substances test
  • PFOA & PFOS content test
  • PFOA & PFOS migration Test
  • Total fluorine content test
  • Interpretation and training of PFAS global regulations
  • According to the regulatory requirements of different countries, provide customers with PFAS testing and risk substance assessment, and provide one-stop testing solutions.
  • Other hazardous chemicals testing

若有檢測需求, 歡迎與我們聯繫: For Enquiry, Please contact 

Leo Tong

+852 31921278



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