
2024年7月10日 | 其它

德国莱TÜV认证 TÜV Rheinland Accreditation



2023年12月21日,印度尼西亚能源和矿产资源部发布关于电视能源效率等级和标签的第162.K/EK.06/DJE/2023号能源和矿产资源部长令,并将于2024 年12 月21 日实施。

根据能源和矿产资源部第 103.K/EK.07/DJE/2024 号和 99.K/EK.07/DJE/2024 号法令,TÜV莱茵印度尼西亚被指定为电视能效认证的认证机构和实验室。

该规定适用于最大尺寸55寸的液晶显示器 (LCD) 和发光二极管 (LED) 类型,对应的HS编码是:

  1. 8528.72.92
  2. 8528.72.99

(CRT、等离子、OLED、Mini-LED、QLED、QNED 和 4K 电视除外)


TÜV Rheinland Indonesia is appointed as Certification Body and Laboratory for EER Certification for Television.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has issued Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no 162.K/EK.06/DJE/2023 concerning Energy Efficiency Rate and Label for Television on 21 December 2023, and will be implemented 12 months afterwards (21 December 2024).

According to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources no 103.K/EK.07/DJE/2024 and 99.K/EK.07/DJE/2024, TÜV Rheinland Indonesia is appointed as Certification Body and Laboratory for EER Certification for Television.

This regulation is applicable for type of liquid crystal display (LCD) and light-emitting diode (LED) with maximum size 55 inch which belongs to HS Code:

  1. Ex 8528.72.92; and
  2. Ex 8528.72.99; or its amendment

Except for CRT, Plasma, OLED, Mini-LED, QLED, QNED, and 4K TV.

With this new decree and new appointment, TÜV Rheinland Indonesia is able to process the testing and certification from now on. We hope we can support you better in SNI certification.



资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom


巴西ANATEL发布第29/2024号公众咨询,关于建议减少WIFI 6GHz频段

[法规草案] 巴西ANATEL于2024年4月28日发布第29/2024号公众咨询,更新第14448号法案 (限制辐射设备合格评定的技术要求) 第11.7条。建议的更新旨在将巴西 WiFi 6 GHz (影响 WIFI 6E 和 WIFI 7) 的操作频段从 5925-7125 MHz 限制为 5925-6425 MHz。这项变更是为了未来在巴西实施 IMT 系统,在 6425-7125 MHz 频段运作并减少频谱干扰。

公众咨询将于 2024 年 8 月 6 日结束。

On 28 April 2024, ANATEL released the Public Consultation No. 29/2024 to update Item 11.7 of Act 14448 (Technical Requirements For Assessing Conformity Assessment of Restricted Radiation Equipment). The proposed update aims to limit the operational frequency band of WiFi 6 GHz (impacting WIFI 6E & WIFI 7) in Brazil from 5925-7125 MHz to 5925-6425 MHz. This change is intended for future implementation of IMT systems in Brazil, operating in the 6425-7125 MHz band and reducing spectrum interference.

The public consultation will close on August 6th, 2024. Following this, ANATEL will review the contributions, update the relevant items, and publish the Final Act. The exact release date of the Final Act is currently unknown and will depend on the volume of contributions received.




中国发布标准 GB 4343.1-2024,关于家用电器、电动工具和类似设备的电磁兼容性要求

2024年5月28日,国家标准化管理委员会、国家市场监督管理总局发布了家用电器、电动工具和类似器具电磁兼容要求强制性标准GB 4343.1-2024。该标准规定了家用电器、电动工具和类似设备的电磁兼容性要求,并概述了适用的测量方法。

该标准自2026年6月1日起实施,同时废止GB 4343.1-2018标准。该标准相当于 CISPR 14-1:2020。

On 28 May 2024, the Chinese Standardization Administration (SAC) and the Chinese State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) published mandatory standard GB 4343.1-2024 on electromagnetic compatibility requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus.

The standard specifies the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus and outlines the applicable measurement methods.

The standard enters into force on 1 June 2026 and at the same time will repeal standard GB 4343.1-2018 in its entirety. It is equivalent to CISPR 14-1:2020.




日本经济产业省 (METI) 修订附录 12 62 项标准 (J60335-2-XXX)

修订旨在确定通用标准 JIS C 9335-1 的出版年份,该年份将与 J60335-2-XXX 结合使用。修订后62 项标准 J60335-2-XXX 的发布年份改为 2024 年。


Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) revised 62 standards in Appendix 12 (J60335-2-XXX).

The revision of 62 standards (J60335-2-XXX) are intended to fix the publication year of the general standard JIS C 9335-1, which is to be applied in conjunction with J60335-2-XXX

As a result of this revision, the publication year of the 62 J standards J60335-2-XXX is now 2024.

There is no grace period for the revision of 62 J standards J60335-2-XXX, as there is no content modification.



South Korea韩国

韩国发布公告,新增WiFi 7 (320 MHz带宽) 相关使用规范

2024年5月30日,韩国科学技术情报通信部 (MSIT) 发布第2024-22号通知与2024-23号通知,允许在5925-7125 MHz范围内使用320MHz带宽 (Wi-Fi 7技术)。

The South Korean Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) released announcement on 30 May 2024. The domestic technical standards and testing methods for WiFi 7 were finally confirmed, making KC certification for WiFi 7 possible from May 30.



South Korea韩国

韩国发布防止多媒体设备电磁干扰测试方法的工业标准 (KS) 修订,通知第2024-8

2024 年 5 月 31 日,韩国国家无线电研究机构发布了关于根据《工业标准化法》和《信息通信标准制定和运行细则》修订韩国防止多媒体设备电磁干扰测试方法的工业标准 (KS) 的通知

修订后的标准KS C 9832 – 防止多媒体设备电磁干扰的测试方法旨在增加与视频端口测试相关的图像模式,以反映国内情况,并使容性电压探头阻抗容差限值符合国际标准CISPR 32: 2015。

On 31 May 2024, the South Korean National Radio Research Agency issued a Notice regarding the revision of a Korean Industrial Standard (KS) for Test Method for Preventing Electromagnetic Interference of Multimedia Devices, in accordance with the Industrial Standardisation Act and Detailed Rules for Development and Operation of Information and Communication Standards.

The revised standard, KS C 9832 – Test method for preventing electromagnetic interference of multimedia device, aims to add image patterns related to video port tests to reflect domestic conditions, and to conform the capacitive voltage probe impedance tolerance limit to international standards CISPR 32:2015. The revisions are detailed as follow:

  • Addition Image Pattern: BT 471-1 has been added as an allowed image pattern for video port testing, alongside ITU-R BT 1729, to provide more flexibility in testing options.
  • Capacitive Voltage Probe Impedance: The tolerance limit for capacitive voltage probe impedance has been revised from 148.5 ohms to 131 ohms, ensuring more accurate measurement standards.
  • Specification of date of entry into force: A statement has been added to the preface specifying that the standard entered into force on 9 January 2023.



Sri Lanka斯里兰卡


在 TRCSL 分享的 2024-2029 年综合频谱路线图中,斯里兰卡现已允许在 5.925-6.425 Ghz 频段使用 Wifi 6E。

In a comprehensive spectrum roadmap shared by TRCSL for 2024-2029, Wifi 6E has now been allowed in Sri Lanka in the  5.925-6.425 Ghz frequency band.

Here is the official regulator link for the spectrum roadmap.





[法规草案] 2024 年 5 月 21 日,泰国工业部发布了关于便携式行动电源强制性安全要求的法规草案。该草案要求便携式行动电源产品必须符合安全标准TIS 2879-2560。


On 21 May 2024, the Thai Ministry of Industry published a Draft Ministerial Regulation on Mandatory Safety Requirements for Portable Power Banks.

The Draft Regulation requires that Portable Power Bank products must comply with safety standard TIS 2879-2560.

The industrial product standard does not cover:

  • Electrical equipment that has a built-in battery that can supply power to other equipment;
  • Uninterrupted power system (UPS)

Markings on portable power banks must be legible, durable, understandable and visible to the naked eye.

Testing for durability of marks and labels must be carried out in accordance with TIS 62368, Volume 1.

The deadline for comments on this Draft Regulation is 19 July 2024.

This Draft Regulation is proposed to enter into force 180 days after its publication in the Official Gazette upon which it will repeal Mandatory Safety Requirements for Portable Power Banks, Ministerial Regulation, B.E. 2563, 2020.





[法规草案] 越南信息通信部 (MIC) 于2024年4月25日发布了通知草案,颁布了关于手机比吸收率 (SAR) 的国家技术法规。该通知草案将于2025年7月1日生效,届时进口和国产手机必须符合国家技术法规QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT的要求,才能在越南销售。


The Ministry of Information and Communication (MIC) of Vietnam issued a Draft Circular which promulgates national technical regulations on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) for Mobile Phones on April 25, 2024. The Draft Circular will come into effect on July 1, 2025, at which point imported and domestically produced Mobile Phones must meet the requirements in the National Technical Regulation QCVN 134:2024/BTTTT prior to be sold in Vietnam. The Draft Circular may be accessed here and is open for comments until June 25, 2024.



电池 Batteries



2024年6月19日,世贸组织发布了G/TBT/N/CHN/1868号通知,内容涉及国家认证认可监督管理委员会 (CNCA) 提出的《电动自行车锂离子电池强制性产品认证实施规则》

这些规则适用于中国强制性国家标准 GB17761 以及国家市场监督管理总局 (SAMR) 和国家认监委发布的通知规定的所有电动自行车用锂离子电池,包括单体电池和电池组。

这些规则计划于 2024 年 10 月 15 日生效。

On 19 June 2024, the WTO published Notification No. G/TBT/N/CHN/1868 regarding the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China’s (CNCA) proposed Implementation Rules on compulsory product certification for lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycles.

These rules apply to all lithium-ion batteries for e-bikes, including single cells and battery packs, as mandated by Chinese Compulsory National Standard GB17761 and following notices published by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and the CNCA .

The Implementation Rules set out provisions on the following:

  • scope of application
  • certification criteria and mode
  • certification unit division
  • certification application procedures
  • certification testing requirements and inspection procedures
  • awarding, retention, change, extension, annulment and proper use of certificates
  • certification mark
  • certification fees
  • certification responsibilities.

These rules are scheduled to enter into force on 15 October 2024.



家用电器 House Appliances



[法规草案] 2024 年 5 月 20 日,智利能源部就家用冰箱和冰柜最低能源效率标准提案进行公众咨询。根据该提案,最低能效标准应使用根据 PE No. 1/17/2 或其他替代工具计算的能源效率指数 (IEE) 来制定。


On 20 May 2024, the Chilean Ministry of Energy opened a Public Consultation on the proposal for a Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard for Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers.

In accordance with this proposal, the minimum energy efficiency standard shall be established using the Energy Efficiency Index (IEE) calculated according to PE No. 1/17/2 or another instrument that replaces it.

If approved, the application of the IEE will occur gradually based on the following schedule:

  • Stage 1: Starting June 1, 2025, the Energy Efficiency Index of refrigerators and freezers must be less than or equal to 145;
  • Stage 2: Starting January 1, 2028, the Energy Efficiency Index of refrigerators and freezers must be less than or equal to 135;
  • Stage 3: Starting January 1, 2031, the Energy Efficiency Index of refrigerators and freezers must be less than or equal to 125;
  • Stage 4: Starting January 1, 2034, the Energy Efficiency Index of refrigerators and freezers must be less than or equal to 100.

Comments may be submitted until 30 July 2024 to the email address: eficienciaenergetica@minenergia.cl




智利延长冷藏箱/冷藏冷冻箱/冷柜现行能效协议PE N°1/17/2:2015使用日期至2025331

2024年6月19日,智利发布了RESOLUCION EXENTA ELECTRONICA N° 26093豁免决议,将冷藏箱/冷藏冷冻箱/冷柜现行能效协议PE N°1/17/2:2015使用日期延迟至2025年3月31日。

PE N°1/17/2:2022相关能效标签格式尚未确定,在能源部发布能效标签之前,2022 年的协议暂停使用。

On 19 June 2024, Chile issued the RESOLUCION EXENTA ELECTRONICA N° 26093, delaying the use date of the current energy efficiency agreement PE N°1/17/2:2015 for refrigerators/refrigerated freezers/freezers to March 31, 2025.

The format of the energy efficiency label related to PE N°1/17/2:2022 has not yet been determined. Before the Ministry of Energy releases the energy efficiency label, the 2022 agreement will be suspended.



East African Community东非共同体

东非共同体 (EAC) 发布家用制冷器具和空调能效法规草案

[法规草案] 2024年6月11日东非共同体国家 (肯尼亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚、卢旺达、布隆迪、刚果、南苏丹) 向WTO提交了DEAS 1213:2024家用和类似用途的空调设备最低能源性能要求第1版和DEAS 1214:2024家用和类似用途制冷器具的最低能源性能要求第一版东非联合标准草稿。公众咨询期截至通知开始60天。

On 11 June 2024, the East African Community countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, South Sudan) submitted the DRAFT EAST AFRICAN STANDARDS:” DEAS 1213:2024, Air conditioning appliances for household and similar use — Minimum Energy Performance —Requirements, First edition”and ” DEAS 1214:2024, Refrigerating appliances for household and similar use minimum energy performance- Requirements, First edition” to the WTO.

The public consultation period is up to 60 days from the start of the notice.





2024 年 5 月 21 日,埃及贸易和工业部长发布了第 142 号决定,给予某些工程和化学产品的生产商和进口商12 个月的宽限期,以遵守埃及标准规范。

On 21 May 2024, the Minister of Trade and Industry published Decision No. 142, granting producers and importers of certain engineering and chemical goods a grace period to comply with Egyptian standard specifications. The decision provides a 12-month grace period for items under clause (1:3), which includes the following standards:

  • ES 7821 – Energy efficiency of electrical home appliances – Methods for measuring and calculating the energy efficiency of electric air fans
  • ES 374 – Energy efficiency for electrical household appliances and the like – Methods for measuring and calculating energy consumption for refrigerators without freezers, refrigerators with freezers, and freezers
  • ES 537-1 – Electric fans and regulators for domestic purposes and the like – Part One: Methods of measuring performance
  • ES 4758 – Dentistry – Dentist chair
  • ES 7090 – Unified requirements for approving pneumatic tires for cars and their trailers
  • ES 6910 – Basic requirements for detergents and data card
  • ES 273-3 – Sodium chlorate – Part Three: Analytical reagent, requirements, and test methods

The decision came into effect on 22 May 2024. These Standards are available for purchase from the Egyptian Organisation for Standards and Quality’s official website.




BEE通知,自2024年5月22日起,冰箱 (无霜和直接冷却) 的QR码功能已恢复。所有冰箱 (无霜和直接冷却) 的制造商和许可证持有人都应注意BEE S&L 计划下的二维码实施将于 2024 年 6 月 10 日起生效。

BEE informed that QR Code functionality has been resumed for Refrigerator (Frost Free & Direct Cool) w.e.f 22 May 2024. All manufacturers and permittees of refrigerators (frost free and direct cool) are informed that the QR code implementation under BEE’s S&L program shall be in effect from 10th June 2024.



South Korea韩国

韩国发布电器和消费品安全控制法执行规则拟议修正案关于将非启动加热器(Parking Heater)指定为需要遵守安全标准的家用产品

[法规草案] 2024 年 5 月 31 日,韩国贸易、工业和能源部 (MOTIE) 提议对《电器和消费品安全控制法执行规则》(1974 年第 430 号 MKE 条例) 进行修订。拟议的修正案旨在透过实施非启动加热器的安全标准来保护消费者,而目前现有的安全法规尚未涵盖这些标准。缺乏监管导致其分销没有适当的安全标准,从而导致安全事故。

安全标准号为Appendix 26,该标准适用于以柴油、汽油、煤油等为燃料燃烧,产生暖空气或热水来提供暖气的非工作型暖气机 (简称暖气)。

目前该草案正在搜集意见中,至 2024 年 7 月 10 日。

On 31 May 2024, the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) proposed an amendment to the Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act Enforcement Rules, MKE Regulation No. 430 of 1974.

The proposed amendment aims to protect consumers by implementing safety standards for no-start heaters, which are currently not covered under existing safety regulations. This lack of regulation has resulted in their distribution without proper safety standards, leading to safety incidents.

The safety standard number is Appendix 26. The scope of this standard includes non-working heaters (called heaters) that burn diesel, gasoline, kerosene, etc. as fuel to produce warm air or hot water to provide heating.

Interested parties can submit comments until 10 July 2024.




[法规草案] 2024 年 4 月 30 日,委内瑞拉国家标准化、质量、计量与技术法规独立署 (SENCAMER) 发布了拟议的“家用制冷器具能效标签技术法规草案”&“空调能效标签技术法规初稿”。该技术法规草案公开征求公众意见,截止日期为 2024 年 6 月 14 日。

On April 30, 2024, the Deconcentrated Service for Standardization, Quality, Metrology and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER) issued the proposed “Draft Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labeling in Refrigeration and Freezing Appliances for Domestic Use.” And “Preliminary Draft Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labeling in Air Conditioners.”

The draft Technical Regulations are open for public consultation until June 14, 2024.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements



2023 年 11 月 15 日,阿尔巴尼亚部长会议发布了关于产品能源消耗标签的法律草案。该法于 2024 年 5 月 16 日颁布并在2024 年 6 月 25 日生效,旨在使阿尔巴尼亚的能源标签规则与第 (EU) 1369/2017 号法规下的现行欧盟法律框架保持一致。

On 15 November 2023, the Albanian Council of Ministers issued a Draft Law on the labelling of products with regard to their energy consumption. The Law was enacted on 16 May 2024, and aims to align the rules for energy labelling in Albania with the current EU legal framework under Regulation (EU) 1369/2017.

The Law applies to products that, during use, have a significant impact, directly or indirectly, on energy consumption and on other main sources, excluding second-hand products (unless imported) and means of transport for persons or goods.

It aims to establish requirements for products placed on the market or into service, in relation to:

  • their energy labelling
  • providing standard product information on energy efficiency
  • energy consumption and consumption of other resources during use
  • providing product information for consumers in order to choose products based on their energy performance.

The Law stipulates that suppliers and traders are required to provide information on products and their energy consumption through labelling, information sheets and supplementary information, thus enabling the end user to choose the most efficient products. The required details, design and content of energy labels and documentation is also stipulated, including specific provisions for rescaled labels.

Per Regulation (EU) 1369/2017, the energy class and the range of the efficiency classes available on the label should also be included in visual advertisements and technical promotional material.

The Law empowers the Minister to enact by-laws for the labelling of specific product groups within 12 months from the entry into force of this law, namely by 25 June 2025. When displaying a product covered by a by-law pursuant to this law, the trader must attach the appropriate label in the Albanian language and in a clearly visible position, as specified in the relevant by-law.

The responsible market surveillance authority will carry out checks by means both documentation control and, when appropriate, physical and laboratory controls based on samples.

The Law enters into force on 25 June 2024.




菲律宾能源标签计划 (PELP) 修正案修订最低能源效能 (MEPP) 指南

2024 年 6 月 10 日,菲律宾能源部发布部门通知,修订产品最低能源效能 (MEPP) 指南 (DC 2020-06-0016)。修正案规定了以下条款:

  • MEPP 应由 PELP 技术工作组 (TWG) 成员每 3 年审查一次,或在更早需要时进行审查,依据能源效率的提高或产品能源性能的改善对 MEPP 进行调整
  • MEPP 涵盖的能源消耗产品应遵守附录 A中规定的能源性能标准,其中涵盖定频和变频的房间空调、灯具、制冷设备、电视机、节能设备、洗衣机和显示器/监视器
  • 若违反MEPP,将依照附件B 处以行政罚款和处罚


On 10 June 2024, the Philippine Department of Energy issued a Department Circular amending the Minimum Energy Performance of Products (MEPP) Guidelines (DC 2020-06-0016).

More specifically, the amendments provide for the following provisions:

  • the MEPP shall be reviewed by the members of the Technical Working Groups (TWG) of the PELP every 3 years, or sooner when required, and any adjustment to the MEPP shall always be pursuant to an increase in energy efficiency or improvement in energy performance of products (amendment to section 8);
  • MEPP-covered energy consuming products shall adhere to the energy performance standards provided in Annex A (amendment to section 9), which covers fixed-speed and Variable-speed RACs, lamps, refrigerating appliances, televisions, energy saving devices, clothes washing machines; and displays/monitors;
  • the imposition of administrative fines and penalties as per Annex B, upon violation of the MEPP (amendment to section 11).

This Circular will take effect on 25 June 2024.



其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects



[法规草案] 2024年6月19日,世贸组织发布了G/TBT/N/CHN/1864号通知,内容涉及国家认证认可监督管理委员会 (CNCA) 提出的《电动自行车充电器强制产品认证实施规则》

这些规则适用于中国强制国家标准 GB17761 规定的所有电动自行车充电器。

这些规则计划于 2024 年 10 月 15 日生效。

On 19 June 2024, the WTO published Notification No. G/TBT/N/CHN/1864 regarding the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China’s (CNCA) proposed Implementation Rules on compulsory product certification for chargers for electric bicycles.

These rules would apply to all chargers for e-bikes as mandated by Chinese Compulsory National Standard GB17761. The Implementation Rules set out provisions on the following:

  • scope of application
  • certification criteria and mode
    • The basic certification mode is Type test + enterprise quality assurance capability and product consistency inspection (initial factory inspection) + post-certification supervision.
  • certification unit division
  • certification application procedures
  • certification testing requirements and inspection procedures
  • awarding, retention, change, extension, annulment and proper use of certificates
  • certification fees

Certificates will remain valid for a period of 5 years. Certification holders must submit a certification renewal application within 90 days before the expiration of the certificate.

These rules are currently scheduled to enter into force on 15 October 2024.



South Korea韩国


韩国无线电研究所 (National Radio Research Agency – RRA) 针对2023年12月29日发布第2023-24号公告<关于广播通讯设备等合格评定公告>,近日提供图解补充关于需进行合格评定的设备发生变更 (目标设备的包含或排除 / 合格评定类型变更),详情请见官网公告

新增目标设备: 雷射焊接机和切割机、美容头皮LED头盔、UV美甲灯、簇绒枪、热风枪、自动封罐机、雷射雕刻机、雷射打标打码机、直流电源的投影机、变速动力驱动设备、LiDAR、车灯(头灯/尾灯/方向灯)。

排除设备: 直流电源的电动除臭器、直流输入输出的户外行动电源。

合格评定类型变更: 除毛球机 (从指定试验机构变更为自我符合性试验); 捕蚊灯(从自我符合性试验变更为指定试验机构。


微信: Wechat News Feb.

部落格: TUVRblog News Feb.

Regarding conformity assessment No. 2023-24 for broadcasting and communication equipment, it will be implemented from June 30, 2024.

In response to Announcement No. 2023-24 <Announcement on Conformity Assessment of Broadcasting and Communication Equipment, etc.> issued on December 29, 2023, the National Radio Research Agency (RRA) recently provided illustrations to supplement the changes in equipment requiring conformity assessment. (Inclusion or exclusion of target equipment/change of conformity assessment type), please see the official website announcement for details.

Addition target equipment: laser welding machines and cutting machines, scalp beauty LED helmets, UV manicure lamps, tufting guns, hot air guns, automatic can sealing machines, laser engraving machines, laser marking and coding machines, DC power supplies Projectors, variable speed power drive equipment, LiDAR, vehicle lights (headlights/taillights/directional lights).

Excluded equipment: electric deodorizer with DC power supply, outdoor mobile power supply with DC input and output.

Change in conformity assessment type equipment:

Hair removal ball machine (changed from designated testing agency to self-conformity test);

Mosquito trap (changed from self-compliance test to designated testing agency.



South Korea韩国

韩国提出关于部分修改效率管理设备运作规定的行政通知 No. 2024-442

[法规草案] 2024 年 5 月 31 日,韩国贸易、工业和能源部 (MOTIE) 提议对《能源效率标签和标准条例》(MKE 公告第 1992-71 号) 进行修订。拟议的修正案旨在更新各种电器的能源效率标准,简化测试和注册流程,并确保与现行法律的兼容性。修订的原因有两点:

  • 需要额外的预审核:

o 修订电视和冰箱的 KS 标准。

o 依据电冷热装置综合维护调整中长期目标实施日期。

– 电视机: 根据KS标准消耗效率测量方法变更的效率水平,重新制定标准,加大萤幕、高画质机型布局,扩大应用范围。

– 电冰箱: 根据KS标准消耗效率测量方法规划变更的效率水平,反映标准重置和报告模型重新测试期等。

– 电动空调: 电冷暖设备(空调、空调、EHP)全面维护及消耗,制定能源效率技术标准,统一中长期目标。

  • 条款的重组:

o 增强现有效率管理设备系统的效能。

该则草案意见搜集已截止至2024 年6 月10日。

On 31 May 2024, the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) proposed an amendment (Administrative Notice No. 2024-442 on Partial Modifications to the Operation Regulations of Efficiency Management Equipment) to the Regulation on Energy Efficiency Labelling and Standards, MKE Notice No. 1992-71.

The proposed amendment aims to update the energy efficiency standards for various appliances, streamline the testing and registration process, and ensure compatibility with current laws. The reasons for the revision are twofold:

  • Additional Pre-Review Required:
    • Revision of KS standards for TVs and refrigerators.
    • Adjustment of mid- to long-term target implementation dates according to the integrated maintenance of electric cooling and heating devices.
  • Re-organization of Provisions:
    • Enhance the effectiveness of the current efficiency management equipment system.

The proposed amendments pertain to articles 3, 4, 9, 10, 18, and Annexes, and include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Adjustment of the Implementation Date for the Mid- to Long-Term Target Consumption Efficiency Standard(Annex 1):
    • Television Receiver: Adjusts implementation dates for mid- and long-term energy efficiency standards to 1 July 2027 and 1 July 2029.
    • Electric Refrigerator: Adjusts implementation dates for mid- and long-term energy efficiency standards to 1 January 2027 and 1 January 2030.
    • Electric Cooling Devices: Adjusts implementation dates for mid- and long-term energy efficiency standards to 1 November 2025 and 1 November 2028.
  • Establishment of Provisions for On-Site Testing of Pumps (Article 9):
    • Establishes new provisions allowing on-site testing in South Korea for pumps and refrigeration equipment to issue test reports.
  • Change of Measurement Items for Straight-Tube LED Lamps (External Converter Type) (Article 10, Annex 1):
    • Removes ‘power factor’ from the list of measurement items and test report entries.
  • Updating Regulations in Accordance with Other Laws (Article 4, Article 18, Annex 1):
    • Updates references to align with the “Electrical Appliances and Household Goods Safety Control Act” instead of the “Electrical Appliances Safety Control Act.”

If adopted, the Notice is proposed to enter into force from the date of its promulgation. Interested parties can submit comments until 10 June 2024.



Chinese Taiwan 中国台湾

修订马达产品强制性商检规则 (低压三相感应马达)

[法规草案] 2024年5月31日,台湾标准检验局 (BSMI) 就马达产品强制检验的拟议修正案发布公告。草案提出修改低压三相异步电动机检验规则。

  • 此规则涵盖的低压三相异步电动机的范围由原来的6kW的额定输出功率范围扩大到75kW以下的低压三相异步电动机。
  • 拟采用更新后的CNS 14400 (2023年版) 作为低压三相鼠笼型高效率感应马达 (一般用) 检验标准,之前的 2012 年版本不再适用。


On 31 May 2024, Taiwanese Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) issued a announcement on the proposed amendment relating to the mandatory inspection of motor products. Specifically, the draft proposes to amend the inspection rules for low voltage three-phase induction motors.

Two key aspects of the draft concern the following:

  • The scope of low voltage three-phase induction motors covered by the rules is expanded to include those with rated output power under 75kW, as opposed to the original limit of 74.6kW.
  • Updated CNS 14400 (2023 version) is proposed to be adopted as the inspection standard for low-voltage three-phase squirrel-cage high-efficiency induction motors (for general use). The previous 2012 version is no longer applicable.

The amendment, once adopted, is scheduled to enter into force on 1 July 2025. Interested parties may submit their feedback before 2 August 2024.