- 移动电话产品的新申请认证需要盖章的纸质档的海牙认证;
- DGC注册需每4年更新一次(需有经过公证的声明信),注册公司也需要每4年更新。
- For the requirements of testing/testing under extreme conditions in the relevant technical regulations, organizations and individuals may use appropriate declarations in the technical documents of products, goods or results. test/test results of designated and recognized testing organizations (laboratory); or accredited domestic and foreign testing laboratories in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025;
- For 5G mobile communication base station equipment, organizations and individuals are allowed to use test/test results of domestic and foreign laboratories recognized in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 or ISO/IEC 17025 of the manufacturer for certification and announcement of conformity according to national technical regulations QCVN 128:2021/BTTTT;
- For independent 5G mobile communication network terminal equipment, organizations and individuals are allowed to use test/test results of domestic and foreign laboratories recognized in accordance with ISO/standards;
- For hybrid 5G mobile communication network terminals, organizations and individuals are allowed to use test/test results of domestic and foreign laboratories recognized in accordance with ISO/standards;
- For the publication of regulation conformity according to national technical regulations QCVN 22:2021/BTTTT organizations and individuals are allowed to use measurement/test results of recognized domestic and foreign laboratories in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 or the manufacturer’s standards;
- For television receivers with integrated DVB-T2 terrestrial digital television (iDTV) signal reception function, organizations and individuals may use the test results of the chassis (chassis/ platform) according to the standards;
- For lithium battery products subject to mandatory declaration of conformity, organizations and individuals are only allowed to use use test/test results of designated or accredited testing laboratories or registered testing laboratories signed with the Ministry of Information and Communications to make declaration of conformity according to national technical regulations QCVN 101:2020/BTTTT. In case an organization or individual imports a small quantity and cannot provide a sufficient number of samples for testing/testing, the organization or individual should contact the quality inspection agency (the Department of Telecommunications) and provide documentation to consider the acceptance of the results issued by an overseas testing organization accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 for products with the same symbol and manufacturer to complete the registration procedure for quality inspection, regulation conformity announcement; and organizations and individuals importing must be responsible for the safety of imported products.
资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom
Brazil 巴西
Act No. 8991 on June 27, 2022. This Act establishes the technical and operational requirements for the conditions of use band from 3,700 MHz to 3,800 MHz by low-power terrestrial service stations.
Anatel – Ato nº 8991, de 27 de junho de 2022
Act No. 8995 on June 27, 2022. This Act establishes the technical and operational requirements for the conditions of use of the 27.5-27.9 GHz sub-band.
Anatel – Ato nº 8995, de 27 de junho de 2022
China 中国
国家市场监管总局/国家标准化管理委员会2022年7月19日发布了GB4943.1-2022《音视频、信息技术和通信技术设备 第1部分:安全要求》。新标准将取代GB4943.1-2011和GB8898-2011。本标准修改采用IEC国际标准:IEC 62368-1:2018。新标准将于2023年8月1日起强制实施。
CCC认证的换版实施规则尚未发布。该标准涉及CCC认证的产品是音视频设备、信息技术设备和电信设备,对应CCC认证代码为08, 09和16类。
State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)/Standardization Administration of China (SAC) had released the national standard GB4943.1-2022 Audio/video,information and communication technology equipment—Part 1: Safety requirements on July 19, 2022 which will replace the old national standards GB4943.1-2011 and GB8898-2011. The revision of this standard adopts the internationl standard IEC62368-1:2018. This new standard will come to force on August 1, 2023.
The implemetion requirements of standard upgrade under CCC (China Compulsary Certification) scheme will be released soon and we will update accordingly. This standard involves AV, IT and telecom products which CCC category code is 08, 09 and 16.
The New EMC Standard GB/T 9254.1-2021 electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers Part 1: transmission requirements was issued on December 31, 2021 which replaced GB/T 9254-2008 and GB/T 13837-2012 from July 1, 2022. The CCC application for standard upgrade had been accepted starting from June, 2022.
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加
哥斯达黎加电信监管局 ((SUTEL) 发布RCS-141-2022 (部分修改移动通信终端审批程序)。此次新规对移动通信终端的认证要求进行了修改,主要有以下几点:
Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUTEL) in Costa Rica has published RCS-141-2022 “Modificación parcial del procedimiento de homologación de terminales de telecomunicaciones móviles.” This new regulation modifies the requirements for homologation of mobile telecommunication terminals. Cellular product applications for new applicants will now require hard copies with apostille stamps, and the apostille exemption for cellular applications is no longer in effect. Registration with the Dirección General de Calidad (DGC) will need to be updated every 4 years through a notarized declaration letter, and companies with current registration will need to perform this update every 4 years as well. This regulation came into effect on June 16, 2022.
Malaysia 马来西亚
马来西亚SIRIM再次延长部分IPv6蜂窝设备的临时型式认证 (1年)。
Malaysia SIRIM Extends Interim Type Approval Period for IPv6 Cellular Equipment.
The Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM) published an announcement on July 10, 2022 informing that the implementation of the interim Type Approval period for IPv6 Cellular Equipment without Wi-Fi interface has been extended for 1 year. As such, all new applications and renewal of Certificate of Conformity (CoC) are allowed with a maximum validity of one (1) year. For IPv6 equipment over other medium (e.g: Fiber Optic etc. except Ethernet LAN), interim approval will also be issued with a validity period of one (1) year.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] BSMI预告修正「应施检验视听音响商品之相关检验规定」草案。产品包含装入音箱之单一扬声器、装入同一音箱之多个扬声器、使用磁性、光学或半导体媒体之录音或声音重放器具等。
详情请参考此连结 : https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1658384820186.pdf
The BSMI proposes to adopt CNS 15598-1:2020 and CNS15936:2016 as the inspection standards for audio and video equipment to ensure the safety of consumers.
For the video recording or reproducing apparatus, the standard to be adopted contains volume limits
requirements to protect consumers from hearing loss.
For details please see below link:
Vietnam 越南
In June 2022, the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications approved Circular No. 2361/BTTTT-KHCN on the Instructions on Guiding the Application and Implementation of Circular No. 02/2022/TT-BTTTT.
It established the following:
The Circular entered into force on 1 July 2022.
灯具 / LED Luminaiaries / LED
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] 2022年6月28日,公布废止《自镇流荧光灯最低能效标准及能效等级标示及检验要求》。各方若有意见应在 2022 年 8 月 29 日之前通过电话或电子邮件提交。
On 28 June 2022, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs published a proposal to abolish the “Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lamps”.
Comments should be submitted by 29 August 2022 via phone or email.
Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦
自 2022 年 6 月 1 日起,禁止向塔吉克斯坦境内进口、生产和销售代码为 8539322001 的汞灯。
On 28 Ma y 2022, the Tajikistan Government approved Resolution No. 264, in accordance with Article 18 of the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan” and Article 5 of Law No. 44, 2002 on Waste Production and Consumption.
From 1 June 2022, this Resolution prohibits the import, production, and sale of mercury lamps with the code 8539322001 into the territory of Tajikistan.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
China Hong Kong 中国香港
机电工程署 (机电署) 就强制性能源效益标签计划第四阶段《产品能源标签实务守则》的修订展开为期两个月的业界咨询,至2022年8月14日结束。
第四阶段的涵盖范围新增三类产品,包括发光二极管 (LED) 灯、燃气灶及即热式燃气热水器。
Revision of the Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products for the Fourth Phase of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme.
The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) launched a two-month trade consultation on the revision of the Code of Practice on Energy Labelling of Products for the fourth phase of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (MEELS). The consultation period will end on 14 August 2022.
The fourth phase of the MEELS include three additional types of products, namely Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps, gas cookers and gas instantaneous water heaters.
Jamaica 牙买加
[法规草案] 2022 年 6 月 27 日,牙买加标准局宣布通过牙买加能源标签标准规范草案 – 制冷设备 – 要求,DJS CRS 57: 2018/Amd 1。无异议截止日期为 2022 年 8 月 24 日。
On 27 June 2022, The Bureau of Standards Jamaica announced the adoption of Draft Jamaican Standard Specification for Energy Labelling – Refrigeration Appliances – Requirement, DJS CRS 57: 2018/Amd 1. The closing date for non-objection is 24 August 2022. The announcement is available here: BSJ announces the adoption of the following Draft Jamaican Standard | Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Uruguay 乌拉圭
[法规草案] 2022 年 6 月 24 日,乌拉圭工业、能源和矿业部向 WTO 通报一项法令草案,该法令草案提议修改电气设备和电器的能源效率标签: 法令 116/2011。
On 24 June 2022, the Uruguayan Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining notified the WTO of a Draft Decree which proposes to amend the Energy Efficiency Labelling of Electrical Equipment and Appliances, Decree 116/2011.
The notified Draft Decree concerns requirements for the import and marketing of equipment, appliances and vehicles that use energy to operate and are included in the regulations of the domestic energy efficiency labelling system.
The URSEA will define the specific procedures for the controls and inspection of the equipment included in the national system of energy efficiency labelling. Also they will establish deadlines for mandatory conformity assessment established for each equipment.
其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
South Korea 韩国
2022年7月19日,韩国无线电研究机构 (RRA) 批准了对《电磁兼容性标准通知》的修订。
– 手消毒机等电动喷雾器不做为RRA认证对象
– 跟电梯、Power Supply有关的产品中,“升压电缆”,1 to 1 cable, 1 to 1 cable accessories不用申请RRA认证
– Country of Origin有多个的情况下,证书只能标注最终制造产品的国家
– 如果证书上的型号名称,销售并推销时的型号名称相同的话,产品本体可以仅仅标注KC Logo和型号名称。但是型号名称必须要放在KC Logo下面。另外,使用手册必须要标注认证号码、持证人、制造商、生产国、制造年月等KC认证信息。
这个法规,从2022年 07月 29日起生效。
On 19 July 2022, the South Korean Radio Research Agency (RRA) approved an amendment to the Notice on Criteria for Electromagnetic Compatibility.
– Several products deleted from the mandatory list.
– The certificate can only mention the Country of Origin in which the final product was manufactured.
– Marking rules is revised for manual and label.
The Act will come into force on 29.07.2022.
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