- a) Short range general purpose radio equipment operating in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz; and
- b) Magnetic ring equipment operating in the frequency range 9 kHz to 30 MHz, including radio identification equipment (RFID), nearfield communication (NFC) technology, and equipment used in secure magnetic gate (EAS) systems operating in the LF and HF frequency bands.
- Power Invertors for use in photovoltaic power system, IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015
- Utility Interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters, IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015 & IS 16169: 2014
- Power Invertors for use in photovoltaic power system, IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015
- Utility Interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters, IS 16221 (Part 2): 2015 & IS 16169: 2014
- Exemption approval number;
- Product name;
- Model name;
- Manufacturing number;
- Manufacturing/import status;
- Sales/delivery status, etc.
- 空调
- 干衣机
- 洗碗机
- 洗衣机
- 微波炉
- 电烤箱
- 电视和电子屏幕
- Air Conditioners
- Clothes dryers
- Dishwashers
- Washing machines
- Microwave
- Electric ovens
- Televisions and electronic screens
资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom
China 中国
工信部公开征求《900MHz频段射频识别 (RFID) 设备无线电管理规定 (征求意见稿)》及《超宽带(UWB) 设备无线电管理规定(征求意见稿)》的意见 (miit.gov.cn)。
The Radio Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has published draft regulations for 900 MHz RFID as well as for UWB equipment.
Philippines 菲律宾
自2023 年 9 月 5 日起,Television sets范围应根据 DAO 22-01:2022 和 MC 22-09:2022 实施强制认证。
Specific Product Coverage in current –
CRT, LCD panel (with CCFL or LED backlight), with display size up to 55 inches, and rated voltage up to 250 V a.c., including those with separate power supply.
CRT, LCD panel (with CCFL or LED backlight), plasma and OLED, with display size up to 1524 mm (60 inches) and rated voltage up to 250 V a.c., including those with separate power supply.
Philippines 菲律宾
Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment and Station and Accessories shall be implemented for mandatory certification beginning from 21 July 2023.
Russia 俄罗斯
俄罗斯电信设备认证 (FAC) 法规“第 214 号法令”将于2023年3月1日起被“第 1387号法令”正式取代,1387号法令有效期为六年;自该日期起新签发的证书 (CoC/DoC) 将会注明其根据1387号法令发出。
The Decree of Telecom approval’s (as known as FAC approval) rules and procedure No. 214 will be officially replaced by No. 1387 from 1 March 2023, valid for next six years; new issued CoC/DoC from this date will be issued according to No. 1387.
South Korea 韩国
[法规草案] 2023 年 2 月 6 日,韩国无线电研究机构 (RRA) 发布了广播和电信设备合格评定通知的修订草案。草案完善了合格评定变更程序适用的无线设备范围,以及合格评定对象设备的标识方法。
具体来说,在现行规定下,已经通过合格评定的无线设备,如果增加新的无线功能,必须重新申请合格评定。 但是,该草案建议此类设备通过变更报告流程而不是合格评定。
On 6 February 2023, the South Korean Radio Research Agency (RRA) issued a draft amendment to the Notice on Conformity Assessment of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Equipment.
The draft improves the scope of wireless equipment to which conformity assessment change procedures apply, as well as the marking methods for equipment subject to conformity assessment.
Specifically, under the current regulations, if new wireless functions are added to wireless devices that have undergone conformity assessment, they must apply again for conformity assessment. However, the draft proposes that such devices go through a change reporting process instead of conformity assessment.
The draft also improves the marking methods of manufacturing dates for equipment subject to conformity assessment. The products may be marked with a LOT number consisting of a combination of year/month of manufacture or an indication proving the year/month of manufacture, in addition to the year/month of manufacture. However, if consumers cannot identify the year/month of manufacture even after checking this information, it must be separately indicated or information proving it must be provided through user manuals, packaging, internet homepage, etc.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] BSMI颁布预告「应施检验遥控无人机商品之相关检验规定」草案。表列商品自 112 年 7 月 1 日起实施输入及国内产制商品检验,检验方式为型式认可逐批检验或验证登錄双轨并行。
详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1674010681103.pdf
Proposal for Legal Inspection Requirements for Drones (less than 2 kilograms in weight). By the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), Ministry of Economic Affairs. Nowadays, drones are frequently used for multiple purposes, for examples, photography and light shows. In order to enhance consumer safety, the BSMI proposes to add drones (less than 2 kilograms in weight) into the scope of legal inspection. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI).
For more details, please refer to this link: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1674011657357.pdf
UAE 阿联酋
2023年TDRA开始签发新的label样式(QR code链接至网页显示认证信息),之前的项目签发的label依然有效。
TDRA released new Compliance Label format taking effect on Jan 1st of 2023,that information on the label should correspond to the information that is displayed after scanning the relevant QR code. Moreover, the QR code should lead to the actual landing page, where users can receive both information on the product and a copy of its valid certificate.
Vietnam 越南
[法规草案] 2023 年 2 月 9 日,越南信息和通信部发布了一份通告草案,规定了短程无线电设备的国家技术法规 (QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT),强制日期将会是2024年8月1日。
On 09 February 2023, the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications published a Draft Circular providing for the National Technical Regulation on Short-Range Radio Equipment(QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT). Based on the draft circular promulgating regulations, it is expected that QCVN 55:2023/BTTTT will take effect from March 1, 2024 and be mandatory from August 1, 2024.
This Draft applies to the following types of short-range radio equipment (SRD):
Details can be found in this link: https://mic.gov.vn/pages/duthaovanban/danhsachduthaovanban.aspx
家用电器 House Appliances
India 印度
The star labelling prpogram of washing machine will become mandatory with effect from July 1, 2023.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
[法规草案] BSMI颁布 应施检验滤 (净) 水器商品之相关检验规定草案,自 2024年7月1日起,表列商品检验方式采型式认可逐批检验或验证登录 (型式试验模式加符合型式声明模式) 双轨并行。滤 (净) 水器 (限检验以滤材连续过滤自来水并供人饮用,且非属全户式过滤者,另具电源供应者,限检验额定电 压 250V 以下),检验标准: 滤 (净) 水器饮用水商品水质检测技术规范(111年版); 具电源供应者,应再符合 CNS 60335-1 (103 年版) 及 CNS 13783-1 (102 年版)。
详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1674029816236.pdf
The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) released the “Legal Inspection Requirements for Water Filters (Purifiers)”. Water Filters (Purifiers) has to comply Technical Specification for Water Quality Testing of Drinking Water from Water Filter (Purifier) of 2022 version. The product with power supply also should comply with CNS60335-1 and CNS13783-1. Two alternative conformity assessment procedures are made available for the choice of applicants, i.e. Registration of Product Certification (RPC) (Modules II+III) or Type-Approved Batch Inspection (TABI).
Date of implementation: 1th July 2024
For more details, please refer to this link: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1674029816236.pdf
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
UAE 阿联酋
[法规草案] 阿联酋工业和先进技术部 (MoIAT)在2023年2月6日提交了UAE.S 5010-3:2023-电器的能源效率-第3部分:家用制冷器具标准草案,该标准批准和生效日期待定。
UAE Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology(MOIAT) submitted Draft UAE.S 5010-3:2023-Energy Efficiency for Electrical Appliances-Part 3: Household Refrigerating Appliances on February 6, 2023, The 2023 edition cancels and replaces the 2020 edition published in 2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The approval and effective date of the standard are pending.
其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
India 印度
SPV 逆变器 的BIS 自我认证计划已延长六个月至 2023 年 6 月 30 日。制造商应根据公告标准具有有效的 IEC 证书和测试报告,以便在印度进口和销售。
BIS 中 SPV 逆变器的产品类别:
Self-Certification scheme of BIS Scheme for SPV Inverters has been extended by six months i.e., 30th June 2023. The step has been taken due to limitation of test facilities. Manufacturers should have valid IEC certificate and test report as per notified standard in order to import and sale in India.
Product categories for SPV Inverters in BIS:
South Korea 韩国
2023 年 2 月 3 日,韩国无线电研究机构 (RRA) 发布了对广播和电信设备合格评定通知的修订。
此次修订扩大了合格评定豁免对象,科学和信息通信技术部长认可数量的工业设备将免于合格评定,这些设备必须在特定环境内使用而制造或进口。 它们也是管理流通记录的设备,若带有无线设备仍必须根据《无线电波法》第 58-2 条进行合格注册或能够遵循合格注册程序。关于以上所提的工业设备豁免合格评定范围,可参见RRA于2023年2月9日发布的FAQ补充;
另外,强制产品列表中的照明设备第四项 4) 其他照明灯具(圣诞树照明器具、可充电便携式灯、调光器)新增豁免范围,该品目不包括仅使用直流电源运行的设备。
本通知自 2023 年 2 月 3 日起生效。
On 3 February 2023, the South Korean Radio Research Agency (RRA) issued an amendment to the Notice on Conformity Assessment of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Equipment.
The amendment expands target products subject to exemption from conformity assessment to reduce the burden with regard to testing and certification on companies.
According to the document, industrial equipment in quantities recognised by the Minister of Science and ICT would be exempted from conformity assessment. These equipment must be manufactured or imported for use in limited spaces with access control. They are also equipment for which distribution records are managed, and must be subject to conformity registration under Article 58-2 of the Radio Waves Act or wireless equipment capable of following procedures for conformity registration.
In this case, limited spaces where access control is performed must be able to manage entry and exit records, and only authorised personnel should be allowed to enter. For equipment exempted from conformity assessment, the following records/data must be tracked even after receiving the exemption:
More details about Exemption from Conformity Assessment of Industrial Equipment can be referenced to FAQ which RRA issued on 9th Feb 2023.
In addition to the above, equipment operating using only DC power, among products classified as other lighting equipment, such as lighting fixtures for Christmas trees, rechargeable portable lights, and dimmers, have also been excluded from the conformity assessment.
Lastly, the amendment expands the targets for change reporting in relation to equipment subject to conformity assessment to include certified wireless transmission/reception components. Accordingly, it would also be possible to report changes for certified wireless transmission and reception components. In other words, any changes made to wireless transmission or reception parts in the frequency or technology used according to the frequency allocation specified under Articles 11 and 12 of the Radio Waves Act may also be reported provided that the alteration does not involve hardware modifications. Under the previous regulations, only changes to finished products were subject to reporting requirements.
This Notice entered into force on 3 February 2023.
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯
[法规草案] 沙特阿拉伯于 2023 年 1 月 5 日通知 WTO一项技术法规草案,规定了与某些特定电气和电子设备的待机和关闭模式相关的能耗要求。
该草案预计将于 2023 年 4 月 6 日获得通过,建议生效日期为 2024 年 7 月 1 日。
Saudi Arabia: Requirements for Standby and Off Mode Electric Power Consumption of Certain Specified Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Draft Technical Regulation, January 2023
This draft Technical Regulation, which was notified to the WTO on 5 January 2023, sets outs energy consumption requirements relating to the standby and off mode of certain specified electrical and electronic equipment.
The draft applies to the electrical and electronic devices listed in Appendix 1-a, the types and customs classification codes of which are as follows:
The draft is expected to be adopted on 6 April 2023 with a proposed entry into force date of 1 July 2024.
China Taiwan 中国台湾
BSMI颁布应施检验配电器材类配线用插头及插座等八项商品之相关检验规定, 自 2025年1月1日起,表列商品检验方式采型式认可逐批检验或验证登录双轨并行。
详情请参考此连结: https://www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/public/Data/f1673244571976.pdf
Plugs and socket outlets for fixed wiring are having more and more diversified functions, e.g., wireless control, timing control, and induction control. Household switches for fixed wiring are gradually being replaced by electronic switches. As a result of risk assessment, BSMI proposes to add 8 products for fixed wiring with wireless control, wired network control, timing control, voice control, motion sensing, light sensing, and electricity calculation functions into the scope of legal inspection. The amendments will take effect from 1 January 2025. For details, please refer to this link:
4001183833 / 8009993668