
2023年4月7日 | 市场准入



资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom

Brazil 巴西

ANATEL 上周发布了新的第 2436 号法案,其中包含用于评估 CPE (客户端设备) 合规性的网络安全要求。 新法案将于 2024 年 3 月 10 日生效。

ANATEL published last week the new Act nº 2436 with cyber security requirements for assessing the conformity of CPE (Customer Premises Equipment). This new Act will come into force on March 10th, 2024.

This Act establishes a set of mandatory cybersecurity requirements CPE devices used to connect to the Internet service provider’s network, such as:

  1. a) Cable modem;
  2. b) xDSL modem;
  3. c) ONU, ONT;
  4. d) Router or modem intended for fixed wireless access (FWA – Fixed Wireless Access);
  5. e) Router or modem for fixed broadband access via satellite;
  6. f) Wireless router or access point.

The main requirements are related to:

1) Requirements for passwords;

2) Defense requirements against unauthorized access attempts;

3) Requirements for vendors, such as requiring a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy and policies for releasing software/firmware updates to fix security vulnerabilities.

All these requirements are aligned to ANATEL Resolution nº 740, ANATEL Act nº 77, NST Special Publication 800-63B, Broadband Forum – TR-181 Issue-2, ISO/IEC 29147:2018, ISO/IEC 30111:2019, among other standards for cybersecurity.

For more details, you can find in this Official link: https://sei.anatel.gov.br/sei/modulos/pesquisa/md_pesq_documento_consulta_externa.php?8-74Kn1tDR89f1Q7RjX8EYU46IzCFD26Q9Xx5QNDbqbjrZLCNfqeRg-L-C3Gb-1Azwysygy9rWoUM4rT_yI3XCuMz8fweImNoyttQO8pA5ey8n7x_4PlmD_H2Fc85VrG


China 中国


1. 对固定电话终端、无绳电话终端、集团电话、传真机、调制解调器 (含卡)、无线寻呼机、窄带综合业务数字网络终端 (ISDN终端)、接入移动通信网络的多媒体终端、帧中继交换机、异步传输模式交换机 (ATM交换机)、呼叫中心设备等11种电信设备无需再申请入网许可

2. 对卫星互联网设备、功能虚拟化设备,纳入现行进网许可管理

3. 精简优化部分产品的进网许可检测项目

4. 缩短进网许可审批承诺时限至15个工作日

5. 延长进网试用批文有效期至2年


Ministry industry and information technology of People’s Republic of China 2023.02.20 issued Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Certain Reform Initiatives of the Telecommunications Equipment Network Entry Licensing System (MIIT Letter [2023] No. 14) for network approval license issued, you can find link below:


Summarize as below:

1.Fixed-line telephone terminals, cordless telephone terminals, group phones, fax machines, modems (including cards), wireless pagers, narrowband integrated services digital network terminals (ISDN terminals) , multimedia terminals which access to mobile communications networks, frame relay switches, asynchronous transfer mode switches (ATM switches), call center equipment, etc. about 11 types of telecommunication equipment do not need to apply for a network approval license.

2.Satellite Internet equipment, functional virtualization equipment come into the scope of current network access license management.

3.Streamline and optimize testing items for some products for network approval license.

4.Promised lead time will be shorten to 15 working days.

5.Extend the validity of network entry trial approval to 2 years.

6.For changes which do not involve the content of the certificate, streamline the change process and requirements.


India 印度

TEC 在 2023 年 2 月 27 日的最新命令中通知,MTCTE 下的安全测试将从 2023 年 7 月 1 日起对“WiFi CPE”和“IP 路由器”产品类别生效,在此生效日期或之后提交的认证申请应附有测试报告。安全测试详细要求及测试项目,规范在印度电信安全保证要求 (ITSARs) 里。

TEC in their latest order dated 27th February 2023, notified that the Security Testing under MTCTE will become effective from 1st July 2023 for ‘WiFi CPE’ and ‘IP Router” product categories. Certification applications submitted on or after this effective date should bear test reports as per security parameters outlined in the relevant ITSARs along with other parameters as listed in respective Essential Requirements (ER).

It should also be noted that applications submitted or approved before 1st July 2023, must also apply for conversion of already issued MTCTE certificate and integrating the same with the security requirements. A ‘certificate modification’ option will be added to the MTCTE portal to facilitate this conversion and integration.

This notice for mandating security testing comes four months prior to the mandatory effective date of phase III and phase IV of MTCTE.


Laos 老挝


On 21 February 2023, the Laos Ministry of Technology and Communications published an agreement on the management of telecommunication and ICT equipment. The agreement aims to define the principles, provisions and measures in relation to the management of telecommunications and ICT equipment that is produced, imported, exported, used and sold in Laos. The agreement also ensures the quality, standards, stability and safety of the telecommunications and ICT equipment in order to contribute to the economic-social development of the country.

This agreement applies to individuals, legal entities and organisations that are both domestic and foreign manufacturers which import, export, use and distribute telecommunications and ICT equipment in Laos.

There are two categories of equipment:

  • Type 1 equipment are devices that must be certified and notified of technical compliance; and
  • Type 2 equipment are devices only requires to be notified of technical compliance.

This agreement entered into force on 27 February 2023


Mexico 墨西哥

墨西哥 IFT NOM-221 第 3 部分生效。墨西哥联邦电信研究所 (IFETEL) 于 2022 年 9 月 13 日发布了技术处置 IFT-011-2022 (NOM-221 第 3 部分) “风险或紧急情况通知的蜂窝广播服务”。该法规确立了以下技术规范: 使用无线电频谱或可以连接到电信网络的移动终端设备,用于通过蜂窝广播服务接收和处理由于风险或紧急情况而产生的警报消息。 技术处置 IFT-011-2022 于 2023 年 3 月 12 日生效,现在墨西哥要求手机和智能手机使用。

Mexico IFT NOM-221 Part 3 Comes Into Effect

The Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFETEL) of Mexico issued Technical Disposition IFT-011-2022 (NOM-221 Part 3) “Cellular Broadcasting Service for Notification by Risk or Emergency Situations” on September 13, 2022. This regulation establishes the technical specifications of Mobile Terminal Equipment that make use of radio spectrum or can be connected to telecommunications networks, for the reception and processing of Alert Messages due to Risk or Emergency Situations through Cellular Broadcasting Service. Technical Disposition IFT-011-2022 came into effect on March 12, 2023, and is now required in Mexico for cell phones and smart phones.


Mexico 墨西哥

2023年2月16日,墨西哥联邦电信协会 (IFT) 将Wi-Fi 6E频率范围5925-6425MHz划分为”免许可频谱”,对于WiFi 6E的产品需要由“Dictamen Técnico”系统申请Homogolation。

IFT published on February 16th, 2023 a press release announcing the identification as free-use (unlicensed) spectrum of the 5925-6425 MHz segment of the 6 GHz Band. It will allow its use by the general public without requiring a license or authorization from the Institute. Just reminder – The Homologation Certification could be requested now through a “Dictamen Técnico” by Perito for WiFi 6 devices



Singapore 新加坡

新加坡管理机构(ESG)于2月10日发布通告编号为CPSO-100223-07。根据消费者保护 (安全要求) 条例,将多功能插座转换器的产品类型定义为受控产品,从2024年2月11日起,所有多功能插座转换器,无论形状/设计如何,都需要带有有效的安全标志才能在新加坡销售。

On 10th of February, Enterprise Singapore (ESG) had announced revision of classification of the multi-way adaptor as a Controlled Good, regulated under the Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations, to include products with odd-shaped/design. The circular No is CPSO-100223-07.

Please find below the details of the circular.



Thailand 泰国

泰国国家广播和电信委员会 (NBTC) 发布了技术标准NBTCTS 1031-2565,对57-66 GHz频段的固定服务进行了规范。

The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) of Thailand announced the Technical Standards of Telecommunication Equipment and Radiocommunication Equipment in the Fixed Service in the 57-66 GHz frequency band on January 16, 2023. The new standard NBTCTS 1031-2565 is now in effect.

The minimum technical requirements are for outdoor applications only. Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) must not exceed 500 mW (27 dBm). Test methods shall be in line with the standard ETSI EN 302 217-3, ANSI C63.10, ETSI EN 303 722, or equivalent.

Safety requirements must be in accordance with IEC 60950-1, TIS. 1561 – 2556, IEC 62368–1, or TIS 62368 Volume 1-2563.


UAE 阿联酋

UAE ECAS与EQM近期有以下更新:

  1. ECAS低电压产品 (LVE) 证书,不再接受一张证书包含多间工厂。一张证书仅限包含一间工厂。
  2. 申请EQM证书同时也会取得一张ECAS证书 (已发证的证书维持发证当时规定,直至更新改采新制),新制如下:

– EQM及其附加的ECAS证书效期皆为3年

– EQM证书报备之型号数量由1000个降为至多500个

– EQM证书不再接受包含多个产地

There are some update about UAE ECAS and EQM certification:

  1. ECAS LVE: only one factory is allowed per certificate.
  2. EQM: ECAS certificate is a mandatory requirement for EQM application (for old certificate remains the same).

– The validity of both EQM and accompanying ECAS certificate will be 3 years.

– Number of models limitations will be decreasing from 1000 to 500.

– Multiple country of origins is not allowed per EQM certificate anymore.



电池 Batteries

China 中国

CCC 2023.3.16发布《市场监管总局关于对锂离子电池等产品实施强制性产品认证管理的公告》 (2023年第10号)

市场监管总局关于对锂离子电池等产品实施强制性产品认证管理的公告 (samr.gov.cn)

市场监管总局决定对电子电器产品使用的锂离子电池和电池组 (CCC认证代码0915)、移动电源 (CCC认证代码0914) 以及电信终端产品配套用电源适配器/充电器 (CCC认证代码0807、0907) 实施强制性产品认证 (CCC认证) 管理。

The State Administration for Market Regulation has decided to implement China Compulsory Certification (CCC) management on lithium ion batteries and battery packs used in electronic and electrical products, portable power supplies, as well as power adapters/chargers used in telecommunications terminal products (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Newly Included Products”).

Starting from August 1, 2023, the designated certification bodies will begin to accept CCC certification commissions for Newly Included Products, and carry out certification work in accordance with the applicable standards listed in the Implementation Rules for China Compulsory Certification – Information Technology Equipment, and the annex. As of August 1, 2024, those enterprises that have not obtained CCC certificate and marked with certification marks shall not be allowed to leave the factory, sell, import, or use in other business activities.

The lithium ion batteries and battery packs used in electronic and electrical products are subject to CCC certification at this stage; for the batteries and battery packs used in other electronic and electrical products, CCC certification will be carried out in due course.

The newly included products and CCC category codes are as below:

– Power supply (0807, 0907), Applicable Standards: GB4943.1; GB/T9254.1; GB17625.1

– Portable power supply (0914), Applicable Standards: GB4943.1; GB31241

– Lithium ion batteries and battery packs (0915), Applicable Standards: GB31241


South Korea 韩国

2023年3月20日,韩国技术标准局 (KATS) 发布了《关于电器和消费品安全控制法运营公告的通知》的修正案,该修正案旨在改变某些电子产品的适用范围和安全控制级别。

此外,由于KC 62619标准的修订版 (含有碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和电池-工业应用中使用的二次锂电池和电池的安全要求) 将产品范围扩大到移动ESS (储能系统) 电池,并与国际标准IEC 62619 Ed.2.0相协调,本次修订也对《通知》进行了这些修改。


On 20 March 2023, the South Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) issued an amendment to the Notice on Operation Bulletin of Electrical Appliances and Consumer Products Safety Control Act.

The amendment has been issued to change the scope of application and level of safety control for certain electronic products.

Specific changes of the amendment are as follows:

  • Downgrading the safety control level of electric heating pads and foot warmers with DC-rated voltage, from “safety verification” to “supplier’s declaration of conformity”.
  • Merging similar electrical appliances subject to safety management:
    • electric rice cookers and electric insulated rice cookers (deleting electric insulated rice cookers);
    • electric cooking ranges, electric hobs and hot plates (deleting electric hobs and hotplates);
  • Changing the term “rated capacity” used for certain products such as transformers and power converters to “rated output”.
  • Updating the status of safety standards for electrical appliances subject to safety management, with regard to the following standards:
    • KC 62196-1 on Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets and adaptors – Conductive charging of electric vehicles, Part 1: General requirements;
    • KC 62196-3 on Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors, vehicle inlets and adaptors – Conductive charging of electric vehicles, Part 3: Dimensional compatibility requirements for DC and AC/DC pin and contact tube vehicle coupler, etc.
  • Correcting certain terms and errors.

Moreover, since the revised version of standard KC 62619 (Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for secondary Lithium cells and batteries, for use in industrial applications) expanding the product scope to mobile ESS (Energy Storage System) batteries and harmonising with the international standard IEC 62619 Ed.2.0 has been issued, this amendment also introduces these changes to the Notice.

Specific changes in this regard are as follows:

  • Relaxation of detailed criteria for the model classification of lithium secondary battery system – Based on the maximum parallel-connected product of single cells constituting batteries, parallel-connected products below this can be registered as derivative models
  • Addition of MOSFET applied to small ESS products to safety management targets
  • Update of the status of safety standards for electrical appliances subject to safety management, with respect to a revision of KC62619

This Notice entered into force on 20 March 2023.


Thailand 泰国


草案主要要求强制性应用工业标准TIS 62133第2部分《含碱性或其他非酸性电解质的二次电池和电池》。标准草案与IEC 62133-2:2021相同。


Mandatory Safety Requirements for Portable Sealed Secondary Lithium Cells and Batteries Containing Non-Acid Electrolyte, Draft Ministerial Regulation

On 20 February 2023, the Thai Ministry of Industry issued a draft Ministerial Regulation requirements and tests for the safe operation of portable sealed secondary lithium cells and batteries containing non-acid electrolyte, under intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse.

The draft primarily requires the mandatory application of Industrial Standard TIS 62133 part 2 for Secondary Cells and Batteries Containing Alkaline or Other Non-Acid Electrolytes.

The draft standard is identical to IEC 62133-2:2021.

Opinions on this draft may be submitted online until 21 April 2023.



家用电器 House Appliances

GULF 海湾联盟

GSO发布了最近讨论的关于推迟实施冰箱和冷冻柜标准IEC 60335-2-24: 2020的公告。


  • 推迟实施IEC 60335-2-24: 2020 (根据IEC 60335-2-24: 2020颁发的现有证书可以继续有效)
  • 再次接受IEC 60335-2-24: 2010+A1+A2版认证
  • 重新启动基于IEC 60335-2-24: 2010+A1+A2版的任何暂停或撤销的证书

GSO has released the recently discussed announcement related to postponing the implementation of the latest Edition 8.0 of the standard IEC 60335-2-24 for refrigerators and freezers.

Key points:

  • postpone implementation of Ed. 8 (existing certificates issued based on Ed. 8 can remain valid)
  • Accept Ed. 7.2 again for certification
  • Reactivate any suspended or withdrawn certificates which were based on Ed. 7.2


China Taiwan 中国台湾

BSMI颁布 一般家用电器开饮机等三项商品之相关检验规定修正案, 自 2024年7月1日起,表列商品检验方式采型式认可逐批检验或验证登录双轨并行。详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1678324653690.pdf

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) released the amendment of “Legal Inspection Requirements for Household Electrical Appliances” 

The BSMI received reports that dichloromethane exceeding the limit value of “Drinking Water Quality Standards” was found in the drinking water processed by energy water machines, a kind of water filter, posing risk to human health.

With a view to protecting consumers from relevant hazards, the BSMI proposes to add “Technical specification for water quality testing of drinking water from water filters (purifiers) commodities” as an additional inspection standard for water dispensers, drinking water suppliers and electric storage tank boiling water heaters. In addition, the scope is proposed to be expanded to cover hydrogen water machine with heating function.

The testing items required by the “Technical specification for water quality testing of drinking water from water filters (purifiers) commodities” include 9 metal elements and 15 volatile organic compounds.

The conformity assessment procedures remain the same, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type-approved Batch Inspection (TABI).

Date of implementation: 1th July 2024

For details, please see below link: https://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2023/TBT/TPKM/final_measure/23_1859_00_e.pdf



灯具 / LED Luminaiaries /LED

Colombia 哥伦比亚


2010年第18 0540号决议通过、2016年第40122号决议最后修订的《照明和公共照明技术法规-RETILAP》的有效期又延长了15个月 (即至2024年5月5日)。


On 3 February 2023 the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy published Resolution No. 40176 in order to extend the validity of the Technical Regulation for Lighting and Public Lighting – RETILAP.

The validity of the Technical Regulation of Lighting and Public Lighting – RETILAP, adopted by Resolution 18 0540 of 2010 and last amended by Resolution 40122 of 2016, has been extended for a further 15 months (i.e. until 5 May 2024).

This Resolution entered into force on 3 February 2023.


Saudi Arabia 沙特

2023年2月24日,沙特阿拉伯标准、计量和质量组织 (SASO) 发布了执行委员会第40号决定,该决定引入了对强制性沙特标准SASO 2927:2019照明产品的能效功能和标签要求的修订。

On 24 February 2023 the Saudi Arabian Standards, Metrology and Quality Organisation (SASO) issued Executive Committee Decision No. 40. The Decision introduces amendments to mandatory Saudi standard SASO 2927:2019.

SASO 2927:2019/AMD2:2023 Energy efficiency functionality and labelling requirements for lighting products – Part 3: Street lighting. The following phrase is deleted in Clause 10.2 on LED requirements: “The color temperature shall be between 3000 – 6000 Kelvin”. This amendment is effective immediately. 


Saudi Arabia 沙特

SASO 根据 SASO 3029 : 2023 将 EER 标签作为电动洗碗机的新要求將於2024年1月1日实施。 该标准的范围将涵盖:容量不超过20套的家用洗碗机 。可通过单独购买的 AC/DC 转换器连接到电源的电池供电的家用洗碗机不在本标准范围内。

Please note SASO has implemented EER labelling as a new requirement for Electrical dishwashers under SASO 3029 : 2023.

The scope of this standard will be cover : Household Dishwasher with capacity up to 20 Set/ place settings

Note : Battery-operated household dishwashers that can be connected to the mains through an AC/DC converter purchased separately are out of this standard scope .

The minimum energy performance standard ( MEPS ) will be implemented on 2 stage as per below :


Capacity (Ps)


Stage 1
Jan 1st 2024

For all capacities

EEI less than 63

Stage 2

For capacities less than 10 place settings

EEI less than 63

For capacities equal or more than 10 place settings

EEI less than 56


South Korea 韩国




On 21 February 2023, the South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) issued a draft amendment to the Regulations on Equipment and Materials/Machinery for Management of Efficiency.

The draft has been issued to raise MEPS (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) for fluorescent lamps.

Annex 1 of the document divides fluorescent lamps into three product groups according to sales volume, and provides specific raised MEPS for each product category.

Opinions on this draft amendment may be submitted online before April 01, 2023.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

Panama 巴拿马

2023年3月3日,巴拿马工商部发布了第4号决议,废除关于无管道分体式空调能效和标签的第103:2017号技术法规的第115/2017号决议。该决议同时批准了 DGNTI COPANIT技术法规103-2017,以及标签和技术法规DGNTI COPANIT 508-2017。由DGNTI认证部门颁发的符合DGNTI标准COPANIT 508-2017和/或DGNTI技术法规COPANIT 103-2017的证书及其标签在2023年12月2日之前有效。

此外,该决议决定公布第468-2022号决议 (COMIECO-CII),该决议批准了关于某些无管道分体式空调设备能效要求的RTCA 23.01.80:21条例,该条例将于2023年12月2日生效,届时DGNTI COPANIT标准508-2017和/或DGNTI COPANIT技术条例103-2017将被废除。


On 3 March 2023, Panamanian Ministry of Commerce and Industry published Resolution No. 4 to repeal Resolution No. 115/2017 on Technical Regulation No. 103:2017 on Energy Efficiency and Labelling of Ductless Split Type Air Conditioners.

This Resolution aims to repeal Resolution No. 115/2017, which approved DGNTI COPANIT Technical Regulation 103-2017 – Energy efficiency in air conditioners of the split type, free discharge and without free air ducts. Labelling and the Technical Regulation DGNTI COPANIT 508-2017 – Energy efficiency in split type air conditioners, free discharge and without air ducts. Limits and test method.

However, according to Article 2, Certificates of Compliance with DGNTI Standard COPANIT 508-2017 and/or DGNTI Technical Regulation COPANIT 103-2017, issued by the DGNTI Certification Department, as well as their labelling, shall remain valid until 02 December 2023.

Also, the Resolution determines the publication of Resolution No. 468-2022 (COMIECO-CII), which approves the Regulation RTCA 23.01.80:21 on energy efficiency requirements for certain ductless split-type air conditioning equipment, that shall enter into force as of 2 December 2023, whereupon DGNTI COPANIT Standard 508-2017 and/or DGNTI COPANIT Technical Regulation 103-2017 will be repealed.

This Resolution entered into force on 3 March 2023.


Saudi Arabia 沙特

根据修定标准版本SASO 2663:2021+A1:2023 (Air Conditioners – Minimum Energy Performance, Labelling and Testing Requirements for Low Capacity Window and Single-Split Types) 已经在2023年2月24日发布。



According to the approved amendment of Saudi Standard No. )SASO-2663:2021AMD1:2023( ” Air Conditioners – Minimum Energy Performance, Labelling and Testing Requirements for Low Capacity Window and Single-Split Types, which was published in the Official Gazette “Umm Al-Qura” on 24/02/2023 AD. The test report must meet specific technical requirements starting August 24, 2023 AD.

Where the licenses of models that do not comply with the revised technical requirements will be cancelled on August 24, 2023 AD.


China Taiwan 中国台湾

BSMI核释本局应施检验「电壶」商品检验标准之相关规定, 有关本局应施检验「电壶」商品之检验标准CNS12625第5.7节,电器之每二十四小时标准化备用损失E须符合能源效率主管机关之相关规定,自2025年7月1日起适用经济部2022年11月17日经能字第11104604790号公告修正「电热水瓶容许耗用能源基准与能源效率分级标示事项、方法及检查方式」之版本。

详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1677033759882.pdf

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) interpretive rule of product inspection standards related to the legal inspection of electric pots/kettles. Regarding the inspection standards for the “electric kettle” product that should be tested by this bureau under section 5.7 of CNS 12625, the standardized standby loss E of the electrical appliance must comply with the relevant regulations of the energy efficiency authority every 24 hours, which applies from July 1, 2025, and the revised version of the “Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection for Electric Pots” announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs on November 17, 2022, under the document number 11104604790.

For details, please refer to below link:



China Taiwan 中国台湾


详情请参考此连结: https://www.moeaboe.gov.tw/ECW/populace/news/Board.aspx?kind=3&menu_id=57&news_id=30322

The Taiwan Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs published an announcement on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating Labelling and Inspection of Water Chilling Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle.

  1. Specify the test conditions, values and actual measured values and delete the remarks in Schedule 1 and Schedule 5 (the second point of the amendment, the attached schedule 1 and schedule 5).
  2. Add the declaration obligor who handles the login account number and password. (Third point of the amendment)
  3. Add the qualifications of laboratories of energy efficiency test reports. (The fourth point of the amendment)

For details, please refer to below link: https://www.moeaboe.gov.tw/ECW/populace/news/Board.aspx?kind=3&menu_id=57&news_id=30322


China Taiwan 中国台湾

BSMI颁布应施检验一般家用电器贮备型电热水器商品之相关检验规定。表列商品之修正后检验标准自公告日起实施,修正前检验标准自 2025年 7 月 1 日起停止适用。

详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1675482478534.pdf

The “Requirements on Minimum Energy Performance Standard and Energy Efficiency Rating

Labelling and Inspection for Electric Storage Tank Water Heaters,” was adopted by the Bureau

of Energy (BOE), Ministry of Economic Affairs, on 9 December 2022. As the requirements on

the capacity of inner tank are included in the adopted texts, the BSMI removed the

requirement of Section 8.11 “Capacity of inner tank” of CNS 11010:2013 from BSMI’s testing

items to avoid overlapping jurisdiction with the BOE.

The conformity assessment procedures for products subject to this notified measure remain the

same, i.e. Registration of Products Certification (RPC) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection


Date of implementation: 1 July 2025.

For more details, please refer to below link:
