
2024年12月5日 | 市场准入

资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom



阿根廷政府于2024年11月7日发布第1/2024 号决议, 该决议影响阿根廷所有与产品安全和能源效率相关的现有和新技术法规。


  1. 自 2025 年 2 月 6 日起,海关将免于对符合技术规范的产品进行单证和/或实物监管。取而代之的是政府根据海关和认证机构提供的信息对市场进行的 “改进 “控制。
  2. 阿根廷的证书持有者 (当地公司) 应签署一份 “合格声明” (Affidavit of Conformity) ,以保证进入阿根廷市场的产品符合适用的技术法规。合格声明应以有效证书为基础。
  3. 2025328日起,现行阿根廷标志将被以下带有二维码的标志取代,该二维码须能链接对应产品的合格声明和产品证书。它可以是单色的,可以放在产品上或是包装上。保证最小要求尺寸的前提下, 可以等比例缩放。

基于此项变化,德国莱茵TÜV阿根廷公司签发的证书的认证标志,也将相应更新,即去除S标志。我们将从 2025 年 1 月 1 日开始为新申请证书使用新的安全标志,便于客户在强制日期之前获得新的TÜV莱茵安全标识.

  1. 现行技术法规规定的合格评定程序 (电气安全和能源效率) 保持不变。原强制Smark产品,新阶段需同时使用两个标志 (新的带有二维码的标志+新的德国莱茵TÜV阿根廷公司签发证书的认证标志)。

The Argentine government issued Resolution 1/2024 on November 7, 2024, which affects all existing and new technical regulations related to product safety and energy efficiency in Argentina.

The major changes involved in this legislation are listed below:

  1. As of February 6, 2025, Customs will be exempted from documentary and/or physical control of products complying with the technical specifications. This will be replaced by an “improved” government control of the market based on information provided by customs and certification bodies.
  2. The certificate holder (local company) in Argentina shall sign an Affidavit of Conformity to guarantee that the product entering the Argentine market complies with the applicable technical regulations. The Affidavit of Conformity shall be based on a valid certificate.
  3. As of March 28, 2025, the current Argentine mark will be replaced by the following mark with a QR code that links to the declaration of conformity (see item 2 above) and the product certificate of the corresponding product. It may be monochromatic and may be placed on the product or on the packaging.


As a result of this change, the certification mark on certificates issued by TUV Rheinland Argentina will be changed accordingly, i.e. the S mark will be removed. We will start using the new safety mark for applications received after January 1, 2025, even if the mandatory date is March 28, 2025.

  1. The above QR code can be pasted on the product or on the package and can be reduced to the following sizes.


  1. The conformity assessment procedures (electrical safety and energy efficiency) established by the current technical regulations remain unchanged. Products applying for the RA certificate will be required to use both marks (the new mark with QR code + the new certification mark of the certificate issued by TUV Rheinland Argentina).

TUV Rheinland Argentina is authorized by the Argentine Accreditation Organism (OAA) to issue certificates covering the safety and energy efficiency of electrical and electronic products. If you have any questions about the above new regulations and certification in Argentina, please feel free to contact us.


Australia 澳大利亚

ACMA 发布重新制定 (客户设备和客户布线标签要求) 等共8 项电信标准的提案以及残障标准
[法规草案] 澳洲通讯与媒体管理局 (ACMA) 正在就一项重新制定2015 年电信 (客户设备和客户布线标签要求) 工具 (TLN) 和8 项电信技术标准的提案进行咨询,这些标准将于2025 年4 月1 日到期。

ACMA 提议重新制定 TLN 和 7 技术标准,以确保客户设备和客户布线继续具有合规性可执行性,以管理这些网络和消费者风险。 ACMA 提议重新制定 2015 年电信残障标准 (标准电话服务使用的客户设备的要求 – 残疾人特殊需求的功能 – AS/ACIF S040) (残疾人标准),以反映其持续的公共利益。

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is consulting on a proposal to remake the Telecommunications (Labelling Notice for Customer Equipment and Customer Cabling) Instrument 2015 (the TLN) and 8 telecommunications technical standards that are due to sunset on 1 April 2025. ACMA’s preliminary view is the TLN and 8 telecommunications technical standards are still necessary and relevant, and ACMA is consulting to ensure that each of these instruments is operating effectively and efficiently.

ACMA is proposing to remake the TLN and 7 technical standards to ensure there continues to be compliance enforceability in place for customer equipment and customer cabling to manage these network and consumer risks. ACMA is proposing to remake the Telecommunications Disability Standard (Requirements for Customer Equipment for use with the Standard Telephone Service – Features for special needs of persons with disabilities – AS/ACIF S040) 2015 (the Disability Standard) to reflect its continued public benefit.


Australia 澳大利亚

澳洲通讯与媒体管理局 (ACMA) 正在就更新射频频谱计划的提案进行咨询

[法规草案] 该草案将反映 2023 年世界无线电通讯大会 (WRC-23)上制定的国际法规的变化。ACMA 也提议进行修改以解决国内规划问题,包括建议永久更新以规范根据频谱计划第 10(10) 款做出的决定。

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is consulting on a proposal to update the Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan.

This will reflect changes to international regulations made at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).

ACMA has also proposed changes to address domestic planning matters. This includes suggesting permanent updates to regularize decisions made under subsection 10(10) of the spectrum plan.



ANATEL 已授权在巴西使用 802.11be

ANATEL 最近在 IEEE 批准 802.11be 标准草案并已授权在巴西使用 802.11be。透过此更新,采用 WIFI 7 / 802.11be 技术的设备现在可以在其合格证书上正式列出此名称。

ANATEL has authorized the use of the 802.11be nomenclature in Brazil. With this update, devices incorporating WIFI 7 / 802.11be technology can now officially list this designation on their Certificate of Conformity. This decision comes after the IEEE’s recent approval of the draft standard for 802.11be.

Previously, ANATEL allowed the testing of WIFI 7 products, but did not permit the explicit listing of “WIFI 7” or “802.11be” on certification documents. Instead, OCDs were required to use terms like Modulation + BW (e.g., OFDMA 320MHz) to describe the technology. Now, manufacturers can clearly specify 802.11be, ensuring better alignment with international standards and easing market entry.

Requirements for WIFI 7 / 802.11be

The testing required for WIFI 7 in Brazil is outlined in ANATEL Act 14448, item 11.7. These requirements align with those for WIFI 6E.

For more information, refer to the official IEEE link: IEEE 802.11be Standard.




SUBTEL于 2024 年 10 月 14 日发布了电信 2009 年第 7.219 号豁免决议修正案,确立了数字地面电视接收机要满足的最低技术规格。

SUBTEL (Undersecretariat of Telecommunications) published the Amendment to Exempt Resolution No. 7.219 of 2009 of the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, establishing the minimum technical specifications to be met by digital terrestrial television receivers on Oct. 14, 2024.


Chinese Hong Kong中国香港


香港通讯事务管理局办公室 (OFCA) 实施了新的一致性规范 HKCA 1084,旨在增强靠近人体 (最远 20 公分) 使用的无线设备的辐射安全。


  • 比吸收率 (SAR) 和入射功率密度限制
  • 合规性评估: 制造商和进口商必须确保其设备经过严格的测试和认证流程,包括: SAR 测量和入射功率密度评估


The Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) in Hong Kong has implemented HKCA 1084, a new conformance specification designed to enhance the radiation safety of wireless devices used in close proximity to the human body (up to 20 cm). This move aligns with international standards and underscores the growing concern for public health in the age of ubiquitous wireless technology.

The main changes:

  • Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and Incident Power Density Limits
  • Compliance Evaluation: Manufacturers and importers must ensure that their devices undergo rigorous testing and certification processes. This includes: SAR Measurement and Incident Power Density Assessment

Manufacturers and importers of wireless devices must now prioritize compliance with these stringent standards to ensure the safety and well-being of consumers in Hong Kong.



印度DPIIT发布《手电筒 (质量控制) 令,2024》草案

[法规草案] 印度工业和国内贸易促进部 DPIIT 向 WTO 发布了《手电筒 (质量控制) 令,2024》草案。 它适用于由最大电压为 48V DC 的可更换一次电池和可更换/内置二次电池供电的小型便携式电灯。

该草案将在官方 QCO 发布之日起 6 个月后实施。

DPIIT released the DRAFT order 《Flashlight (Quality Control) Order, 2024》to WTO.  It applies to small, portable electric lamps powered by replaceable primary batteries and replaceable/built-in secondary batteries with a maximum voltage of 48V DC.

It will be implemented 6 months from the date of publication of official QCO.



印度DPIIT发布《商业配货和自动售货用电器 (质量控制) 令,2024

印度工业和国内贸易促进部 (DPIIT)  发布 《商业配货和自动售货用电器 (质量控制) 令,2024》取代原2023年版本。从 2025 年 4 月 1 日起,商用分配机和自动售货机必须获得根据 IS 302 (第 2 部分/第 75 节) 标准的强制性ISI mark认证。

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) issued 《the Electrical Appliances for Commercial Dispensing and Vending (Quality Control) Order, 2024》. in supersession of the 2023 edition of QCO.  The commercial dispensing and vending machines are required to obtain mandatory ISI mark certification against IS standard IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 75) from 1st April 2025.




[法规草案] 新的《无线电法实施条例》及相关公告中,将433.795 MHz至434.045 MHz频段添加到特定低功率无线电台的分类中,该频段用于轮胎压力监测系统 (TPMS) 和远程无线电台 (RKE) 系统。

拟议通过日期: 2025 年 2 月

拟议生效日期: 2025 年 2 月

意见截止日期: 通知起 60 天

In the new Ordinance for Enforcement of the Radio Act and Relevant Public Notice, the frequency band from 433.795 MHz to 434.045MHz is added to the classification of Specific low power radio station and the band is used for Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) and Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) System.

The new Ordinance on Radio Equipment and Relevant Public Notice specifies the technical regulations of TPMS and RKE System.

Proposed date of adoption : February, 2025

Proposed date of entry into force : February, 2025

Final date for comments : 60 days from notification


Mexico 墨西哥

墨西哥批准解散7个自治机构包括联邦电信协会 (IFETEL)

2024年11月20日,墨西哥Cámara de Diputados批准解散7个自治机构,其中包括联邦电信协会 (IFETEL)。这一决定是为了精简公共服务活动,更有效地利用资源和公共支出。拟议将IFETEL并入Secretaría基础设施、通信和运输部 (SICT) 和Transformación数字电信局。

On November 20, 2024, the Cámara de Diputados in Mexico approved the dissolution of 7 autonomous bodies in the General Assembly, which includes the Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL). This decision is made in an effort to streamline public service activities and utilize resources and public spending in a more efficient way. IFETEL is proposed to be integrated into the Secretaría de Infraestructura, Comunicaciones y Transportes (SICT) and the Agencia de Transformación Digital y Telecomunicaciones.


South Korea韩国


[法规草案] 科学与信息通讯技术部 (MSIT) 公布关于广播和通讯设备 (包括行动和智能型装置) 充电和数据传输方法的技术法规草案。该草案规定,某些装置在连接充电或同时充电和数据传输时必须配备 USB Type-C 插座连接器。

Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) announces the Draft Technical Regulation on charging and data transmission methods for broadcasting and communication equipment, including mobile and smart devices. The draft specifies that certain devices must be equipped with a USB Type-C receptacle connector when wired for charging or simultaneous charging and data transfers.


South Korea韩国

韩国KATS发布第2024-313号通知《安全确认对象生活用品安全标准附录22 (数位门锁) 修订(草案)》行政预告

[法规草案] 根据《电器产品及生活用品安全管理法》第15条第3款的规定,为修订安全确认对像生活用品 (数位门锁) 的安全标准,现依据《行政程序法》第41条第1款的规定,提前向业界及公众告知修订的目的和内容,并广泛征求意见。

  1. 修订目的: 为了允许数字门锁使用二次电池作为电源方式
  2. 修订内容:
  • 允许使用二次电池作为电源方式。
  • 增加使用二次电池产品的测试方法 (对现有使用一次电池产品的测试方法无变更)
  • 增加使用二次电池产品的识别事项。
  • 更新相关标准以符合现行要求。
  1. 对于修订案 (草案) 有意见的个人、企业或团体,可在2024年12月6日以前将意见书提交至产业通商资源部国家技术标准院生活儿童产品安全科。

The Korea Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) has issued Notice No. 2024-313, an administrative pre-announcement regarding the Revision (Draft) of Appendix 22 (Digital Door Locks) to the Safety Standards for Living Products Subject to Safety Confirmation.

Notice Regarding the Revision (Draft) of Safety Standards for Living Products Subject to Safety Confirmation (Digital Door Locks)

In accordance with Article 15, Clause 3 of the Electrical Appliances and Living Products Safety Management Act, and pursuant to Article 41, Clause 1 of the Administrative Procedures Act, this pre-announcement aims to inform the industry and public in advance about the purpose and details of the revision to the safety standards for digital door locks. Opinions are being widely solicited. Details are as follows:

  1. Purpose of the Revision: to allow digital door locks to use secondary batteries as a power source.
  2. Details of the Revision:
  • Permit the use of secondary batteries as a power source.
  • Add testing methods for products using secondary batteries (no changes to the existing testing methods for products using primary batteries).
  • Include identification requirements for products using secondary batteries.
  • Update related standards to align with current requirements.
  1. Submission of Opinions:

Individuals, businesses, or organizations with opinions on the proposed revisions are requested to submit their opinions to the Living and Children’s Product Safety Division, National Institute of Technology and Standards, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, by December 6, 2024.



泰国NBTC 通知使用5.725-6.425GHz频率的电信设备技术启用新标准 TS 1039-2567

2024年11月14日,泰国国家广播电信委员会 (NBTC) 通知: 使用5.725-6.425GHz频率的电信设备技术,启用新标准 TS 1039-2567,增加了参考ETSI EN 303 687报告。

NBTC Notification: Technical Standard for telecommunication equipment using frequency of 5.725-6.425GHz, can accept report – ETSI EN 303 687 V1.1.1
–          Announcement date November 14, 2024
–          Effective date: November 15, 2024
Link for official announcement: https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/49525.pdf


泰国NBTC 建立新的数字广播无线电接收机技术标准

2024年10月31日,泰国NBTC建立新的数字广播无线电接收机技术标准 – NBTC BS 3004-2567数字广播无线电接收机


  • 安装在新车上的数字广播无线电接收机: 1年 (2025年10月31日)
  • 其他数字广播无线电接收机: 自公告日期起120天 (2025年2月28日)

On 31st October 2024 Thailand had announced that Thailand NBTC on establish new technical standard for Digital Broadcasting Radio Receiver.
– NBTC BS 3004-2567 Digital Broadcasting Radio Receiver
Effective date:
For digital broadcasting radio receivers installed in new vehicle: 1 year (October 31, 2025)
For other digital broadcasting radio receivers: 120 days from announcement date (February 28, 2025)
Link for official announcement: https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/48574.pdf






[法规草案] 工信部发布通知,征求8项强制性标准征求意见稿,其中包括替代GB/T 26572-2011《电气电子产品中限用物质浓度限值要求》(2026年1月1日起实施) 的标准。

MIIT published notice to collect comments for drafts of 8 mandatory standards, including the standard to replace GB/T 26572-2011 Requirements of concentration limits for certain restricted substances in electrical and electronic products (to be enforced from Jan 01 2026.)



家用电器 House Appliances


厄瓜多尔发布无风管空调能效技术法规RTE 072第二次修订版

厄瓜多尔发布了“厄瓜多尔紧急技术法规 (RTE) 第 072 号「无风管空调能效」第二次修订版」。该紧急技术法规规定了无风管道空调应满足的要求,旨在保护环境并防止欺骗行为。


1) 设计用于固定在窗户、墙壁、天花板或地板上的独立式或分体式的空调 (HS 编码: 841510);

2) 热泵空调 (不包括独立式或分体式窗机或壁挂式空调;汽车用空调) (HS 编码: 841581);

3) 单冷空调 (不包括独立式或分体式窗机或壁挂式空调;汽车用空调) (HS 编码:841582)

建议通过日期:2024 年 10 月 29 日

拟议生效日期:2024 年 10 月 29 日


Ecuador released Reglamento Técnico Ecuatoriano Emergente RTE 072 (2R) “Eficiencia energética para acondicionadores de aire sin ductos” (Second revision (2R) of Ecuadorian Emergency Technical Regulation (RTE) No. 072 “Energy efficiency of ductless air conditioners”)

The  notified  Ecuadorian  Emergency  Technical  Regulation establishes  the  requirements  to  be  met  by  ductless  air  conditioners,  with  the  aim  of protecting the environment and preventing deceptive practices.

Product in scope:

1) Air conditioning machines of a kind designed to be fixed to a window, wall, ceiling or floor, self-contained or “split-system” (HS code: 841510);

2) Air conditioning machines incorporating a refrigerating unit and a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle “reversible heat pumps” (excl. self-contained or “split-system” window or wall air conditioning machines; air conditioning machines of a kind used for persons in motor vehicles) (HS code: 841581);

3) Air conditioning machines incorporating a refrigerating unit but not a valve for reversal of the cooling/heat cycle (excl. self-contained or “split-system” window or wall air conditioning machines; air conditioning machines of a kind used for persons in motor vehicles) (HS code: 841582)

Proposed date of adoption: 29 October 2024

Proposed date of entry into force: 29 October 2024

As this is an emergency regulation, there is no comment period.




印度工业和国内贸易促进部 (DPIIT)  发布 《家用衣物洗涤电器(质量控制)令,2024》取代原2023年版本。家用洗衣机须于2025年4月1日后符合 IS 302 (第 2 部分/第 7 节) 标准, 纳入ISI mark强制性认证。

The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) issued 《The Electrical Appliance for Domestic Clothes Washing, (Quality Control) Order 2024》in supersession of the 2023 edition of QCO.

The mandatory date for washing machines to obtain mandatory certification against IS standard IS 302 (Part 2/Sec 7) is extended to 1st April 2025.


Qatar 卡塔尔


[法规草案] 卡塔尔11月27向WTO提交了QS 05/ Final Draft of Standard / GSO 2769:2024 Household Refrigerating and freezers Appliances – Energy performance and Testing Requirements. 的公众咨询. 意见收集日期截止公告后60天,通过及生效日期待定。

On November 27,Qatar submitted QS 05/ Final Draft of Standard / GSO 2769:2024 Household Refrigerating and freezers Appliances – Energy performance and Testing Requirements to the WTO for public consultation.

The comment period is 60 days after the notice is published, Adoption and effective date to be determined.


South Korea韩国

韩国MOTIE 发布第 2024-169 号通知,对《效率管理设备运作规定》进行修订

产业通商资源部 (MOTIE) 发布第 2024-169 号通知。根据《能源利用合理化法》第15条,对《效率管理设备运作规定》(产业通商资源部告示第2024-001号) 进行修订


新增管控项目产品: 蒸气电子衣橱

强化能源消耗效率标准: 电饭煲、电暖器

E-Standby转移至MEPS: 电炉、坐浴盆


2025年7月1日: 电饭煲、电炉、电暖器

2026 年 1 月 1 日: 蒸气电子衣橱、坐浴盆

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) released Notice No. 2024-169. The Efficiency Management Equipment Operation Regulations (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Notice No. 2024-001) pursuant to Article 15 of the Energy Utilization Rationalization Act are revised.

Imporatnt items:

New  designated  products  with  scope,  energy  efficiency  standards  and  test methods: Electric steam closet.

Enhanced Energy Consumption Efficiency Standards: Rice cooker, Electric Heaters

Transition from E-Standby to MEPS: Electric range, Bidet

The regulation is effective from the date of announcement, with specific implementation dates for each product as follows:

July 1, 2025: Rice  cooker,  Electric  range, Electric Heaters

January 1, 2026: Electric steam closet, Bidet​




[法规草案] 该法规草案要求即热式热水器符合泰国工业标准 TIS 60335 第 2 (35)-25XX(20XX) 部分家用和类似用途电器 – 安全 – 第 2-35 部分: 即热式热水器的特殊要求。

该部规草案适用于家用和类似用途的即热式电热水器,用于将水加热到沸点以下,额定电压不超过 250V的单相电器具,以及额定电压不超过 480V的三相电器具。

The draft Ministerial Regulation mandates instantaneous water heaters to conform to the Thai Industrial Standard TIS 60335 Part 2(35)-25XX(20XX) Household and Similar Electrical Appliances – Safety – Part 2-35: Particular Requirements for Instantaneous Water Heaters.

This draft Ministerial Regulation applies to electric instantaneous water heaters for household and similar purposes and intended for heating water below boiling temperature, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances



阿联酋起草家用烤箱和炉灶能效标签法规UAE.S 5010 -10 :20xx

[法规草案] 2024年11月11日,阿联酋起草了标签法规-电器能源效率标签第10部分: 家用烤箱和炉灶:UAE.S 5010 -10 :20xx

该法规规定了家用电烤箱和燃气烤箱 (包括与炊具结合使用时) 的标签和提供补充产品信息的要求,并且还涵盖家用电烤箱和/或燃气烤箱。

On 2024/11/11, UAE drafted a regulation on Labeling – Energy Efficiency Label for Electrical Appliances Part 10: Household ovens and Hobs: UAE.S  5010 -10 :20xx

This Regulation establishes requirements for the labelling and the provision of supplementary product information for domestic electric and gas ovens (including when incorporated into cookers) and it also covers domestic electric and/or gas.

This Regulation shall not apply to:

–  ovens that use energy sources other than electricity or gas;

–  ovens which offer a ‘microwave heating’ function;

–  portable ovens;

–  heat storage ovens;

–  ovens which are heated with steam as a primary heating function;

–  ovens designed for use only with gases of the ‘third family’ (propane and butane).

–  small ovens;

–  covered gas burners in hobs;

–  outdoor cooking appliances;

–  grills.

Proposed date of adoption: To be determined

Proposed date of entry into force: To be determined

Final date for comments: 60 days from notification




[法规草案] 该技术法规草案规定了由电网供电的具有直销功能的制冷器具 (包括冷藏食品及以外物品的器具) 投放市场和/或运行的生态设计要求。


On 19 November 2024, Ukraine released Draft Resolution of  the  Cabinet  of  Ministers  of  Ukraine  “On  Approval  of  the  Technical  Regulation  on Ecodesign Requirements for Refrigerating Appliances with a Direct Sales Function.

The   draft   Technical   Regulation   establishes   ecodesign requirements for the placing on the market and/or operation of refrigerating appliances with  a  direct  sales  function  powered  by  the  electric  grid,  including  appliances  sold  for refrigeration of items other than food products.

The draft Technical Regulation has been developed based on Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2024  of  1  October  2019  laying  down  ecodesign  requirements  for  refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

South Korea韩国



E-labelling: 将电子编码 (如QR码、条形码等) 放在标签中,以提高在行动设备等上的信息可及性,实现数字信息系统。


Korea Energy Agency has issued Notice Written Opinion Collection on Improvement Plans for Energy Efficiency Rating Labels for Manufacturers (Importers)

The Korea Energy Agency is promoting the introduction of electronic labels (e-labelling) into the energy efficiency rating label system (hereinafter referred to as “Rating Labels”).

E-labelling: Incorporates electronic codes (such as QR codes, barcodes, etc.) into labels to enhance information accessibility on mobile devices and other platforms, establishing a digital information system.

To improve the design of Rating Labels for all items under efficiency management, we are collecting opinions as follows:

If you have any comments on the item-specific improvement plans for Rating Label designs outlined in [Attachment 2], please complete the written opinion form and submit it to the Korea Energy Agency by November 27, 2024



其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects


国家市场监督管理总局建议更新GB 17761《电动自行车安全技术规范》以取代现行版本

[法规草案] 本草案标准规定了电动自行车的技术要求和测试方法,包括车辆标志、整车安全、机械安全、电气安全、防火阻燃、塑料零件比例、北斗定位功能、通讯功能、安全监控功能、防篡改、规范、企业质量保证能力、产品一致性。

China SAMR (State Administration for Market Regulation) proposed update version of GB 17761-Safety technical specification for electric bicycle, to replace the current version.

This standard specifies the technical requirements and testing methods for electric bicycles, including vehicle markings, vehicle safety, mechanical safety, electrical safety, fire and flame retardant, proportion of plastic parts, Beidou positioning function, communication function, safety monitoring function, tamper resistance, specification, enterprise quality assurance capability, and product consistency.




[法规草案] EOS网站提出了以下标准草案:

ES 2875/2024 – 灯具(IEC 60598-1)

ES 8604-3/2024 – 电动车充电电缆

ES 8604-4/2024 – 电动车充电电缆

ES 6000-1/2024 – 家用制冷器具

ES 1781/2024 家用和类似用途电器的安全要求 (IEC 60335-1)

ES 182/2024 – PVC 电缆

ES 3795 – 空调能源效率标签要求

The following standards are proposed on EOS website:

ES 2875/2024 – Luminaries(IEC 60598-1)

ES 8604-3/2024 – Charging cables for EV

ES 8604-4/2024 – Charging cables for EV

ES 6000-1/2024 – Household Refrigerating Appliances

ES 1781/2024 Safety requirments for household and similar electrical appliance (IEC 60335-1)

ES 182/2024 – PVC cables

ES 3795 – Energy Efficiency Label Requirements for Air Conditioners



印度MNRE发布正式命令《太阳能热系统、设备和组件 (质量控制) 命令,2024

2024年10月8日,MNRE发布正式命令《太阳能热系统、设备和组件 (质量控制) 命令,2024》。该命令将于官方公报发布后 180 天生效,即 2025 年 4 月 8 日,属于 ISI 标志强制范围。

On October 8, 2024, MNRE has issued the official order 《Solar Thermal Systems, Devices and Components (Quality Control) Order, 2024》

This order will come into effect 180 days after its publication in the Official Gazette, i.e. April 8, 2025 which is under ISI mark mandatory scope.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and agencies notified by BIS, in coordination with the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, will conduct market checks to ensure adherence to Indian Standards for all products bearing the Standard Mark.

Any order violation will result in penalties as stipulated under sub-section (3) of Section 29 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 2016.



BIS发布关于延长实施IS/IEC 60669-2-1: 2021的通知

印度标准局 (BIS) 注册部门决定将 IS/IEC 60669-2-1 : 2021 《家用和类似固定电气装置开关第 2 部分特殊要求第 1 节电子开关》(第一修订版)的实施日期) 延至2025 年4 月12 日执行。

所有被许可人/申请人需要确保在最后实施日期之前实施 IS/IEC 60669-2-1 : 2021。

BIS released the notification regarding extension to the implementation of IS/IEC 60669-2-1 : 2021

The Registration Department of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has decided to extend the date of implementation of IS/IEC 60669-2-1 : 2021 ‘Switches for Household and Similar Fixed Electrical Installations Part 2 Particular Requirements Section 1 Electronic Switches (First Revision)’ till 12th April 2025.

All licensees/applicants need to ensure the implementation of IS/IEC 60669-2-1 : 2021 before the last date of implementation.