- Single-speaker and multi-speaker active speakers with total output power below 500W (RMS)
- Audio power amplifiers
- Audio and video recording, playback and processing equipment in various carrier forms (including various types of CD-ROMs, tapes, hard disks and other carrier forms)
- Cordless telephone terminals
- Data terminals
- Multimedia terminals
- Intrusion detectors
- Burglar alarm controllers
- Electronic organs.
- It is applicable to flat and curved displays powered by alternating current or direct current with the main function of displaying video, image or text information, including general-purpose displays and commercial displays using liquid crystal (LCD) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) as display methods monitor (article 5.1 and 5.2)
- It also applies to LED display terminals powered by AC mode, using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as display methods, with pixel pitch ≤ 2.5 mm, and maximum brightness < 3000 cd/㎡
- It excludes: the display devices with a screen size <11.6 inches; professional monitors for image evaluation in the shooting, production and broadcasting of TV programs; dual monitor; virtual reality (AR /VR/MR); industrial equipment, medical equipment and LCD consoles (KVM/KMM) and other professional use monitors; microcomputers, mobile phones and tablets; TV products with radio frequency interface or monitors with broadcast TV display as the main function; battery-powered display.
- 搅拌机
- 饮水机
- 电烤箱
- 洗衣机
- 电视
- 平滑熨斗
- 电动马达
- 水泵
- 发光二极灯管(LED)
- Blender
- Drinking Water Dispenser
- Electric Stove
- Washing Machine
- Television
- Smoothing Iron
- Electric Motor
- Water Pump
- Light-emitting Diode (LED)
- 空调
- 冰箱
- 洗衣机
- 烘干机
- 洗碗机
- 烤箱
- 电灯泡
- 电视
- 计算机显示器
- air conditioners
- refrigerators
- washing machines
- dryers
- dishwashers
- ovens
- light bulbs
- TVs
- computer monitors
- instead of the flag of the European Union, the flag of Israel must be displayed, in the same dimensions as determined in the EU legislation (see picture on the right)
- QR code will be omitted, as far as it indicates in the European label (as below pictures)

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资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom
Argentina 阿根廷
2022 年 8 月 11 日,阿根廷国家通信协会 (ENACOM) 宣布适应 RAMATEL 标签计划的过渡期结束。自 2022 年 8 月 12 日起,新的和更新的 ENACOM 型式批准要求产品使用 RAMATEL 标签。
On August 11, 2022, the Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones (ENACOM) in Argentina announced the end of the transition period to adapt to the RAMATEL labeling scheme.
As of August 12, 2022, new and renewal ENACOM type approvals require products to implement the RAMATEL label.
Brazil 巴西
2022年10月,巴西国家电信局 (ANATEL) 发布了第218/2022号公函,以规范RF模块和整机产品的认证。基本定义如下:
产品类别 |
可拆式RF模块 |
不可拆式RF模块 |
带有RF模块的产品,如医疗/家电/灯具等(不需要模块实现主要功能) |
RF模块申请认证 |
整机申请认证 |
通过RF模块实现其主要功能的产品 |
整机申请认证 |
电信产品 |
(1) 模块ANATEL认证的持证人授权使用该证书;
(2) 模块ANATEL认证的持证人授权使用该模块的测试报告。
ANATEL published the Official letter nº 218/2022 on Oct 7th, 2022. This new letter defines the guidelines for module approval in order to harmonize the understanding between OCDs and Laboratories in Brazil. Click here to open the official document.
China 中国
2022年10月11日,国家认监委 (CNCA) 宣布,不再对安全风险较低、技术相对成熟的九类电子电气产品实施强制性产品认证 (CCC) 。指定的认证机构和实验室将停止相关产品CCC认证和相应的检测活动,并按规定取消已颁发的CCC认证。
On 11 October 2022 the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA) announced that it will no longer implement mandatory product certification (CCC) for nine types of electronic and electrical products with low safety risk and relatively mature technology.
As such, these products are deleted from the “Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules for Audio and Video Equipment” (CNCA-C08-01: 2014) and “Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (CNCA-C16-01: 2014), with the “Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules for Burglar Alarm Products” (CNCA-C19-01:2014) cancelled.
Designated certification bodies and laboratories will stop relevant product CCC certification and corresponding testing activities and cancel the issued CCC certification according to regulations.
The following products that are no longer subject to mandatory product certification management are listed in the Appendix:
Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国
多米尼加共和国INDOTEL发布法规82-2022,开发WiFi 6E频段 – 5925-7125MHz。
On September 1, 2022, the Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciones (INDOTEL) in Dominican Republic has published Resolución No. 82-2022 to establish the operating conditions for Low and Very Low Power Equipment in the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band for the generic licensing scheme.
Type of device |
Maximum power spectral density does not exceed |
EIRP maximum over the operating frequency band does not exceed |
Use |
Indoor access points operating in the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band |
8 dBm/MHz |
30 dBm |
Indoor |
Very Low Power (VLP) devices (glasses, controls or other wireless accessories associated with the use of virtual or augmented reality) |
-8 dBm/MHz |
14 dBm |
Indoor and Outdoor |
Client-type devices operating under the control of an indoor access point in the 5925-7125 MHz frequency band |
2 dBm e.i.r.p. in any 1 MHz band |
24 dBm. |
Indoor |
India 印度
国家通信安全中心 (NCCS) 被指定实施通信安全认证计划 (ComSec) 计划,该计划旨在测试电信产品的安全要求。安全测试是所有电信产品 MTCTE 基本要求 (ER) 的重要组成部分。预计 ComSec 将从 2023 年 7 月 1 日起强制实施,NCCS 将从 2023 年 1 月 1 日开始接受 Wi-Fi CPE、UICC 和 IP 路由器测试的申请。
National Centre for Communication Security (NCCS) is designated for implementation of Communication Security Certification Scheme (ComSec) Scheme which aims at testing of Telecom Products for security requirements. Security testing is an essential part of the MTCTE Essential Requirements (ER) for all telecom products. ComSec is expected to be mandatory from July 1st 2023 and NCCS will start accepting the applications for Wi-Fi CPE, UICC, and IP router testing from Jan 1st, 2023.
India 印度
IS 16333 (Part 3) India Language support于2022年12月17日将由2022年版取代2017年版,此日期前,两个版本皆可使用。
The Indian Standard for ‘Mobile Phone Handsets Part 3 Indian Language Support for Mobile Phone Handsets – Specific Requirements (First Revision)’ IS 16333 (Part 3): 2017 has been revised and published as IS 16333 (Part 3): 2022. The last date for concurrent running for both the Indian Standards has been extended to 17 December 2022 after which the existing IS 16333 (Part 3): 2017 shall stand withdrawn.
Guidelines for Existing license under IS 16333 (Part 3): 2017
(i) All existing licencees shall switchover to the IS 16333(Part 3): 2022 by 17 December 2022. Beyond 17 December 2022, no license shall be operative where compliance to IS 16333 (Part 3): 2022 has not been ensured by the Registered User.
(ii) Existing licencee shall submit conformance to IS 16333(Part 3) : 2022 through Test Report(s) issued by BIS recognized laboratory for any one of the model(s) from existing scope of license which had been previously tested as per IS 16333 (Part 3) : 2017.
(iii) Further, the licencees shall provide an undertaking stating that requirements of IS 16333 (Part 3):2022 have been implemented in all other existing models which are in the scope of the license.
(iv) If the licensee fails to complete all actions by 17 December 2022, cancellation of the licence/ deletion of model from scope of the licence to be initiated.
Guidelines for New Applicants:
(i) New applications are to be accepted as per existing IS 16333 (Part 3): 2017 after 17 November 2022, i.e. one month before the last date of implementation of IS 16333 (Part 3): 2022.
(ii) The existing applications which are under process without IS 16333 (Part 3): 2022 shall be processed as per existing guidelines provided that the applicants submit an undertaking that they shall changeover to the revised Standard before the last date of implementation, i.e. 17 December 2022.
(iii) If any Licensee/ Applicant fails to complete all actions by 17 December 2022, the Licence
/ Application may be processed for cancellation/ deletion of model from scope of the licence.
India 印度
Department of Telecommunication, MTCTE (Mandatory Testing and certification of Telecommunication Equipment) has released a notification document (F. No.1-5/2022-TC/TEC(Pt.I) on dated 01/11/2022 for shifting of certain products from GCS scheme to SCS scheme under MTCTE Scheme. These changes will be applicable from 1st of January 2023. The official notification can be accessed here.
S. No. |
Product Category |
Phase of implementation |
1. |
Cordless Phone |
Phase-I |
2. |
Phase-I |
3. |
PON family of broadband Equipment |
Phase-II |
4. |
Transmission Terminal Equipment (SDH and Multiplexing Equipment) |
Phase-II |
5. |
Equipment Operating in 2.4GHz and 5GHz band |
Phase-III |
6. |
LAN Switch |
Phase-IV |
7. |
Router |
Phase-IV |
Here are the differences between GCS and SCS scheme as below:
GCS (General Certification Scheme) |
SCS (Simplified Certification Scheme) |
Testing of product |
Testing of the product to be executed in TEC recognized CABs. **Relaxation to use test reports from ILAC accredited test labs is there for some product categories. |
Testing of the product to be executed in TEC recognized CABs. **Relaxation to use test reports from ILAC accredited test labs is there for some product categories. |
Submission of reports |
Reports should be submitted on the MTCTE portal while submitting the application. |
Reports need not to be uploaded on MTCTE portal while making the submission of application. Only the report number, issue date, and name of lab have to be mentioned. However, TEC reserves the right to ask for the report at any point of time. |
Certificate issuance timeline |
Standard timeline to get the certificate issued is 4-8 weeks after submission of application. |
Standard timeline to get the certificate issued is within 15 working days of submission of application. |
Govt fees |
Total fees to be paid for evaluation is the sum of administrative fee and test report evaluation fees (as per the applicable product fee category). |
Only administrative fee (as per the applicable product category) to be paid for application evaluation. |
India 印度
受重工业部之委托,印度标准局将《质量控制令, 2020》强制注册日再次自2022年11月11日 延至2023年5月10日。
Bureau of Indian Standards under Ministry of Heavy Industries has released Quality Control Order 2020 which includes products as listed below for Mandatory Certification under Scheme II(CRS)
Sl. No. |
IS No. |
Title |
Product Category |
1 |
IS/IEC 60947 :Part 2 : 2016 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 2 circuit – Breakers (First Revision) |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Circuit – Breakers |
2 |
IS/IEC 60947 :Part 3 : 2012 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 3 switches, disconnectors, switch disconnectors and fuse – Combination units |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: switches,disconnectors, switch disconnectors and fuse – Combination units |
3 |
IS/IEC 60947 :Part 4 : Sec 1 : 2012 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 4 contactors and motor – Starters: Sec 1 electromechanical contactors and motor – Starters(FirstRevision) |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: electromechanical contactors and motor – Starters |
4 |
IS/IEC 60947 :Part 4 : Sec 2 : 2014 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 4 contactors and motor – Starters: Sec 2 a.c semiconductor motor controllers and starters First Revision) |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: a.c semiconductor motor controllers and starters |
5 |
IS/IEC 60947 :Part 4 : Sec 3 : 2014 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 4 contactors and motor – Starters: Sec 3 a.c. semiconductor motor controllers and contactors for non – Motor loads (Second Revision) |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: a.c.semiconductor motor controllers and contactors for non – Motor loads |
6 |
IS/IEC 60947 : Part 5 : Sec 1 : 2009 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 5 control circuit devices and switching elements: Sec 1 electromechanical control circuit devices (First Revision) |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: electromechanical control circuit devices |
7 |
IS/IEC 60947 : Part 5 : Sec 2 : 2007 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 5 control circuit devices and switching elements: Sec 2 proximity switches |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear proximity switches |
8 |
IS/IEC 60947 : Part 5 : Sec 5 : 2016 |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: Part 5 control circuit devices and switching elements: Sec 5 electrical emergency stop devices with mechanical latching function |
Low – Voltage switchgear and controlgear: electrical emergency stop devices with mechanical latching function |
Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦
[法规草案] 2022 年 9 月 20 日,哈萨克斯坦工业和基础设施发展部发布命令草案,批准公共采购和货物、工程、服务采购中符合能效要求的货物、工程、服务列表。该命令一经颁布,应在其公布后 10 天生效。
On 20 September 2022, the Kazakhstan Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development issued Draft Order approving the list of goods, works, services subject to energy efficiency requirements in public procurement and procurement of goods, works, services.
The list of products, their corresponding UNS TRU codes and related dates of entry into force of energy efficiency requirements, can be found in the Annex of the Draft.
Applicable energy efficiency requirements for the listed products are established in a separate Draft Order, issued on 16 September 2022.
Once enacted, the Order should enter into force 10 days after its publication.
新西兰 New Zealand
The New Zealand Government issued some gazette notices on medium and high risk articles. These gazette notices impose conditions on acceptance of EESS certificates which were previously accepted in Australia, from 01 Jan 2023.
Thailand 泰国
[法规草案] 2022 年 10 月 10 日,泰国国家广播和电信委员会 (NBTC) 办公室发布了一份通知草案,为 5.925 – 6.425 GHz 频段中使用的电信设备制定强制性技术要求。提议的技术标准(NBTC TS 103X – 256X)将适用于两种类型的电信设备:基本单元/接入点 和 移动/便携式单元。
本通知草案征求意见的截止日期为 2022 年 12 月 9 日。
On 10 October 2022, the Thai Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) published a Draft Notification to establish mandatory technical requirements for telecommunication equipment used in the frequency bands 5.925 – 6.425 GHz. The proposed technical standard (NBTC TS 103X – 256X) would apply to telecommunication equipment of both types: base unit/access point and mobile/portable unit.
The deadline for comments regarding this Draft Notification is 9 December 2022.
家用电器 House Appliances
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
[法规草案] 2022 年 10 月 3 日,世贸组织发布了 G/TBT/N/SAU/1256 号通知,涉及洗碗机沙特能效和水效要求及标签的标准草案。标准适用的洗碗机包含内置家用洗碗机和同时可以由电池供电,最多可容纳 20 个餐位餐具的电动家用洗碗机。 WTO 通知截止日期为 2022 年 12 月 2 日,即通知后 60 天。
On 3 October 2022, the WTO published Notification G/TBT/N/SAU/1256 relating to a SASO draft on Electrical Dishwashers – Energy and Water performance requirements and labelling. It applies to built-in household dishwashers and electric mains-operated household dishwashers that can also be powered by batteries with a capacity up to 20 place settings. The WTO Notification deadline is 2 December 2022, 60 days from notification.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] BSMI颁布应施检验紫外线消毒(杀菌)电器商品之相关检验规定草案, 自 2023年5月1日起,表列商品-紫外线消毒(杀菌)电器,检验方式为型式认可逐批检验或验证登录双轨并行。详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1664165490457.pdf
Nowadays, the UV disinfection appliance is popular with consumers for fighting with the pandemic. The radiation emitted from UV disinfection appliance may pose hazards to consumers and the radiation can not be easily detected by consumers. Improper use of UV disinfection appliance may impair vision and cause damage to the skin of consumers. In order to ensure consumer safety, the BSMI plans to regulate UV disinfection appliances. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI). Date of implementation: : 1 May 2023. https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1664958108427.pdf
灯具 / LED Luminaiaries/LED
Thailand 泰国
2022 年 9 月 20 日,泰国工业部宣布制定工业标准 TIS 2624 第 2(1)-2565 部分关于灯具性能第 2(1) 部分 LED 灯具 – 《工业产品标准法》下的性能要求。 该标准规定了 LED 灯具的性能要求以及测试方法和条件,它适用于一般照明用途的 LED 灯具。该标准目前在泰国不是强制性的。本公告自2023年1月18日起实施。
On 20 September 2022, the Thai Ministry of Industry announced the establishment of industrial standard TIS 2624 Part 2(1)-2565 on Luminaire Performance Part 2(1) LED Luminaire – Performance Requirements under the Industrial Product Standards Act.
The Standard specifies the performance requirements for LED luminaires, together with the test methods and conditions, required to show compliance with this standard. It applies to LED luminaires for general lighting purposes. At this time, this standard is not mandatory in Thailand.
This Announcement will enter into force on 18 January 2023.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
2022年9月26日,台湾经济部发布第11104603990号公告,废除现行《自镇流荧光灯能效要求》。 本公告自2024年7月1日起实施。
On 26 September 2022, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs published Announcement No. 11104603990 to abolish the existing “Energy Efficiency Requirements for Self-Ballasted Fluorescent Lamps”.
The Announcement will come into force on 1 July 2024.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
China 中国
[法规草案] 2022年9月28日,国家市场监督管理总局 (SAMR) 发布标准草案《显示器能效最低允许值及能效等级》,拟废止现行标准GB 21520-2015:计算器能效监视器。 本标准草案规定了显示器的能效限值、能效等级、能效计算和试验方法。
对该提案提供意见的截止日期为 2022 年 11 月 29 日。
The draft standard ‘Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for displays’ was published by China State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on 28 September 2022. It proposes to repeal the existing standard GB 21520-2015: Energy Efficiency of Computer Monitors.
This draft standard specifies the energy efficiency limit value, energy efficiency grade, energy efficiency calculation and test method of the display.
Compared to existing GB 21520-2015, this draft standard specifies the following points:
The deadline for providing comments on the proposal is 29 November 2022.
India 印度
家用和类似用途的制冷设备将列入 BEE 强制性计划. 其适用标准IS 17550 涵盖所有类型的冰箱,包括无霜冰箱 (FFR) 和直冷冰箱 (DCR),该计划与前述两产品需更新标准将自 2023 年 1 月 1 日起生效。
BEE released the notification that every household and similar refrigerating appliances cooled by internal natural convection or forced air circulation, and establishes test methods for checking these characteristics as specified in IS 17550 (Part 3) : 2021 and direct that any such appliances or class of appliances being manufactured or sold or purchased or imported for sale shall display such particulars on labels in such manner as specified in the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Particulars and Manner of their Display on Labels of Refrigerators) Regulations, 2022.
The Household and Similar Refrigerating Appliances will list in BEE mandatory scheme. IS 17550 covers all types of Refrigerators which include Frost Free Refrigerator (FFR) and Direct Cool Refrigerator (DCR) shall come into force with effect from 1st day of January, 2023.
India 印度
能效局决定延长“洗衣机”、“水泵”和“太阳能热水器” 现有星级评定表的有效期。
Bureau of Energy Efficiency with the consultation from the Ministry of Power, has decided to extend the validity of the existing star rating table and revised label period validity period for these appliances as below table:
Product |
New Validity |
Deadline to upload previous approval letter with revised sample label on portal |
Washing Machine |
March 1st ,2019 to June 30th ,2023 |
December 31st ,2022 |
Pumpsets |
February 1st ,2020 to December 31st ,2023 |
January 31st ,2023 |
Solar Water Heater |
December 14th ,2019 to December 30th ,2024 |
December 31st ,2022 |
Indonesia 印度尼西亚
[法规草案] 能源矿产部发布了关于以下产品最低能源绩效标准 (SKEM) 和节能标签的法令草案通知:
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources published the Notifications relating to a draft Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (SKEM) and Energy Saving Label for below products:
Serbia 塞尔维亚
2022 年 9 月 28 日,塞尔维亚能源和矿业部批准了确定电子显示器生态设计要求的法规,使塞尔维亚法律符合法规 (EU) 2019/2021 和法规 (EU) 2021/341 的规定。 该法规规定了电子显示器的生态设计要求,包括投放市场或投入使用的电视、监视器、数字标牌显示器、合格评定方法和用于市场监督目的的产品合格检查程序。 本法规于 2022 年 10 月 15 日生效,所列规定自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起适用。
On 28 September 2022 the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining approved a Pravilnik determining ecodesign requirements for electronic displays, bringing Serbian law into line with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/2021 and Regulation (EU) 2021/341.
This Pravilnik regulates ecodesign requirements for electronic displays, including televisions, monitors, digital signage displays that are placed on the market or put into use, the method of conformity assessment and the procedure for checking the conformity of products for the purpose of market surveillance.
This Pravilnik enters into force on 15 October 2022 and the provisions listed shall apply from 1 March 2024 onwards.
Serbia 塞尔维亚
2022 年 9 月 28 日,塞尔维亚能源和矿业部批准了确定制冷器具生态设计要求的法规,将法规 (EU) 2019/2019 和法规 (EU) 2021/341 的规定纳入国家法律。 本法规规定了总容积大于 10 公升且不超过1500 公升的电源供电制冷器具投放市场或投入使用的生态设计要求、合格评定方法和检查产品是否符合市场监督的要求的程序。 本法规于 2022 年 10 月 15 日生效,所列规定自 2024 年 3 月 1 日起适用。
On 28 September 2022 the Serbian Ministry of Energy and Mining approved a Pravilnik determining Ecodesign Requirements for Refrigerating Appliances, bringing into national law the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/2019 and Regulation (EU) 2021/341.
This Pravilnik establishes ecodesign requirements for the placing on the market of or the putting into service of electric mains-operated refrigerating appliances with a total volume of more than 10 litres and less than or equal to 1 500 litres, methods of assessing conformity and the procedure for checking the conformity of products with the requirements for the purpose of market surveillance.
This Pravilnik enters into force on 15 October 2022 and the provisions listed shall apply from 1 March 2024 onwards.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] 2022年9月22日,经济部台湾能源局公布《蓄电式热水器最低能源效能标准及能效等级标示及检验要求》修订草案。 为提高能源使用效率,能源局建议修订蓄电式热水器的最低能源性能标准和能源效率等级标签要求。该提案目前正在接受公众咨询直至 2022 年 11 月 21 日。
The Draft Amendment on “Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters” was published on 22 September 2022 by Taiwan Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs.
With a view to enhancing the efficiency of energy use, the Bureau of Energy proposes to amend the minimum energy performance standards and energy efficiency rating labelling requirements for electric storage tank water heaters.
According to the draft, it proposes that when a manufacturer manufactures or imports an electric storage tank water heater, the energy efficiency grading chart shall be attached to the instruction manual or the smallest sales package of the product, or affixed to an obvious place on the front of the body. When exhibiting or selling electric storage tank water heaters, manufacturers should stick, hang or otherwise disclose the energy efficiency grading map on the front in an obvious place.
This proposal is currently subject to public consultation until 21 November 2022.
其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
Israel 以色列
以色列经济和工业部于 2022 年 8 月下旬推出进口改革,其中进口的监管方式将大部分消费品从需要检验的第 1 组转移到仅需要基于追踪声明的第 2 组和第 3 组。而符合性声明可以表明产品符合国际标准,但应与认证实验室的检验证书一起提供,证明符合国际标准。但是包含技术文件的产品组合仍然是强制性的。此外,需确定符合能源要求的电气产品必须在能效要求、待机模式和能源标签要求方面符合欧洲指令,才能进入以色列市场。
能源标签要求与欧盟基本相同,差异仅在以色列国旗取代欧盟旗,且不须放上QR code。
The Ministry of Economy and Industry of Israel introduced an import reform at the end of August 2022. According to this reform, the methods of regulating imports to Israel are changing. Now most of the products will require only declaration-based tracks instead of inspections. The first stage of the reform has already been implemented by moving the majority of consumer goods from the Group 1 that required inspection to the Groups 2 and 3 that require only declaration-based tracks. Moreover, a declaration of compliance can show the compliance of a product with an international standard but should be provided together with a certificate of inspection from a certified laboratory attesting the compliance with the international standard.
However, note that a product portfolio including a technical file is still mandatory.
As a part of the reform, it was also determined that electrical products that are subject to energy requirements must show the compliance of the European directive with regard to energy efficiency requirements, standby mode, and energy label requirements to get access to the market of Israel.
The following devices are required to have an energy rating label in accordance with the fourth addendum to the Israeli law:
Please note that the energy label requirements are mostly the same as in the EU, but with the following exceptions:
Mexico 墨西哥
[法规草案] 2022 年 9 月 26 日,经济部在联邦官方公报上发布了墨西哥官方标准草案 PROY-NOM-024-SE-2022,电子、电气和家用电器产品的包装、说明和保证的商业信息。 本草案旨在取代 2013 年 8 月 12 日发布的 NOM-024-SCFI-2013。目前该草案正在接受公众咨询至2022 年 11 月 27 日。
On 26 September 2022, the Ministry of Economy published in the Federal Official Gazette, the Draft Official Mexican Standard PROY-NOM-024-SE-2022, Commercial Information for Packaging, Instructions and Guarantees for Electronic, Electrical and Home Appliance Products. This draft is intended to replace NOM-024-SCFI-2013, published on 12 August 2013.
The purpose of this Draft Official Mexican Standard is to establish the commercial information requirements for the packaging, instructions or manuals and guarantees that are mandatory for electronic, electrical and household appliance products, as well as their accessories and consumables, that are intended for the consumer, when they are marketed in the territory of the United Mexican States.
This NOM would apply to new, rebuilt, reconditioned, used or second-hand, discontinued and out-of-specification electronic, electrical and electrical products, as well as spare parts, accessories and consumables.
4001183833 / 8009993668