
2021年5月27日 | 市場准入

資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom

Argentina 阿根廷

ENACOM於2021年4月27日發佈了551/2021號決議,以引入低功耗設備測試標準 (SRD) 的更新版本: ENACOM-Q2-60.14 V20.1

On April 27th, 2021 ENACOM has published Resolution 551/2021 to introduce an updated version of the Testing Standard for Low Power Devices (SRD).

The keypoints for this update are as follows:

  • New Testing Standard for Low Power Devices (SRD): ENACOM-Q2-60.14 V20.1
  • It has already become effective since April 27th, 2021
  • Replaced former ENACOM-Q2-60.14 V18.1 standard
  • New Frequency bands have been included as part of the “Service for Frequency Bands of Shared use”, now being able to be tested radiated as SRD devices:
  • 915 – 928 MHz
  • 2400 – 2483.5 MHz
  • 5725 – 5850 MHz
  • Addition of an Electrical Field Strenght Peak limit for 3.1-10.6 GHz & 22-26.65Ghz frequency bands.
  • ENACOM has granted a grace period of 90 calendar days to allow new and ongoing applications to be still accepted having reports issued under ENACOM-Q2-60.14 V18.1 former standard.
  • For renewals, no retesting would be required, as long as the original test report shows compliance with the limits established in this new regulations.
  • New Testing Standard for Low Power Devices (SRD): ENACOM-Q2-60.14 V20.1


Chile 智利

SEC2021年4月22日頒佈了法令N°34474/2021, 此法令主要包含智利SEC認證system 2新流程細節。



2.申請人在申請前根據需要確定使用OPTION 1或是2發證





SEC has issued the Resolution N°34474/2021 stating the new procedure for Chile SEC Approval System 2 on 22th April 2021.

The new resolution contains the following main changes:

1.application documents

2.applicant must choose option 1 or 2 during intimal process:

Option 1: Type testing + Factory Audit/Inspection + 1st Control of Production (stage 1 & 2) (*)

SEC Approval & QR code is obtained once all requirements are completed and approved

Option 2: Type testing + Factory Audit/Inspection

Please note that is mandatory, to perform the 1st Control of Production (only Stage 2) once the 1st production is ready or the 1st importation lot of certified product arrives to Chile.

(*) 1st Control of Production:

Stage 1: Verify the performance of Quality Control implemented by the factory in the production line(s).

Stage 2: evaluate the conformity of product (product check/product testing).

3, new implementation rules for Control of Commerce (Market Surveillance)

4, new implementation rules for Control of Production (Follow up)

5, annual factory inspection (follow up) must be performed after 12 ± 1 Month as from the last Factory Audit/Inspection

The new resolution applies for the activities planned as from April 23, 2021.


Costa Rica 哥斯大黎加


On April 30, 2021, the authority in Costa Rica published a set of changes to its National Frequency Plan that are designed support the emerging uses of the radio spectrum within the country.

With this there has been updated the table of the freely usable frequency bands, pages 39 to 41.

To mention the addition of:

5.875 to 5.925 MHz freq range, with a max EIRP allowed of 30 dBm.

5.925 to 7.125 MHz, with a max EIRP allowed of 30 dBm indoors, for the use of Wifi 6E

76 to 81 GHz band introduced for vehicle radar and communication functions


Indonesia 印尼

2021年4月29日,印尼郵政和資訊技術資源與設備總局 (SDPPI) 發佈通知,自證書生效三年後仍在該國製造,組裝或進口的電信工具和/或設備,必須由證書持有者重新認證。

On 29 April 2021, the Indonesian Directorate General of Resources and Equipment for Post and Information Technology (SDPPI) published a notice based on Article 6 paragraph (2) of Certification Requirements for Wireless and Telecommunications Equipment, Regulation No. 16/2018. The notice announces that telecommunication tools and/or equipment that are still being made, assembled, or imported in the State after 3 years since their certificate became effective must be re-certified by the certificate holder.


Peru 秘魯

秘魯交通運輸和社區事務部 (MTC) 更新了國家頻率歸因計畫。

在此更新中,當局引入了5925-7125 MHz頻帶,供固定和/或移動服務使用,同時考慮到以下限制:

• 室內接入點,最大EIRP為30 dBm;

• 最大EIRP為24 dBm的使用者設備;

• 此頻率範圍不能由無人機操作和/或無法與無人機通信;

• 當電信設備使用該頻率範圍時,將需要以可見且永久的方式顯示以下刻或印刷的聲明:

The Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC) in Peru has updated their National Plan of Attribution of Frequencies.

With this update the authority introduces the 5925-7125 MHz band for use by fixed and/or mobile services taking into account the following restrictions:

  • Indoor Access Points with a max EIRP of 30 dBm.
  • User Devices with a max EIRP of 24 dBm.
  • This frequency range cannot be operated by and/or in the communication with drones.
  • When telecommunications equipment uses this frequency range, there will be required to show the below statement engraved or printed in a visible and permanent way.


Serbia 塞爾維亞

2020年3月6日塞爾維亞官方公報發佈第21/2020號法規,修訂電磁相容性規則 (EMC) 和特定電壓限制內使用的電氣設備規則 (LVD),主要改變為塞爾維亞EMC和LVD CoC從2022年1月1日起不再強制。在此日期之前,應繼續申請EMC和LVD CoC。2022年1月1日起取而代之的是,對於非無線電設備CE標誌可被接受以證明符合規範,但是對於無線產品,仍然需要獲得National RS CoC。塞爾維亞標誌對於非無線電設備仍然是強制的,但是不需標示發證機構的編號和年份。

On 6th March 2020, Regulation No. 21/2020 was published on the Serbian Official Gazette. This regulation is an amendment to the Rulebook on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Rulebook on the Electrical Equipment Intended for Use within Certain Voltage Limits (LVD).The main change in the amendment is that Serbian EMC and LVD Certificates of Conformity (CoCs) will no longer be mandatory from 1st January 2022. Until this date, should continue to seek EMC and LVD CoC’s for applicable equipment. Instead, CE marking will be acceptable for non-radio devices to demonstrate compliance, but for Wireless products it is still required to obtain National RS CoC. The Serbian mark is still required for non-radio devices, but the Notified Body number and year are no need to be indicated anymore.


South Korea 韓國

​[法規草案] 有關韓國KC62368-1:2021的頒佈實施草案。

預計在今年7月開始實施KC 62368-1:2021標準,但目前尚未正式確定時間,處於聽取意見階段,因此仍需繼續關注其實施日期。

草案提出,自2023年1月1日開始,僅能接受KC 62368-1:2021的標準;而在2022年12月31日前,標準KC 60065,K 60950-1以及K 60950-22仍然有效,客戶也可繼續提交這類標準的KC申請。

草案提出,對於已經簽發的KC 60065,K 60950-1以及K 60950-22的KC證書,如不作變動,證書還是可以繼續使用。但是,從2023年1月1日開始,一旦客戶需要對KC證書進行變更或者報備時,就必須同時進行標準升級,將證書標準同步為KC 62368-1:2021。


Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) has released a draft of the standard of KC62368-1 (harmonized with IEC62368-1:2018) on April 19.2021. It is planned to be published after a period of hearing comments on the draft for 3 months. It is expected to be enforced in July, but it’s not confirmed yet. When KC62368-1:2021 is enforced, CBTC/TR of IEC62368-1:2018 is acceptable for KC approval.

The existing standards KC 60065, K 60950-1, and K 60950-22 are applicable until December 31, 2022 (Grace period). It means that new standard KC62368-1:2021 and the existing standards will all be valid during this grace period, but from Jan.1, 2023, only KC62368-1:2021 is aplicable.

The previous KC certificates don’t need to apply for the update of standard. However, if the certified product needs to be revised technically and apply for revision, it should be updated to the latest KC standard, KC62368-1:2021 after Jan.1, 2023.


Zambia 尚比亞


ZICTA issue new “Type Approval Guidelines – March 2021” on April 09, 2021.

The key points are:

1. The labelling now is enforced to be affixed on packaging, product and manual.

2. It allows serial models with same technical characteristics.


能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

Chile 智利

2021年4月5日,智利能源部發佈一項關於微波能效標籤技術規範的決議。標籤的目的是根據有效能耗向最終使用者告知家用微波爐的能效水準。數位控制式和機械控制式的微波爐也包括在內,但不包含直徑≥200 mm或高度≥120 mm的負載的微波爐。該技術規範於2021年4月5日生效,但是具體強制實施日期還沒有公佈。

On 5 April 2021 the Chilean Ministry of Energy published a Resolution on the energy efficiency label for microwaves.

The Resolution approves the technical specifications of the energy efficiency label for microwave ovens.

The purpose of the label is to inform the final consumer of the energy efficiency level of domestic microwave ovens based on active energy consumption. This document is based on IRAM 62412 of 2019 and the energy efficiency is classified using a 5-letter comparative system, where A corresponds to the most efficient products and E to the least efficient.

Microwave ovens with digital control and mechanical control are included in the scope, with the exception of microwaves :loads with diameters ≥ 200 mm or with height ≥ 120 mm.

This Resolution entered into force on 5.04.2021, but SEC must to launch it for the entry in force by a different resolution.


Morocco 摩洛哥

2021年摩洛哥政府於2021年3月25日發佈了第2.20.716號法令 – 電器和設備的最低能耗性能。該法令規定某些產品 (包括通過電子商務) 在投放市場之前,必須滿足最低能耗要求,附有能源標籤、資料表和技術檔,能源類別和消耗等級。該決定於2021年4月5日生效。

Morocco: Minimum Energy Performance of Electric Appliances and Equipment, Decree No. 2.20.716, 2021

On 25 March 2021 the Moroccan government issued a Decree determining that certain products placed on the national territory including through e-commerce must, before being placed on the market:

  • satisfy minimum energy performance;
  • carry an energy label, data sheet and technical documents;
  • Energy categories and levels of consumption.

The obligations derive from Energy Efficiency Law No. 47-09, of 2011, and products impacted refers to those described in Article 2 of that law: appliances and equipment running on electricity, natural gas, liquid and gas petroleum products, on carbon or other renewable energies, offered for sale on the national territory.

The Decree outlines the obligations of producers or importers of appliances, including:

  • Affixing the energy label on the product or packaging in a clear and prominent way;
  • Ensuring a data sheet that explains the energy label and its levels, according to Moroccan standards, accompanies the product;
  • Keeping the technical documents and energy performance and labelling data for a period of ten years from the date of production/import of the product.

The obligations are at present broadly defined, but these are expected to be clarified by the Minister of Energy, Mines and the Environment and the Minister of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy, entrusted with the implementation of this decree, who will issue a decision on management and control, as well as conformity assessment methods and the approved test bodies and laboratories.

This Decision entered into force on 5 April 2021.


Serbia 塞爾維亞

2021年4月28日,塞爾維亞能源與礦業部發佈有關製冷設備能效標籤的規則,這些規則以(EU)2019/2016關於製冷設備能效標籤的要求為藍本。 該法規適用於容積大於10升且最大不超過1500升的製冷設備,不適用於專業和快速冷卻器 (專業上開式冷凍櫃除外),具有零售功能的製冷設備,移動式製冷設備以及主要功能不是通過製冷過程存儲食品的設備。該措施於2021年4月29日生效,並要求從2021年7月29日起修訂供應商標籤和文件要求。

On 28 April 2021, the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining issued rules regarding the energy efficiency labelling of refrigeration appliances which are modelled on the requirements of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2016 regarding the energy labelling of refrigeration appliances.

The regulation applies to refrigeration units with a volume of more than 10 litres and up to a maximum of 1500 litres.

It does not apply to professional and quick coolers (with the exception of professional horizontal freezers), refrigeration devices with a direct sales function, mobile cooling devices and devices whose primary function is not the storage of food products by the cooling process.

A supplier who places an in-scope refrigeration unit on the market or puts it into circulation, must ensure:

1.that each refrigeration unit complies with the energy efficiency classes referred to in Annex 1, noise level classes and has a printed label in accordance with Annex 2;

2.the availability of the list of data, drawn up in accordance with Annex 4;

3.that the technical documentation, drawn up in accordance with Annex 5, is available upon request to the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia;

4.that each visual advertising message for a certain model of refrigeration device contains both an energy efficiency class and a range of possible energy efficiency classes;

5.that each advertisement of a certain model of refrigeration equipment, including advertising on the Internet, in which specific technical parameters are stated, contains the energy efficiency class of that model and the range of possible energy efficiency classes from the label, in accordance with Annex 6 and Annex 7;

6.that the label is available in electronic form to sellers for each model; and

7.that the data sheet, in accordance with Annex 4, be available to sellers in electronic form for each model.

  • The measure entered into force on 29 April 2021, with revised supplier labelling and documentation requirements required from 29 July 2021, except where:
  • products have been delivered to the market after 29 April 2021 and no later than 29 July;
  • products have been delivered to the market before 29 April 2021 and there are stocks at the point of sale;
  • the supplier has not provided new markings and ceased to exist before 29 July, while there are stocks at the point of sale;
  • it is necessary, in order to determine the energy efficiency class, to carry out measurements other than those provided for in this Regulation, while there are stocks at the point of sale.


Serbia 塞爾維亞

2021年4月28日,塞爾維亞能源與礦業部發佈有關家用洗衣機和乾衣機的能效標籤的規則,這些規則以 (EU)2019/2014的要求為藍本。 該規定適用於家用洗衣機和家用洗衣乾衣機,包括由電池供電的洗衣機,以及內建式家用洗衣機和內建式家用洗衣乾衣機。該措施於2021年4月29日生效,並要求從2021年7月29日起修訂供應商標籤和文件要求。

On 28 April 2021, the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining issued rules regarding the energy efficiency labelling of household washing machines and washer-dryers which are modelled on the requirements of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2014.

The regulation applies to household washing machines and household washer-dryers, including those which can also be powered by batteries, and including built-in household washing machines and built-in household washer-dryers.

The following are excluded from scope:

  • battery-operated household washing machines and battery-operated household washer-dryers that can be connected to the mains through an AC/DC converter purchased separately;
  • household washing machines with a nominal capacity of less than 2 kg and household washer-dryers with a nominal capacity of 2 kg or less and;
  • washing machines and washer-dryers within the scope of the machinery safety regulations.

Per Article 5, any supplier who places on the market and/or puts into use a household washing machine or a household washer-dryer, with regard to the energy efficiency label (hereinafter: the label), data sheets and technical documentation, must ensure:

  • that each household washing machine and washer-dryer complies with the energy efficiency classes, spin-drying efficiency classes and acoustic airborne noise emission class referred to in Annex 1 and bears the label specified in Annex 2;
  • each visual advertising message for a certain model of household washing machine or household washing machine and dryer contains the energy efficiency class and the range of possible energy efficiency classes from the label in accordance with Annex 6;
  • availability of the data sheet per Annex 4 as well as the technical documentation specified in Annex 5;
  • that any advertising of a certain model of household washing machine or washer-dryer, including distance selling, specifies the specific technical parameters of this model, contains the energy efficiency class and the range of possible energy efficiency classes from the label in accordance with Annex 6 and, with respect to online sales, in accordance with Annex 7;
  • that the mark in electronic form, the appearance and content of which are in accordance with Annex 2, is available to sellers for each model of washing machine and washer-dryer; and
  • that the data sheet in electronic form in accordance with Annex 4 is available to sellers for each product model.

Per Article 11, when selling online, the seller must provide information in accordance with Annex 7.

The obligation to display the energy efficiency class for light sources from Table 1 of Annex 4 applies from 1 March 2022.

The measure entered into force on 29 April 2021, with revised supplier labelling and documentation requirements required from 29 July 2021, except where:

  • products have been delivered to the market after 29 April 2021 and no later than 29 August;
  • products have been delivered to the market before 29 April 2021 and there are stocks at the point of sale;
  • the supplier has not provided new markings and ceased to exist before 29 July, while there are stocks at the point of sale;
  • it is necessary, in order to determine the energy efficiency class, to carry out measurements other than those provided for in this Regulation, while there are stocks at the point of sale.


Serbia 塞爾維亞


On 28 April 2021, the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining published a Pravilnik that prescribes the energy efficiency labelling requirements for household dishwashers that are powered by electricity.

It specifies:

The method of labelling, the appearance and content of the energy efficiency label, the form and content of the data list, the data contained in the technical documentation to enable the assessment of the accuracy of the information contained on the label and in the data list;

The methodology for determining the energy efficiency class, standard and measurement methods used to obtain the information contained on the label and in the data sheet, the place where the label is placed on the household dishwasher;

The way the label and/or information is provided to consumers when buying or renting a household dishwasher via the internet, catalogue, telemarketing or any other distance selling platform.

This Ordinance applies to household dishwashers, including built-in household dishwashers and washing machines that are powered by the mains and can also be powered by batteries.

This Ordinance does not apply to:

1) Dishwashers to which the regulation on machine safety applies;

2) Household dishwashers with battery power that can be connected to the mains with a specially purchased rectifier alternating current in direct current.

Article 14 specifically states that this law is in conformity with the EU Energy Labelling Regulation on Dishwashers (EU) 2019/2017. However, although it defines the EPREL database and QR code in the definitions section, this Pravilnik does not contain a requirement to register the information from the data sheet into the European EPREL database for energy labelling of products. This being said the QR code from the EPREL is used on the energy label itself.

This Ordinance entered into force on 29 April 2021.


Serbia 塞爾維亞

塞爾維亞政府於2021年4月22日制定該法規,對之前必須強制貼標籤的產品清單進行修訂,以與歐盟的《能源標籤框架法規》與受管制的產品類別清單保持一致。該法規將“電視”一詞替換為“電子顯示器”,“電燈泡”也被修改為“光源”,從而包括所有類型的光源。 此外,該修正案在具有強制性能源標籤的產品清單中增加了具有零售功能的製冷設備。 本法規計畫2021年5月1日生效,但電子顯示器的標籤要求將於2021年7月1日生效。 自2021年9月1日起投放市場的具有零售功能的光源和製冷設備應按照2013年能源標籤法規進行標示。

This Regulation, enacted on 22 April 2021 by the Serbian Government, amends the list of products subject to mandatory labelling under Article 2 of the Regulation of 21 October 2013 on the Labelling of Energy-Related Products to harmonize with the list of product groups subject to the EU’s Energy Labelling Framework Regulation.

The Regulation amends Article 2 by substituting the terms “televisions” for “electronic displays”. “Electric light bulb” is also modified to “light sources”, thereby including all types of light sources.

Further, the amendment adds refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function to the list of products subject to mandatory energy labelling.

The present Regulation is scheduled to enter into force on 1 May 2021 with the exception of labelling requirements for electronic displays which will apply with effect from 1 July 2021.

Light sources and refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function placed on the market as of 1 September 2021 shall be labelled in accordance with the Energy Labelling Regulation, 2013.


Switzerland 瑞士


– 關於家用洗碗機能源標籤的 (EU)2019/2017法規

– 關於家用洗碗機生態設計要求的 (EU)2019/2022法規


This Ordinance, approved by the Swiss Federal Council on 25 November 2020, aims to adopt into Swiss legislation the following EU regulations:

– Regulation (EU) 2019/2017 on energy labelling of household dishwashers

– Regulation (EU) 2019/2022 on ecodesign requirements for household dishwashers

In particular, Annex 1.5 of the 2017 Ordinance is amended so that the energy characteristics of dishwashers are measured and calculated in accordance with the requirements set out in Annexes II and III of Regulation (EU) 2019/2022 and Annexes II and IV of Regulation (EU) 2019/2017. The technical documentation must include the results of the calculations and measurements.

Also, the import, marketing and distribution of tyres in Switzerland must follow the requirements set out in Regulation (EU) 2020/740 as outlined in Annex 4.2 of this Ordinance.

The requirements for dishwashers as per Annex 1.5 will be effective from 1 March 2021, whereas the Ordinance will enter into force on 1 May 2021.


其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects

Australia 澳洲

澳洲清潔能源委員會 (Clean Energy Council) 已經發表告示,要求所有登記在案的,按照4777.2:2015測試並認證的逆變器, 都必須在2021年12月18號前,更新標準至AS/NZS 4777.2:2020。這意味著任何一個為該類產品申請CEC折扣的證書持有人或者澳洲供應商,務必在該日期前取得一份根據AS/NZS 4777.2:2020測試的完整報告並提交以進行證書技術性修改並獲取一份證書附錄,證書持有人可將此附錄提交給CEC備案。新版本AS/NZS 4777.2:2020與之前版本有很大區別,它要求產品有新的完整的測試報告。

The CEC (Clean Energy Council) has announced that all listings for inverters which have been tested and certified to AS/NZS 4777.2:2015 must be updated to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 by 18 December 2021. This means that any Certificate Holder or any Australian supplier applying the for CEC rebate for these products must obtain an endorsed test report to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 before this date and submit it for a technical modification. An addendum certificate will be issued and will allow the Certificate Holder to extend their CEC listing.

The new AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 is quite different to the previous edition and a full new test report will be required.


Inonesia 印尼

2021年4月1日,印尼貿易部批准了關於以印尼語 (Bahasa) 強制性標記商品的法規。根據法規的規定,在商品或其包裝或兩者上均需要加標籤,並且視產品而定,可以對它們進行壓紋,印刷或整體粘貼。 提供的資訊包括產品名稱,產品品牌,製造商/進口商的名稱和地址,電氣用途 (電壓(V)和頻率(Hz)),製造國。該法規於2021年5月1日生效,廢除了第73/2015號法規和第79/2019號法規。

On 1 April 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade approved a Regulation on the mandatory labelling of goods in the Indonesian language (Bahasa). Under the terms of the regulation labelling is required on the listed goods, their packaging, or both, and, depending on the product, may be embossed, printed or attached as a whole.

Information to be provided includes the item name, product brand, name and address of the manufacturer/importer, electrical usage (voltage (V) and frequency (Hz)), country of manufacture/made in. The labelling requirement applies to imported or domestically-produced products listed in:

1.Section A (electrical and electronic equipment, telecommunication and IT equipment),

2.Section B (building products),

3.Section C (goods for motor vehicles/spare parts),

4.Section D (textile products), and

5.Section E (Other products (lamp ballast, printer ink, etc.).

The label must be correct, clear and easily understandable. HS Codes indicated in Regulation No. 73/2015 are not provided in Regulation No. 25/2021.

This Regulation entered into force on 1 May 2021, upon which it repealed Regulation No. 73/2015 and Regulation No. 79/2019.


South Korea 韓國

[法規草案] 2021年3月31日,韓國技術與標準局 (KATS) 發佈對受安全確認的家用物品安全標準的修訂草案。 該草案主要修改了有關可擕式鐳射設備的附件9,以確保產品的消費者安全。 具體而言,該草案將相關技術法規的範圍從鐳射指示器和玩具擴展到了波長範圍為400-700 nm的可擕式鐳射家用商品,並將雷射光束輸出限制在2級以下。該草案要求企業遵守國家或國際標準KS C IEC 60825-1,以進一步完善警告標籤和預防措施部分。

On 31 March 2021, the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) issued a draft amendment to the Safety Standards for Household Items Subject to Safety Confirmation.

The draft primarily changes Annex 9 on portable laser devices to ensure consumer safety for products.
Specifically, the draft expands the scope of the related technical regulation from laser pointers and toys to portable laser household goods with wavelength range 400

700 nm, and regulates the laser beam output to level 2 or less. Industrial or business, performance, military use and products or household goods managed by other domestic laws are excluded.

The draft further improves warning labels and precautions sections by requiring businesses to follow the national or international standard KS C IEC 60825-1.

The deadline for comments to the WTO is 5 June 2021


South Korea 韓國

2021年5月3日,韓國技術標準局 (KATS) 發佈了《電器和消費品安全控制法案》的修訂案,增加關於非面對面抽樣和工廠檢查標準的新附件。 此外,該修正案將筆記型電腦添加到可以進行電子標籤的產品清單中 (添加到現有的手機,智慧手機和平板電腦列表中)。


  • 將可擕式花園吸塵器/送風機和多合一洗衣機/烘乾機添加到安全認證的電子電器產品清單中
  • 將附件2和附件3中受安全保證的產品更改為受供應商保證合格的產品,從而簡化了音頻處理器和視頻處理器的安全控制級別
  • 根據國際標準,在附件10中將聖誕樹照明設備的名稱更改為鏈式照明設備
  • 在附件16中擴大免除進口報關單要求的要求
  • 在附件20中添加汽車適配器和鏈式照明設備等來完善電器安全管理部件的清單
  • 在檢查同一型號的電器時,要明確檢查項目


On 3 May 2021, the South Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) issued an amendment to the Operation Bulletin of Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act.

The amendment adds a new Annex 30 on non-face-to-face sampling and factory inspection standards in order to introduce non-face-to-face evaluation and audit methods for KC safety certification, in cases when the on-site factory inspection is not possible due to natural disasters or a pandemic disease.
Also, the amendment adds notebook PCs to the list of products for which electronic-labelling can be made as per Article 59 (adds to existing list of mobile phones, smartphones and tablet PCs).

The document further brought the following changes:

    • adding portable garden vacuums/blowers and all-in-one washers/dryers to the EEE subject to safety certification, in Annex 1,
    • easing the level of safety control for audio processors and video processors, by changing them from products subject to safety assurance to products subject to the supplier’s assurance of conformity, in Annexes 2 and 3,
    • altering the name of Christmas tree lighting fixtures to chain lighting fixtures, in accordance with international standards, in Annex 10,
    • expanding of requirements for exemption from declaration for import customs clearance, in Annex 16,
    • improving the list of electrical appliance safety management parts by adding car adapters and chain lighting fixtures, etc., in Annex 20,
  • clarifying the inspection items when checking the same model of electrical appliance, in Annex 21.

The amendment entered into force on 3 May 2021. For products reported for safety verification before the enforcement of this notice, it shall be deemed that the supplier’s conformity verification and safety confirmation of the products have been reported.