
2023年2月3日 | 市场准入



资讯 / 电信 ITE / Telecom

Brazil 巴西

ANATEL 发布了新的第 17087 号法案。该法案于2023年12月27日生效,将取代更新电信设备电气安全标准的第 950 号法案。

ANATEL published the new Act 17087. This Act will replace the Act 950 updating the electrical safety standard for telecom devices. It will become in force in 1 year (Dec 27th, 2023). The main changes are related to new marking requirements, small adjustment in the acoustic shock testing level, updated definitions and updated reference standards.

In general, the testing levels keeps the same, only Protection against Acoustic Shock had its level reduced.

For more details, please refer to official link: https://sei.anatel.gov.br/sei/modulos/pesquisa/md_pesq_documento_consulta_externa.php?8-74Kn1tDR89f1Q7RjX8EYU46IzCFD26Q9Xx5QNDbqbVNSonjdpYwGoDSAPK6cEOlgTyBH5lHFcYbExX3hLFGkrPDHUMk4YibCQyiy-ieM3bOHDyBv-gYi3772aPILAq


India 印度

印度DoT公布NFAP 2022。

India DoT release National Frequency Allocation Plan – 2022 (NFAP 2022)The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) of India has published the National Frequency Allocation Plan – 2022 (NFAP 2022), which is updated to be in line with ITU’s Radio Regulations 2020. https://dot.gov.in/sites/default/files/NFAP 2022 Document for e-release.pdf?download=1


Indonesia 印尼

[法规草案] 印尼SDPPI召开关于SAR测试的公共咨询。

Indonesia SDPPI Opens Public Consultation on SAR Testing for Telecom Devices

The Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI) of Indonesia has opened a public consultation on January 4, 2023 on the Regulatory Implementation Plan for the Enforcement of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Tests on Telecommunication Devices in Indonesia. The consultation will be open for comments until February 3, 2023.


Togo 多哥

多哥ARCEP更新SRD法规,如开放Wifi 6E。

Togo ARCEP Updates SRD regulations, e.g. open WiFi 6E.

Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP) in Togo published Decision No. 226/ARCEP/DG/2022 on December 30, 2022. This Decision determines the categories and technical conditions for Low Power Devices (LPDs) and Short-Range Devices (SRDs) and it is now in effect. Réglementation – Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (arcep.tg)



家用电器 House Appliances

China 中国

国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA)、国家发展和改革委员会 (NDRC) 和国家市场监督管理总局 (SAMR) 发布了电动风扇能源效率标签规则的修订版 (SAMR) (CEL 017-2022) 替换了2016年现有规则 (CEL 017-2016)。 这些规则适用于由AC或DC电动机驱动的单相额定电压不超过250 V和 其他不超过480 V额定电压的桌面风扇、旋转风扇、墙壁风扇、地板风扇和吊扇,不适用于电池供电的迷你风扇。修订后的规则于2022年11月1日生效,有效期为5年。 对于2022年11月1日之前制造或进口的产品,根据修订后的实施规则使用能源效率标签,可以推迟到2024年11月1日。

On 17 October 2022, the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA), China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) published a revised version of the Rules of Energy Efficiency Labelling of Electric Fans (CEL 017-2022) which replace the existing Rules dated 2016 (CEL 017-2016).

These Rules apply to the use, filing and announcement of energy efficiency labels for desk fans, rotary fans, wall fans, table fans, floor fans and ceiling fans driven by AC or DC motors with a single-phase rated voltage not exceeding 250 V and other rated voltages not exceeding 480 V. These Rules do not apply to battery powered mini fans.

The revised Rules entered into force on 1 November 2022 and will be valid for 5 years. For products manufactured or imported before 1 November 2022 the use of energy efficiency labels according to the revised implementation Rules can be delayed until 1 November 2024.



能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements

Chile 智利

[法规草案] 智利电气与易燃物监督委员会SEC于2023年1月5号提交了家用冰箱、洗衣机产品的新能效标签技术设计规范的公众咨询文件。公众咨询时间为通知发布后的60天。

On January 5, 2023, SEC submitted Technical specifications for the design of energy efficiency labels for domestic refrigerating appliances & washing machines.

Final date for comments: 60 days from notification (2023-1-5)

 refrigerating appliances


washing machines


China 中国

2022年12月29日,中国标准化管理局和中国国家能源管理局发布了关于荧光灯的能效和能源效率等级的最低允许值的强制性标准GB 19044-2022。 该标准是GB 19044-2013的修订版,将替换以下标准:GB 19043-2013,GB 19044-2013, GB 19415-2013,GB 29142-2012和GB 29144-2012。



On 29 December 2022, the China Standardization Administration (SAC) and China’s National Energy Administration published a mandatory standard on minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for fluorescent lamps GB 19044-2022. This standard is the revised version of the GB 19044-2013. It will also replace the following standards: GB 19043-2013, GB 19044-2013, GB 19415-2013, GB 29142-2012 and GB 29144-2012.

This standard aims to establish energy efficiency limit values ​​and energy efficiency grades for self-ballasted fluorescent lamps for general lighting. 

This Standard comes into force on 1 January 2024.


China 中国

国家认证认可监督管理委员会(CNCA)、国家发展和改革委员会 (NDRC) 和国家市场监督管理总局 (SAMR)发表了多联式空调 (热泵) 机组 (CEL 011-2022) 的能源效率标签规则的修订版,该版本取代了2016年现有规则 (CEL 011-2016)。修订后的规则于2022年11月1日生效,有效期为5年。 对于2022年11月1日之前制造或进口的产品,根据修订后的实施规则使用能源效率标签,可以推迟到2024年11月1日。

On 17 October 2022, the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (CNCA), China National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) published a revised version of the Rules of Energy Efficiency Labelling of Multi-connected Air Conditioning (Heat Pump) Units (CEL 011-2022) which replace the existing Rules dated 2016 (CEL 011-2016).

These Rules apply to the use, filing and announcement of energy efficiency labels for multi-connected air-conditioning (heat pump) units using air-cooled or water-cooled condensers, low ambient temperature air source multi-connected heat pump (air-conditioning) units.

The revised Rules entered into force on 1 November 2022 and will be valid for 5 years. For products manufactured or imported before 1 November 2022 the use of energy efficiency labels according to the revised implementation Rules can be delayed until 1 November 2024.


Singapore 新加坡

[法规草案] 新加坡国家环境局 (NEA)正在就《节能(受管制商品和注册供应商)条例》(“EC(RG&RS)R”)的拟议修正案征求反馈意见。EC(RG&RS)R 规定了强制性能源标签计划 (MELS) 和最低能源绩效标准 (MEPS) 所涵盖的受管制商品的要求。


  1. 提高分体式空调、冰箱和灯具的MEPS
  2. 修订受管制灯的MELS
  3. 将便携式空调和更多灯具类型列为管制物品
  4. 设置电视的MEPS 和待机功率限制


The National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments to the Energy Conservation (Regulated Goods and Registered Suppliers) Regulations (“EC(RG&RS)R”). The EC(RG&RS)R governs the requirements on regulated goods covered under the Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme (MELS) and Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). 

The key amendments are as follows:

1. Raise MEPS for regulated split type air-conditioners, refrigerators and lamps

2. Revise MELS for regulated lamps

3. Include portable air-conditioners and more lamp types as regulated goods 

4. Set MEPS and standby power limits for televisions

The consultation exercise will start on 04 January 2023 and end on 03 February 2023.


Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯

[法规草案] 2023 年 1 月 5 日,沙特阿拉伯向 WTO 通报了一项技术法规草案,规定了与某些特定电气和电子设备的待机和关闭模式相关的能耗要求。该草案预计将于2023年4月6日采用,提议生效日期为2024年7月1日。

On 5 January 2023, Saudi Arabia notified WTO a draft Technical Regulation, setting out energy consumption requirements relating to the standby and off mode of certain specified electrical and electronic equipment.

The draft applies to the electrical and electronic devices listed in Appendix 1-a, the types and customs classification codes of which are as follows:

  • Air Conditioners 8415
  • Clothes dryers 8421
  • Dishwashers 8422
  • Washing machines 8450
  • Microwave 8516
  • Electric ovens 8516
  • Televisions and electronic screens 8528

The following devices listed in Appendix 1-b are excluded from scope:

  • Battery operated clothes dryers, dishwashers, clothes washers and those devices that can be connected to the mains through the AC adapter/ DC to be purchased separately.
  • Televisions and electronic screens that have the following characteristics:
  • Screens whose area is less than or equal to 100 cm2
  • Projectors
  • Presentation systems for meetings and conferences
  • Medical displays
  • Virtual reality systems
  • Control panels screens

The draft is expected to be adopted on 6 April 2023 with a proposed entry into force date of 1 July 2024.



其他 / 多主题产品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects

Chile 智利

智利电力和燃料监管局 (SEC) 近期发布了多项决议,针对以下多种产品公布或更新了执行协议,具体协议及实施日期如下表格。

Recently the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) published some Resolutions to approve new or updated protocols for several products. For details please see below table.



Protocol No.


实施时间 implementation date

用于玩具产品的变压器及电源Transformers and Power Supplies for toys

PE Nº1/39:2022

IEC 61558-2-7: 2007
IEC 61558-1:2017


烤面包机、烤架、烘烤机、便携式烤箱、面包机、华夫机、食品脱水机、爆米花机、烹饪盘、三明治机、空气炸锅Toaster, grill, roaster, portable oven, bread maker, wafle maker, food dehydrator, pop corn maker, cook plate, sandwich maker, air fryer

PE Nº1/08:2022

IEC 60335-2-9:2019
IEC 60335-1:2016


家用冰箱、冰柜和冷藏冷冻箱Household refrigerators, refrigerator- freezers and freezers

PE N°1/17/2:2022
(for EE)



圆锯 Circular saw

PE Nº6/05:2022

IEC 62841-2-5:2014
IEC 62841-1:2014


电钻,冲击钻Drill, Impact Drill

PE Nº6/01:2022

IEC 62841-2-1:2017 + AMD1:2021
IEC 62841-1:2014


割草机Lawn mower

PE Nº6/08:2022

IEC 62841-4-3:2020
IEC 62841-1:2014


电缆 Cable RZ1 & RZ1-K

PE N°2/17:2021

IEC 60502-1:2021 Ed. 3.0

Updated date from 2022.12.30 to 2023.6.30


China 中国

2022年12月29日,中国标准化管理委员会和中国工业和信息化部发布了强制性的国家标准GB 42295-2022,该标准制定了电动自行车的电气安全要求,适用于电动自行车或电力辅助自行车(EPAC),其电池系统的最大输出电压小于或等于60V。 电动自行车应符合GB 17761-2018和本文件GB 42295-2022的所有技术要求。自行车用铅酸电池组必须满足GB/T 32504-2017中4.3、4.4、4.6、4.7、4.12和GB/T 22199.1-2017中4.15的要求。锂离子电池组应满足GB/T 36972-2018中5.3的要求。


On 29 December 2022, the China’s Standardization Administration (SAC) and China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) published a mandatory national standard laying out electrical safety requirements for electric bicycles.

This standard specifies electrical safety requirements and test methods for marking, wiring, connections, voltage, insulation resistance, electrical strength, heat, protection, temperature and humidity resistance, vibration, and impact of electric bicycles.

This standard applies to electric bicycles or electrical power-assisted bicycles (EPACs) whose maximum output voltage of the battery system is less than or equal to 60V.

Electric bicycles should meet all the technical requirements of GB 17761-2018 and this document. Lead-acid battery packs for bicycles must meet the requirements of 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 4.12 in GB/T 32504-2017 and 4.15 in GB/T 22199.1-2017. Lithium-ion battery packs should meet the requirements of 5.3 in GB/T 36972-2018.

The standard comes into force on 1 January 2024.


China 中国

2022 年 12 月 29 日,中国工业和信息化部 和中国国家标准化管理委员会发布了第 19 号公告,批准发布强制性标准 GB 42296-2022。 本强制性国家标准概述了电动自行车充电器安全技术要求的最终版本。新版标准于 2023 年 7 月 1 日生效。

On the 29 December 2022, the China’s China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (China MIIT) and China Standardization Administration (SAC) published an announcement no.19 approving and issuing mandatory standard GB 42296-2022.  This mandatory national standard outlines the final version of the safety technical requirements for chargers of electric bicycles.

This new version of the standard comes into force on 1 July 2023.


EAEU 欧亚经济联盟

2022年12月20日,欧亚经济委员会通过了第200号决定,修改了第41号决定,关于产品符合欧亚经济联盟技术法规的注册、暂停、更新和终止声明程序,其中包括扩展了符合性声明所附的文件和信息清单、申请注册申报时需注明产品的储存条件和期限及其使用寿命 (保质期)等。

第 200 号决定将于 2022 年 1 月 22 日生效。

On 20 December 2022, the Eurasian Economic Commission adopted Decision No. 200 amending Decision No. 41 on the procedure for registration, suspension, renewal and termination of declarations of product conformity with technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The Decision established the following changes:

  • the list of documents and information attached to the declaration of conformity has been expanded;
  • the terms for consideration and registration were reduced from 5 to 3 working days;
  • added the possibility to submit the declaration and the necessary documents to the authorized body (certification body) by courier service;
  • in the application for registration of the declaration it is necessary to indicate the conditions and period of storage of product and its service life (shelf life) or product resource (in cases provided for by technical regulations, regulatory documents, standardization documents and technical documentation of the manufacturer).

Decision No. 200 will enter into force on 22 January 2022 with the exception of paragraphs 2 and 4 of the amendments (Annex to this decision), which will enter into force following a decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission on amendments to the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a unified register of issued certificates of conformity and registered declarations of conformity.


EAEU 欧亚经济联盟

2022 年 12 月 20 日,欧亚经济委员会发布批准对关税同盟委员会 2010 年 6 月 18 日第 319 号决定的修正案。该决定中包含的修正案涉及产品的证书和符合性声明,包括在受强制性合格评定的统一产品列表中。其中规定申请符合性证书以及符合性声明时需注明产品的储存条件和期限及其使用寿命 (保质期),以及二维码将被引入证书和声明的格式中。


On December 20th 2022, the Eurasian Economic Commission issued this decision approving the amendments to the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated June 18, 2010 No. 319. The amendments contained in this decision relate to certificates and declarations of conformity for products included in the Unified List of Products subject to mandatory Conformity Assessment. 

In the application for certificate of conformity and Declaration of Conformity it is necessary to indicate the conditions and period of storage of product and its service life (shelf life) or product resource (in cases provided for by technical regulations, regulatory documents, standardization documents and technical documentation of the manufacturer).

This Decision enters into force on January 22nd, 2023.


EAEU 欧亚经济联盟

2022 年 12 月 23 日,欧亚经济委员会发布了第 198 号决议,关于合格证书和合格声明的统一形式,其中包括如果更换证书或声明,则必须在电子记录中进行适当的记录,并且必须提及证书或声明的注册号和注册日期;换证期间,原签发的合格评定文件的有效期不暂停;二维码将被引入证书和声明的格式中等等。第 198 号决议自2023年1月22日起施行。

On 23 December 2022, the the Eurasian Economic Commission published Decision No. 198 with the aim of amending Decision No. 293 of 2012 on unified forms of conformity certificates and declarations of conformity.

The Decision establised the following:

  • An electronic record of a certificate or declaration in the unified register of issued certificates and registered declarations is an electronic form of a conformity assessment document;
  • The replacement of the certificate or declaration will be carried out according to the standard schemes specified in the Decision No. 44 dated April 18, 2018;
  • In case of replacement of a certificate or declaration an appropriate entry must be made in the electronic record and the registration number and date of registration of the certificate or declaration must be mentioned;
  • During the replacement period the validity of previously issued conformity assessment documents is not suspended;
  • Conformity assessment documents issued and registered prior to the entry into force of this decision are valid until their expiration date;
  • Documents on conformity assessment on paper are mandatory;
  • The “QR-code” field as well as other technical changes, have been introduced into the unified forms of the certificate and declaration;
  • In the rules for filling out the certificate a new requirement is highlighted that it is mandatory to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the expert (expert-auditor) of the certification body who signed the act of analyzing the state of production.

The Decision comes into force on 22 January 2023.


China Taiwan 中国台湾

2023 年 1 月 9 日,BSMI宣布配电设备检验相关法规的修正案。 该修正案修改了八种配电设备的检验要求。 更新后的检验标准将于2025年1月1日起由BSMI执行。

已提交旧版检验标准证书的申请人,有效期至有效期届满。关于证书有效期延长,按照旧版检验标准的申请人,应在2024年12月31日或之前提出申请。对于2025年1月1日及以后提出申请的,申请人必须遵循新版检验标准。 两种情况下证书的有效期均为三年。

Plugs and socket outlets for fixed wiring are having more and more diversified functions, e.g., wireless control, timing control, and induction control. Household switches for fixed wiring are gradually being replaced by electronic switches. As a result of risk assessment, BSMI proposes to add 8 products for fixed wiring with wireless control, wired network control, timing control, voice control, motion sensing, light sensing, and electricity calculation functions into the scope of legal inspection.  The amendments will take effect from 1 January 2025. 

For details, please refer to below link: 
